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The Damn Artefacts. Lana GilmanЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Damn Artefacts - Lana Gilman

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      The Time Portal

      Lana Gilman

      © Lana Gilman, 2016

      © Vlad Zaborov, translation, 2016

      Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

      Chapter 1

      The last day of June happened to be ferociously hot: the weather was quite favorable, suitable for bathing in the river or lying in the sun, especially if you lived in England where rain and fog prevail. Yet, one is forced not to pay attention to such nice weather; – after all, today is the last day of school. Another couple of minutes and the Third Master himself will be able to grant you the school certificate; as well as the portal-ring, through which magicians are able to move from place to place all over Great Britain within seconds.

      Ted Spencer was awaiting his turn, stealthily casting glances at a girl who was sitting two rows ahead of him. «Alice…» – Ted whispered his sweetheart’s name. Were they not going to meet any longer, and is he not going to share the most important thing with her, unveiling his heart? Today both of them were finishing their studies at the School of Magic and Enchantment. Tomorrow students would leave this place for somewhere else. Ted was weighing a job offer in London. Actually, Alice is a Londoner. Well, their ways might occasionally get crossed somewhere out there.

      «Spencer Ted», – he heard his name, got up and headed for the stage, in order to obtain the long-awaited certificate and the portal-ring.

      «Congratulations from the bottom of my heart», – pronounced the Master, a scrawny man of an average height in his early fifties. His black greyish hair was cropped short and his grey eyes looked cold and emotionless. – «Please accept our special thanks for your aid in gaining the upper hand over the Black Wizard».

      «Thank you, Master».

      Ted took his certificate, put the ring onto his annular and returned to his seat. On his way back he once again cast a glance at Alice, a tall slim fair-haired and blue-eyed beauty, who was smiling at him and clapping her hands. Well, in fact, not only him, but the rest, too. This is it – he had just turned into an adult magician.

      Issuance of certificates was over. Everybody got up in order to disperse to their rooms, pack their belongings and take off home right after lunch. Ted lingered for a while, for Alice to pass by, and then followed her. All of a sudden someone’s hand lay on his shoulder. Ted turned around and saw the Principal.

      «Ted, could you please come to my office?»

      «Sure, Mr. Sunrace. When?»

      «In half an hour».

      «All right, sir».

      Ted looked back, but Alice had already left the assembly hall. He sighed and made up his mind to pass the time in their school cafeteria. It was almost empty. Ted spotted his friend Jeffrey sitting at one of the tables. They had been friends since Grade 1: Ted, a hazelnut-eyed boy with black hair, and Jeff, a grey-haired blond lad. Now both of them had turned eighteen and both had become tall, handsome and well-proportioned youths.

      «Hi there, Jeff. Aren’t you getting your things packed?»

      «I’m going to make it. Got a bad headache in this hall. I must have lost sight of you back there. Why didn’t you wait for me?»

      «Sorry, bloke. Hold on, I’ll be right back…»

      Ted bought a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, right opposite Jeffrey.

      «The Principal detained me. Wants me to drop in at his office in half an hour».

      «What for?»

      «No clue».

      «Well, maybe, he is willing to offer you some job?»

      «A job? What kind of job?»

      «Don’t you want to stay in here and teach the freshmen?»

      Ted raised his eye-brows in surprise.

      «Teach? Nope, this is not my cup of tea at all. Besides, one has to study a lot, in order to teach. As for me, I am a budding adult magician. What are you up to? Have you decided yet?»

      «Not yet. Dad suggests that I go on a trip to seek brand new knowledge. He is even ready to allocate money for that. Although, to tell you the truth, my old folks have never denied me anything. They have been spoiling me, as it were…»

      The two friends burst out laughing.

      «I bet, this is not the worst thing.»

      «Come along with me, eh? Treasure hunting, looking for adventures».

      «I don’t even know yet. You see, I am willing to find a flat and a job in London, in order to start being self-sustainable. I mean, to become completely independent. I therefore doubt my participation in your journey, pal».

      «It’s a pity. You may borrow from your parents and pay them back later on though».

      «Let me give it a thought».

      «Go for it. In a week I am planning to organize sort of a party».

      «Jeff, you never change. Aren’t you sick and tired of all that?»

      «Parties will never nag me. But this coming one will be dedicated only to you».

      «Me? Why then?»

      «I am giving you just one week, for you to gather all your courage, since I also intend to invite Alice to this party».

      «Alice?» – Ted suddenly felt as if a bone had gotten stuck in his throat, and made a swallow. – «What does Alice have to do with all of this stuff?»

      «Ted, only a blind person cannot notice that she has caught your fancy».

      «Is it that obvious?»

      «Nope, don’t worry. But being your best friend I do pay attention at the glances you cast at her from time to time. You like her, don’t you? So, why don’t you want to approach her? Not today though. Today everyone is packing. Do it at my party».

      «All right. Are you positive that she will come?»

      «I reckon, yes. I’ll tell her that our whole class is getting together there».

      «Are you really going to gather the entire class?»

      «I’m not sure it will be a success. But it’s worth having a try».

      Ted looked at his watch.

      «Oh, I must be off for the Principal’s meeting».

      «Run. I’ll see you in the room».

      Ted rushed out of the cafeteria and skipping stairs got to the second floor, where Mr. Sunrace’s office was located.

      «I wonder, what the Principal needs from me? Perhaps, he will come up with some interesting and attractive job offer?» – thought Ted, knocking at the door.

      «Come on in».

      Ted stepped inside. Besides the Principal the Third Master was also present in the office.

      «Hello, you’ve asked me to come, Principal».

      «Yes, Ted, please have a seat. I won’t detain you for a long time».

      Ted sat down.Mr. Sunrace, an already grey-haired man in his sixties, gave him a smile.

      «You joined our school not long ago and now you are leaving us already. Time flashes past us at a rapid pace».

      «Does he really want to offer me a teaching position at school?» – A thought flashed in Ted’s head. Meanwhile the Principal continued.

      «I’d like to find out, whether or not you have any plans concerning your future?»

      «Not really, Principal. I am going to get settled in London, find a job».

      «Are you interested in anything definite?» – The Third Master put in a word.

      Ted shrugged his shoulders.

      «No. I have been thinking a lot as to what I would

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