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The Damn Artefacts. Lana GilmanЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Damn Artefacts - Lana Gilman

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to dance? No questions asked!»

      Jeffrey turned up the music and came towards Jane.

      «May I invite you for a dance?»

      «You definitely may».

      Ted took advantage of Alice sitting close to him.

      «May I invite you?»

      «With pleasure!»

      They proceeded to the middle of the hall and Ted embraced the girl by her waist. There was a slow tune on and Ted enjoyed the evening and his touching the girl he had been long in love with. He felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

      «Ted, didn’t you want to say something to me while we were near the pool?»

      «Yes. We were discussing spare time. After all, despite getting ready for the examinations you must have a rest from time to time, mustn’t you?»


      They were approached by Leo.

      «Excuse me, Ted! There are fewer girls at the party tonight. Would you mind if I dance with Alice a little?»

      «Feel free».

      Ted smiled at Alice and loosened his embrace. Only a minute ago he was happy, but at the moment he felt frustrated. Would he be capable of inviting her for a date? Ted sat down on the sofa and began observing the dancing pairs. Soon afterwards he got sick and tired of watching Alice dancing with each and every classmate of theirs, one after another. He therefore left for the swimming pool. However, the bench there was occupied. A couple was sitting and hugging on it. Ted was quite surprised to recognize Jeffrey and Emma.

      «Look at you! You too keep your own secrets which you do not want to share with your best friend!» – he thought.

      Ted turned around and stealthily returned to the house, unwilling to be seen by anyone. What a miracle! He suddenly saw Alice who was sitting on the sofa with a magazine in her hands. She might have got bored of too much dancing. He came up to her and landed in an arm-chair right in front of her.

      «At last you are alone!»

      «Yes, I am. You were always willing to tell me something, but you were interrupted all the time».

      «I would like to invite you to dinner».

      Eventually he dared pronounce that and now he was excited awaiting her response. Alice looked at him with surprise, paused for a while and then smiled.

      «Why not, Ted? It would be my pleasure».

      Ted felt as if a heavy load had been taken off his heart.

      «You can hardly imagine how glad I am that you agreed!»

      «I am most pleased! Where and when?»

      «What about the restaurant „At the Three Magicians“? At eight o’clock».



      «All right. But I don’t know where it is located».

      «It is in Magic-Cross. You know, the place where just magicians are let in. At around eight I will be waiting for you near your house and we’ll move there together».


      Jeffrey came back to the room. All by himself. Seeing Ted and Alice he raised his eye-brows, as if asking, «How was it?» Ted smiled and nodded. Then Jeffrey turned to Ted,

      «Ted, may I kidnap you for a sec? Or are you busy? It’s not that urgent».

      Ted nodded to Alice,

      «Excuse me. I’ll be right back».

      They stepped outside.

      «So, how goes it?»

      «Everything’s fine. We are having dinner tomorrow».

      «Good job! I was more than sure you would succeed. Beware of the following: once you have trapped a bird, don’t release it!»

      «Well, I haven’t really trapped anyone yet! But I saw that you had trapped one already, bud».

      «Me? Who?»

      «Emma. I am sorry, man, but I occasionally spotted you two».

      «Oh, no. that was just for fun. Nothing serious. O.K., get back to Alice, unless she gets bored in oblivion».

      They returned home. Ted sat down by Alice, but she rose and looked at her watch.

      «It’s so late. I shall go home now».

      «So shall I. I am to wake up early tomorrow morning. I’m going to say goodbye to Jeff. May I see you off?»

      «Sure! I will also part with everyone first».

      Ted came up to Jeffrey.

      «Bye, Jeff! I am taking off. Will walk Alice home. Thanks for all you’ve done!»

      «Not at all, dude! Be my guest and feel free to contact me any time».

      The two friends hugged each other. Ted parted with everybody and waited for Alice. Both of them went out.

      «See you tomorrow, Ted!»

      «So long!»

      Alice pressed her portal-ring gem and disappeared. After a while Ted also pressed his gem and found himself at his place. He went to bed, but he could hardly fall asleep. Ted was happy that he had overcome his fear and invited Alice to dinner. The truth was that he had never before dated girls, nor had he invited them for dinners, staying face to face with them in a restaurant.

      «Hopefully, I won’t utter any bullshit. Otherwise I will have to forget about all my secret hopes».

      With such thoughts he finally fell asleep.

      Chapter 4

      Saturday was Ted’s day-off and he could sleep as much as he wanted. After luncheon Ted decided to find out, whether what Steven had told him about the joust was true. He called the jousts association and it appeared to be true. In autumn, the playoffs would commence. Each and every one willing to compete was welcomed to sign up for a joust, as well as for a practice. After a short contemplation Ted decided to register. He would have more than enough time in order to get hold of the necessary ammunition and to find a horse. What a pleasant surprise! Alice had told him that she had always been kept her fingers crossed for him! He had never noticed it though. Might she have intended to pay him a compliment? Well, why would she, he wondered?

      «Aren’t you willing to work out a bit, sir? You will keep in proper shape to fight against any volunteering knight then,» – asked a serviceman in charge.

      «Thank you, but I have no outfit yet. I learned about the joust only yesterday».

      «You may rent it from us for your practice. But you are to sign up first».

      «Then with pleasure».

      There was a vacancy the following Saturday, exactly on Ted’s day-off, so he signed up for the joust.

      He came back home and began his preparations for his coming date with Alice, even though he had plenty of time left. He took a bath, shaved himself, carefully chose his garments – a cream shirt and a dark grey suit. The mirror was sharing helpful tips with him, as usual. At a quarter to eight Ted was already nearby Alice’s place of residence. Here she came – beautiful and elegant, as always.

      «Hello, have you been waiting for me long time?»

      «Hi! Nope, I’ve just arrived. How’re you? Looking gorgeous!»

      Ted cast a glance at her. Her hair was gathered from behind, light makeup on her face: only her eyes were made more distinct with mascara and her lips were touched with a light pink lipstick.

      Ted had to make an effort lest he touch her lips with his. She wore a dark red dress and had a pair of the same

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