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Khan. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Khan - Almaz Braev

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of reality and the expectation of a new sensation – disaster.

      It can be considered that the news feed or the hubbub of the writing and reporting fraternity creates the exchange rate through many psychological threads and the meaning of human life.

      News addiction and greed, greed for money through news, have created a worldwide epidemic. This is not Covido. People needed a catastrophic sensation. Covido is a direct consequence of drug addiction. The World Center of Financiers has created the desired news for the periphery and the masses.

      Secondary, seemingly third-rate factors indicate the impending turmoil when well-fed and well-dressed people are angry, ambitious, embittered, unyielding, arrogant, envious, and mean. People overlook the elderly; the young do not give way, and the queue is indifferent. When overloading the elevator, young guys ask a girl to come out with a child in her arms. Drivers honk at the tail of the person in front, although he has another car in front. Total indifference. Total irresponsibility of the structures, unsubscribing by blanks. Everyone, not only some officials, is portraying work. Civil servants sit for hours, waiting to run home faster.

      The hypocrisy of power and ostentation are not enough to relieve tension. Actually, the «waste» of human material is collected at the top – for natural reasons. They go to power to get rich faster. And how do people give a strategy?

      People, what do you want? What are you dreaming about? Do you want more democracy?

      Get more anger. Finally, get to the slaughterhouse, as the final catharsis of malice. War is the apotheosis of social malice. It collects everything. Squeezes and spills.

      Chapter 5

      Don’t let the crooks come forward

      Living power is hateful to the rabble; They only know how to love dead rulers.

      A.S Pushkin

      Every group, community, and person creates an organization to prevent a power struggle. That is, the system and tradition always oppose every conventional upstart.

      Thus, the ambitions of princes and feudal lords are always stacked in layers of ritual. No one can escape these conventions, even the most talented and noble prince-pretender. But what happens when someone else’s democracy (someone else’s system) is artificially introduced into such a system, into the conservative-inertial mentality of the people?

      The system is immediately disrupted.

      Imagine the Macedonian phalanx, the Roman legion, and the Mongolian lava, where the soldiers do not march in formation but push each other. Imagine a caravan where all the camels are mixed up to arrange a rider race. Imagine a hundred sudden prophets riding donkeys to Jerusalem, followed by a crowd of onlookers asking for healing from diseases. There is not only Jesus Christ and not only Caiaphas on the stage. Not one prophet, but a dozen.

      There is not a single fixation because the eyes have split.

      This is what democracy is in the gloomy environment of an innate culture and an age-old mentality of inertia. There is no way for crooks, crooks, upstarts, no matter what ambitions gnaw at them!

      But what will happen if there are too many conservative people (Zerefs), and the elite has disappeared?

      Even if there is a formal elite that still bends its knees, hypocritically crosses itself, or calls for building communism. The conservative environment has its periods of degradation when the children of rulers – complete freaks and degraders – must inherit hypocritical rituals and pray not as diligently and truthfully as their poor parents at the time. «Good times give birth to weak people.» But first, the vile rulers. The conservative environment itself is drowning in meanness before its demise. But then democracy comes!

      And the rabble finds a voice, which, in theory, should always be quiet and subdued by morality and culture.

      The mob begins to struggle for power as if these people had never had any culture, experience, or organization. The system, culture, and tradition held back the ambitions of the princes, even if one of them was the greatest. Tradition restrained not only the ambitions of the nobility but also the excess potential, which could be devastating for the nobility and everyone. Imagine how spiders sit in a jar. They hid each other in his place. They created the system reluctantly. It’s better to stand still than for everyone to die. But what does democracy do?

      It adds some aggressive cockroaches to the jar of spiders. And the whole bank goes into an unthinkable infernal movement where no one will survive. From now on, there is no system. There is an out-of-control chaos in a jar with future food for aquarium fish.

      Chapter 6

      How people kill themselves

      Social media is a massive scene. With its help, an amateur, unprofessional crowd is created. An artificial world has been created with a billion artists and almost no audience.

      To perform better, amateurs sabotage strong competitors, almost like in real life. Where there were no philosophers, no thinkers, and even just decent people, there were only buffoons, singers, and comedians left. And a billion artists.

      No one, mind you, uses violence to create the most unprecedented tyranny in history. So, it is necessary to let all people speak out – express themselves, and they will make a tyranny in which they will be victims. Can be called these people, the people killing themselves with their mass artistry?

      Chapter 7

      Chaos and degradation technology are controlled

      «Many people would like to see and hear what you have heard. But it is not given to them», «I speak to everyone in parables, but I tell you everything»

      The Bible

      The social network simultaneously creates a billion specialists on all issues: analysts, philosophers, and writers.

      Every specialist out of a billion reports his analysis on the air and gets carried away. Therefore, a real philosopher and writer turns into an enemy – hypothetically to the entire billion, not professional writers and analysts. They are offended. They hold a grudge for discrediting their capabilities.

      After a while, not only on the web but also in real life, there comes a complete horror. Moreover, the general ugliness is the product of the collective work of this very billion specialists on all issues.

      Chapter 8

      A new whistle

      «If someone calls out to you, don’t twitch. Especially if whistling is the rule. The weak man is filtered by so whistling. Look around, take a break, think. There is no hurry in the camp»

      The situation in the Norilsk camp during Stalin’s time

      What does HYIP mean? The most successful figures are engaged in HYPE on the official air, on social networks, and in politics. These are the very achievements of democracy in the 21st century, in other words, management technologies from a single center. Downtrodden, clamped, shackled people only suspect that free, in fact, gadgets in the hands of billions are signals that zombies are present at a meeting of controlled chaos. This is how the world’s new rulers have learned to control egoists. Stupid people direct all their anger at their real elite (not at rulers and officials – they are just pawns and self-satisfied money lovers). The crowd doesn’t like intelligent guys and moralists – don’t teach me how to live!

      So. The crowd calls out to the whistle. And the new whistle is hype. It is useless for sheep and cows to play Bach and Mozart. Sheep and cows react to noise. Then,

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