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История британской социальной антропологии. Алексей НикишенковЧитать онлайн книгу.

История британской социальной антропологии - Алексей Никишенков

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1975. V. 45.


      Walker M.H. Come Wind, Come Weather: A biography of Alfred Howitt. Melburne, 1971.


      Grafton Elliot Smith: The Man and his Work. Ed. by A.P. Elkin, W.A. MacIntosh. Sydney, 1974.


      Malinowski B. A. Diary in a Strict Sense of the Term. N.Y., 1967.


      Symons-Symonolewicz K. Bronislaw Malinowski: An Intellectual Profile // Polish Rewiew. 1958. V. 3 (4); Idem. Bronislaw Malinowski: Formative Influence and Theoretical Evolution // Polish Review. 1959. V. 4 (4); Idem. The Origin of Malinowski’s Theory of Magic // Polish Review. 1960. V. 5 (4).


      Uberoi J.P. Singh. Politics of the Kula Ring. An Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski. Manchester, 1962.


      Richards A.I. Bronislaw Malinowski (1884–1942) // The Founding Fathers of Social Science. Ed. by T. Raison. Harmondsworth, 1969.


      Laracy H.M. Malinowski at War, 1914–1918 // Mankind. 1976. V. 10. // 1


      Sredniawa B. The Anthropologist as Young Physicist: Bronislaw Malinowski’s // Apprenticeship // Isis. 1981. V. 72.


      Paluch A.R. The Polish Background of Malinowski’s Work // Man. 1981. V. 16.


      Firth R. Bronislaw Malinowski // Totems and Teachers: Perspectives on the History of Anthropology. Ed. by S. Silverman. N.Y., 1981.


      Strenski I. Malinowski: Second Positivism, Second Romanticism // Man. 1982. V. 17.


      Young M.W. The Intensive Study of a Restricted Area: Or, why did Malinowski Go to Trobriand Islands? // Oceania. 1984. V. 55; Idem. The Ethnographer as Hero: The Imponderabilia of Malinowski’s Everyday Life in Mailu // Canberra Anthropology. 1987. V. 10 (2).


      Wayne Malinowska H. Bronislaw Malinowski: The Influence of Various Women on his Life and Work // American Ethnologist. 1985. V. 12.


      Gross F. Young Malinowski and his Later years // American Ethnologist. 1986. V. 13.


      Man and Culture. An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski. Ed. by R. Firth. L., 1957.


      Antropologia społeczna Broisława Malinowskego. Pod. red. M. Flis i A.K. Palucha. Warczawa, 1985.


      Malinowski Between Two Worlds: The Polish Roots of an Anthropological Tradition. Ed. by R.F. Ellen et all. Cambridge, 1988.


      Chiao Chien. Radcliffe-Brown in China // Anthropology Today. Chicago, 1987. V. 3 (2); Perry R. Radcliffe-Brown and Kropotkin: The Heritage of Anarchism in British Social Anthropology // Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. 1975; Shapera I. The appointment of Radcliffe-Brown to the Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town // African Studies. 1990. V. 49; Stocking G.W.Jr. Radcliffe-Brown and British Social Anthropology // HOA. V. 3; Idem. «Yours affectionately, Rex» – Radcliffe-Brown during and after World War II // HAN. 1985. V. 12 (2).


      Barnes J.A. Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, 1902–1973 // Proceedings of the British Academy. V. 73; Douglas M. Evans-Pritchard. Brighton, 1980.


      Brown R. Passages in the Life of White Anthropologist: Max Gluckman in Northern Rhodesia // Journal of African History. 1979. V. 20; Firth R. Max Gluckman // Proceedings of the British Academy. 1975. V. 61.


      Firth R. Mayer Fortes: An Appreciation // Cambridge Anthropology. 1983. V. 8 (2); Goody J.R. Mayer Fortes, 1906–1983 // Proceedings of the British Academy. 1993. V. 80.


      Murdock G.P. British Social Anthropology // AA. 1951. V. 53.


      Watson G. The Social Construction of Boundaries Between Social and Cultural Anthropology in Britain and North America // Journal of Anthropological Research. 1984. V. 40.


      Wax M.L. Tenting with Malinowski // American Sociological Review. 1978. V. 47; Payne H.C. Malinowski’s Style // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1981. V. 125.


      Schneider D.M. Rivers and Kroeber in the Study of Kinship // Rivers W.H.R. Kinship and Social Organization. L., 1968.


      Service E.R. A Century of Controvercy: Ethnological Issues from 1860 to 1960. Orlando, 1985.


      Stocking G.W.Jr. The Problem of Translation between Paradigms: The 1933 Debate between Ralph Linton and Radcliffe-Brown // HAN. 1978. V. 5 (1); Idem. Margaret Mead and Radcliffe-Brown: Society, Social System, Cultural Character, and the Idea of Culture, 1931–1935 // HAN. 1993. V. 20 (2); Idem. Maclay, Kubary, Malinowski: Archetypes from the Dreamtime of Anthropology // The Ethnographer’s Magic: Fieldwork in British Anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski // The Ethnographer’s Magic and other Essays in the History of Anthropology. Madison, 1992.


      Geertz Cl. The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. N.Y., 1973.


      Geertz Cl. Works and Lives. The Anthropologist as Author. Cambridge, 1988.


      Van Maanen J. Tales of the Field. On Writing Ethnography. Chicago, 1988.


      Marcus G.E. and Fischer M.M.J. Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago, 1986.


      Levi-Strauss C. The Scope of Anthropology. L., 1976; Леви-Стросс К. Структурная антропология (сборник переводов). М., 1980; он же. Структурная антропология. М., 1985.



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