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The Damn Artefacts. Lana GilmanЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Damn Artefacts - Lana Gilman

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listen very attentively to the suggestion, the Third Master is going to come up with».

      «I am all ears, sir».

      «Are you familiar with the British Museum?»

      «Certainly, sir. I have been there several times».

      «The Museum contains a Theurgy and Enchantment Department. Formally it is considered property of the Museum, but, informally, on the other hand, it reports to the Magistrate. I would like to offer you a job in the Museum. In addition, you will get a tiny flat, at the Magistrate’s expense, of course».

      Ted was surprised. That offer sounded too attractive.

      «What will my job responsibility be like? Why did you choose just me?»

      «Because you have displayed savvy and wit, bravery and courage while deciphering the Black Wizard’s mystery. It was you who brought him back to the dimension of the immortal. Undoubtedly, the access gate got closed afterwards, but, probably, this was for the better».

      Ted nodded. The Master paused for a while and went on.

      «I shall be sincere with you. A month ago our colleague from the Theurgy and Enchantment Department vanished into thin air. Searches were of no avail and have yielded zero results. We assume that something eerie is going on in the Department. Thus, we are in need of a person like you —someone who is fond of secrets; curious, bold and daring, yet at the same time careful and cautious».

      «Do you want me to disappear?» – Ted smiled.

      «No, of course, not! However, prudence and caution have never been redundant traits, have they? Your job description will be as simple as that. If indeed, you reveal something unusual and interesting, please contact me immediately. Oh, given that you agree to work there, of course».

      Ted thought for a while. Well, why not? He did have a passion for riddles and puzzles. Here he had been offered both a job and a flat at the same time.

      «If I don’t like it, may I refuse later on?»


      «Then I agree».

      «Excellent. Have a rest at home and then come to me to the Town Hall. I will hand you the keys to your new flat and give you a letter for the Deputy Head of the Museum – Mr. Merlegg. Please take this phone number and contact my personal assistant regarding the terms of the appointment».

      The Master waved his hand and a piece of paper with the phone number appeared on the table. He passed it on to Ted.

      «Thank you, Master!»

      «Good luck!»

      Ted got up.

      «See you soon, sir».

      «Bye, Ted. Good luck to you», – said the Principal.


      Ted left the Principal’s office and headed for his room which he had been sharing with Jeffrey since these two pupils had met. It was then that the two boys had become friends. They would fight at times, but would quickly reconcile and entrust one another with their secrets. The only thing Ted had meticulously concealed had been his affection toward Alice. Despite Ted’s endeavors, Jeff, being his best friend, could easily guess about Ted’s feelings.

      «What did the Principal want from you?» – asked Jeff the moment Ted stepped over the threshold.

      «In part, you were right».

      Ted sat down on his bed.

      «Has he offered you a job? Is it interesting?»

      «No, I was offered a job by the Third Master».

      «In the Magistrate?»

      «No, in the British Museum».

      And Ted told his roommate about his conversation with the Master.

      «Weird. Which kind of mysteries can be in the British Museum, I wonder? Did you say an employee disappeared there? Has he never ever been found? What if anything, like that, happens to you?»

      «No way. It won’t happen to me. I will do my best to avoid it. But you’re right —what mysteries can there be in the Museum?»

      «So, did you accept his job offer?»

      «Yes, I did. But if I don’t like it, I can always quit».

      «Will you share it with me?»

      «Of course! All right, let’s go on packing».

      The friends began packing their bags. Since every Friday night they were released home for the weekend only to return on Sunday, they therefore had few belongings to pack.

      «God dammit! I haven’t returned all my books to the library!» – Jeff cursed.

      «You may do it on your way to the dining room. I’ll help you out».

      «Really? Thanks a million!»

      «We must catch the train. Today my parents are unable to come and pick me up».

      «Ted, what train are you dwelling about? Did you forget that we have our rings?»

      «Exactly! I haven’t got used to it yet. I have never used the ring by myself though. So, why do we need to wait for the meal? Just press the gem and here you are at home, sitting with your family at your dinner table! From now on I will also be able to pick Lily up from school».

      Ted’s junior sister was fourteen and she went to the same school. But, in spite of the fact that today was the last day of school, only the graduates were eligible not to study. Lily had to complete her full school day and only tomorrow morning would she be ready to come back home.

      «Of course, you will. But we’d better stay for the dinner. This is our last feast. You know, I am going to miss all that. School was awesome!»

      «Yeah, me too».

      All of a sudden they heard the gong sound.

      «Oh, it’s about time to go downstairs to dinner».

      «Then let’s grab our books and run».

      Ted and Jeff took their books and left the room. The library was located one floor up. Students were rushing along the hallway to the dining room from all the directions. That is why the friends found it quite a challenging mission to elbow their way through the crowd.

      «Ted!» – Someone called from behind.

      Ted looked back and saw his sister – a black-haired girl with a delicate face and big hazel eyes. The two siblings looked very much alike».

      «Hi, Lily!»

      «Hey, bro! Well, well, well… May I congratulate you?»

      «Sure. Look here!»

      And Ted showed her his signet-ring.

      «Terrific! I will have to study in here for another four years…»

      «Time will fly fast. It seems to me that only yesterday I was fourteen years old!»

      «Aren’t you going downstairs to the dining room?»

      «I definitely am, but first of all I need to get to the library, in order to return the books. Then I will immediately come downstairs».

      «Well, see you around then!»

      Lily ran downstairs, while Ted and Jeff proceeded further on. They were lucky, as the library was empty. They quickly returned the books and rushed to the dining room. Dinner had not started, so they found two vacant and convenient seats in an unhurried manner.

      «We made it on time!» – Jeff gave a sigh of relief.

      «Right. I don’t like coming after the second gong».

      «Who does? Furthermore, we were given more than enough time to get here in a timely fashion. Wow, our last

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