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Funny Stories of Sonya the Pig and the Little Pony. Children’s Fairy Tale. Алексей СабадырьЧитать онлайн книгу.

Funny Stories of Sonya the Pig and the Little Pony. Children’s Fairy Tale - Алексей Сабадырь

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the Little Pony

      Children’s Fairy Tale

      Алексей Сабадырь

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0062-0530-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Funny stories of Sonya the pig and the little pony


      Once upon a time there lived a piggy Sonya, in a beautiful house near the forest. She had flowers in her yard that she loved to water. One day she wanted to go to the forest to pick mushrooms, because after the rain a lot of them grow: boletus, aspen, chanterelles and others. Taking the basket with her, Sonya went into the forest. She walked and collected for a long time, and when her basket became full, she decided to return home, she walked and walked and got lost. Sonya began to shout:

      «Help au,» but no one heard her. Sonya sat down on a stump and cried, and from her tears forest flowers began to grow on the ground. She smiled and began to sing a song:

      1 verse

      Why do all mushrooms

      hats shaped like umbrellas,

      why magical dreams

      not enough for a dream.


      One, two, three – look

      how the earth turns,

      if there is love inside

      that means I’m happy.

      Verse 2

      Why colors are important

      so that there is a rainbow,

      why are flowers needed?

      so that I take care of them.

      Sonya began to dance cheerfully in a circle with mushrooms. Not far away, in a clearing, a little pony, who had always dreamed of performing in the circus, was nibbling grass. Hearing the song, she immediately galloped to where the song was heard. The song ended and Sonya sat down on the stump again, then suddenly a little pony came up to her and asked:

      – What is your name?

      – I’m piggy Sonya, and what about you? – asked the piggy.

      «I’m a little pony,» the pony answered.

      – — Your name is interesting, little pony, is it that when you eat at the table, you leave a lot of crumbs behind? – asked Sonya.

      «I’m just a little horse,» the pony answered.

      – What are you doing here? – asked Sonya.

      «I was walking in a clearing and accidentally heard this song, so I galloped up,» answered the pony.

      «And I got lost in the forest,» said Sonya.

      «Don’t be upset, I know the way,» the pony said cheerfully.

      – Really, that’s great, can I ride you? – asked Sonya.

      – Of course, sit down and I’ll take you home now, but I don’t know where you live? – said the pony.

      «And I’ll show you the way, the main thing is to get out of the forest, that’s where my home is,» Sonya answered cheerfully.

      «Let me jump, and you will sing your song,» said the pony.

      One, two, three look

      How the earth turns

      If there’s love inside

      So I’m happy

      «And here is my house,» Sonya shouted with joy, thank you little pony, let’s be friends!

      – Want! – the pony answered joyfully and they hugged.


      The little pony decided to go visit Sonya.

      Sonya opened the door and suggested:

      – — Let’s drink tea with raspberry jam!

      – Let’s! – said Sonya.

      The little pony looked around, the house was a mess, the bed was not made, the floors were dirty, there was a mountain of unwashed dishes, she was surprised and asked:

      – Sonya, why did you put dirty cups on the table?

      «Why wash them, anyway, then drink tea from them again,» answered Sonya.

      – You, you can’t do this, it’s hygiene! – said the little pony.

      «What do you understand, hygiene, my mother didn’t wash the dishes, my grandmother and all my relatives,» the piggy got angry.

      «It’s just that if you don’t wash the dishes, germs will appear, and they can make you sick,» said the pony.

      «I sometimes roll in the mud and nothing happens,» said Sonya and sang a song:

      I’m not good with cleanliness

      I don’t like to wash my face

      That’s why I’ll tell everyone

      Why won’t I buy soap?

      I don’t want to brush my teeth

      And wash the dishes too

      If you want a pony, I’ll teach you

      How to live without it

      When the song ended, the little pony got up from the table and left, and Sonya began to grimace after her.

      After a while there was a knock on the door and a joyful Sonya shouted «Pony, is that you?» I ran to the door and opened it, but the postman was standing on the threshold. The old dog Bucks brought Piggy her favorite magazine «Dunno».

      – — Maybe you’ll have tea with me, Grandpa Bucks? – asked the piggy.

      «Look at the mess you have in your house, if you want friends to come to you, you need to tidy up and live clean,» answered the old dog.

      «But my relatives also live like this,» the piggy tried to object.

      «They don’t live right, every home should have order and hygiene,» said Grandfather Bucks.

      «I promise that next time you will definitely like it at my house,» said Sonya.

      The next morning, Sonya got up at dawn, washed her face, brushed her teeth and began to clean up the house, wiping the windows, vacuuming, washing the dishes, and by lunchtime the house was clean and comfortable.

      A little pony passed by, and when Sonya saw her, she ran out into the yard and said:

      – — Pony, my house is in order, let’s go have some tea!

      The pony heard these words and went into the house and together they sang a song:

      Wash your face in the morning

      I want to brush my teeth

      Learn to do everything yourself

      If you are sick, go to the doctor

      Clean your house more often

      And it’s better to wash the dishes

      So that they can come for tea later

      All your friends are at your house

      They went out into the yard and began to cheerfully water the flowers.

      April Fool’s Day

      Piggy Sonya decided to go to the pony so that they could take a walk together, she goes and looks, and a little pony stands in front of her, grasping the tree with her hooves. Sonya came closer and asked:

      – Hi what are you doing?

      «I recently read in a book

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