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The Damn Artefacts. Lana GilmanЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Damn Artefacts - Lana Gilman

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on his superior’s door.

      «Ah, Ted, come on in! How’s work?»

      «Smooth, Mr. Merlegg. I wanted to share with you something. You’re likely to find it interesting».

      «Really? Have a seat. I’m listening to you attentively».

      Ted sat down and started his narration.

      «As far as you know, four years ago the Magistrate disclosed our existence. Now it has been decided to allow ordinary people – non-magicians – to be present at a magician-knights’ joust».

      «A magician knights’ joust? What’s that?»

      «Oh, it resembles a usual chivalrous joust from the Middle Ages, the only difference is as such: we are entitled to take advantage of any big flying animal and to use magic against one another. I used to be the champion back in my school».

      «The champion? So, you also intend to participate».

      «Hope so. Yesterday I applied for participation in the joust and the playoff matches are to start in September. I think, I shall have got hold of a winged horse or some other animated vehicle by then».

      «A winged horse? The one from myths?»

      «Not necessarily from myths. This is quite an existent beast. Hope you will also have a chance to see it. You may use dragons, but only the tamed ones».

      Mr. Merlegg was shocked.

      «Dragons? Do you imply that dragons also exist? And that it’s not a fable? I was more than confident that such a fictitious tourist attraction had been made especially for the Department».

      «But they do exist, really. They aren’t as wicked as they are described in books. They inhabit the places where people almost don’t show up. They are facing hardships, as of now. The Magistrate is willing to set up special nature reserves for them».

      «Why aren’t they exhibited in zoos? I happened to see some magic animals in our local zoo in the Department of Magic Creatures».

      «Dragons are the entities who value freedom. They cannot be kept under lock and key. It’s strictly forbidden to cut their wings, like birds».

      «Then you’d better used horses to fly around.» – smiled Mr. Merlegg.

      «I am going to have a practice joust this coming Saturday. Would you like to come and see it?»

      «Saturday? It’s a pity I am travelling to Paris with my family this coming weekend. But I’d be most delighted to attend your next practice».

      «Definitely come by!»

      Ted went returned to the Department.

      After a few minutes, a group accompanied with a tour guide came in. The guide was speaking French. Ted was very fluent in this language.

      «Mesdames et messieurs, c’est une division de la magie. M. Ted vous dit tout. Hopefully, you have a good command of the French language, sir?» – he turned to Ted in English.

      «Yes, sure».

      Ted continued with the excursion. He was showing to the guests from France various exhibits and translating the magicians’ stories. The guests were particularly amazed by their ghosts and spooks. They would meet the appearance of each and every new magician with stormy applause. Then they asked Ted to perform his own magic tricks. To their complete and utter joy Ted turned a chair into a bulky vase and vice versa. By the end of their tour the visitors entered the labyrinth. They were absent for a long time, so Ted was concerned. Might they have got lost and forgotten how to open the entrance door? Another five minutes passed, the door opened up and two tourists emerged from the labyrinth. They were radiating fun.

      «Are we the first ones?»

      «Yes, you are. Are you O.K.?»

      «Oh, we’re absolutely fine! We were the first to find the exit. Down there, inside the labyrinth, a giant crab attacked us. But we defeated it».

      Only a quarter of an hour later the whole group was outside. Some of its members were lucky to find the exit, whereas the others used the alarm button. Nevertheless, all of them were satisfied and thanked Ted for a long time afterwards. Their guide needed much time to withdraw the Frenchmen from the hall.

      One more working week flew past. Ted rarely talked to Alice (the girl was getting ready for her exams) and frequently communicated with Jeffrey. The latter found it difficult to decide what he is going to do for living. His long-awaited Saturday set in. Alice gave Ted a phone call in the morning.

      «Hi! Are you awake yet?»

      «Hi there! Almost. I usually wake up late on the weekends».

      «That’s the reason I decided to wake you up. You, men, are fond of lying in bed!»


      «I’d love to invite you for breakfast and then we’ll go to the arena».

      «With pleasure! Where shall we have breakfast?»

      «I know one lovely café. Come on, transport yourself to me and I’ll show you».

      «I agree. Give me another twenty minutes».

      Ted got ready quickly and moved to Alice’s house. She was already waiting for him.

      «Where are we heading for?»

      «Pretty close. An admirable place. You must be strong today!»

      «This is just a practice. Its purpose is to recollect the skills, to warm up a bit…»

      «Did I tell you that I had always been your fan?»

      «Yes, you did. When we were at Jeffrey’s place».

      «Ah, right. Once I almost fought with Mary. She was a Thompson’s fan. Here we are».

      They came into a tiny and cozy cafeteria. There were few visitors. The friends chose a place by the window. A waiter immediately came up to them and put a menu on their table.

      «Here is the menu. Please choose».

      Ted chose fried eggs with bacon and coffee, having pronounced his order out loud. However, nothing happened. Alice laughed.

      «This isn’t a magic café! Waiter!»

      The waiter came up to their table holding a notepad and a pen.

      «What would you like to eat?»

      «Fetch us please two dishes with fried eggs and two cups of coffee».

      The waiter jotted their order and left.

      «You haven’t called me a lot these days».

      «I am sorry. I was afraid I might bother you while you were getting ready for your examinations. But I thought about you. Today I am available for you for the entire day. Do you want me to spend it with you?»

      «Sure, but nothing will come out of it. After the joust I am to accompany my parents to their acquaintances’ tea-party. Dad said it was crucial».

      «What a pity. I am going to visit my parents tomorrow. I spend every Sunday at their place. Mom minded my moving to London and living here all by myself. After all, I am capable of transporting myself to work from any place in Great Britain. Yet I felt like being self-sustained».


      «So far it has been pretty successful».

      Their breakfast was served and they started to eat.

      «You have seldom spoken about your parents. You’ve only mentioned that your father is a doctor and that you were born and bred in Scotland. Are you Scottish?»

      «No, I am an Englishman, but I was born in Scotland and I even know the language a little».

      «How interesting! Is it very different from

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