Lessons Enlightenment. Elena SidelnikovaЧитать онлайн книгу.
And the ocean of consciousness is limitless. And each of you is limitless just like this ocean of consciousness.
You often emphasize the word «absolute.» So, have you become the Absolute?
I have become the self-aware Absolute. I and He are one. I am Him.
And is He you?
No, not quite. I am Him. But He is even broader than I am.
But you are limitless.
Yes. But His limitlessness is more powerful.
I don’t understand. Is there a gradation of limitlessness?
Rather, it is the depth of limitlessness. You have been told about this.
Yes, I remember. Our Absolute is on the path of self-discovery through separation. And His ABSOLUTE is on the path of self-discovery through deepening into SELF. But actually, there is the Manifest Absolute and the Unmanifest Absolute. So, does that mean you are the Manifest Absolute?
Yes, I am the manifest part of the Manifest Absolute.
You are still a part? What about limitlessness?
It’s again a play on words. I am what you have been told about. At once both a part and the whole. And this is the only difference from Him, because He is simply the whole.
I was told that the goal of the experiment was to become a divine part of the whole and acquire all the qualities of the whole while still being a part. So, you have completed this path and demonstrated that it is possible?
Nothing is impossible. I have completed this path, and each of you will complete it too. But you will do it in your own way. When the fatigue from the game of illusions sets in. When the thirst for perfection becomes unbearable, you will return to your wholeness.
So, there is no point in trying if there is no thirst for perfection? Because it won’t work anyway?
If you have pondered this, then your thirst has already made itself known. And now, with each passing day, it will remind you more strongly. And until you quench this thirst, you will not find peace. You will not be able to be happy in imperfection, knowing that ahead of you lies your perfection.
What is perfection?
When you have everything. And there is nothing more to desire. All desires arise from the lack of something. So you desire something and achieve it. But upon achieving it, you desire the next thing that you don’t yet have. But if you have everything, then you have nothing more to desire. You asked about attractiveness. Remember the joy of achieving what you wanted. Can you imagine the joy of having everything? Everything you wished for and could wish for? Everything. Can you imagine the ecstasy of the perfection of perception?
I am usually told about the perfection of being.
It’s the same. Being is perception.
So, are you saying that achieving the state of the ocean of consciousness is the ecstasy of freedom and having everything?
Yes. That’s right.
But ecstasy implies a peak. And that means a decline will follow.
No. You will continuously be in this ecstatic state of perception, and in it, there can be no declines or anything unpleasant, because everything within you is perfect.
So, it turns out that there is nothing to do in general. Since the thirst has awakened in me, is the rest just a matter of time? Sooner or later, it will become critical, and I will be thrown back to my wholeness, like a stretched and released rubber band?
Yes. It is a natural and inevitable process. It is both your and my essence, from which there is no escape because you already are it. But this period can stretch over many lifetimes or decades of your life. So it’s up to you: to act or not to act. Whether you can continue to endure the thirst and not drink from the ocean of perfection.
It reminds me of a fairy tale about a person drinking from the ocean of oblivion.
Yes, it echoes the described process. The Ocean of Consciousness can also be called the Ocean of Oblivion. Oblivion of partiality, dissolution of boundaries and conditions. You suffer from thirst, and then, finally, unable to endure, you dive into the ocean and begin to drink the water of perfection and forget your thirst. Because you become that ocean: its waters dissolve your boundaries, and you become the «sea foam.»
Yes. It’s a poetic fairy tale. A fairy tale about how the Little Mermaid became nothing for the sake of love.
No. It’s a fairy tale about how, through love, the Little Mermaid became everything.
You are also a poet.
I have been observing for many centuries.
Where is love in the concept you described? Jesus showed the way of love. We are told that you showed the way of wisdom. And love?
The ocean of consciousness itself is love. And what drives you is only love. That very thirst is love; it is likeness. A fragment of love strives to return to the ocean of love, to its likeness. My difference from Jesus is that Jesus drew all seekers into his current, into his striving. He would give a push to each person’s thirst, becoming the channel of a stream into which anyone could be drawn to the ocean of consciousness. He allowed everyone to experience his thirst. He showed how to become that thirst and that love. I, on the other hand, walked the path of my thirst alone.
But you had disciples, didn’t you? What happened to them? Did they ascend?
Very few did. And not immediately.
What were the obstacles faced by the disciples of Buddha who did not reach the Ocean of Consciousness? What obstacles should those who embark on the path of enlightenment beware of?
There were many obstacles for the disciples. The greatest one is the fear of separation, the fear of losing everything. Obstacles exist when you are separate. There is you, and there is the goal you need to achieve, and there are also obstacles on the way to achieving it. In other words, there are boundaries that need to be overcome. But if there are no boundaries, there is nothing to overcome! And there are no obstacles.
So it turns out that the more a person separates from their wholeness, the stronger their thirst for return becomes, but at the same time, the greater the fear, because with further separation, the fear grows. It creates a kind of vicious circle. Returning through the fear of separation is impossible. But the separation itself creates fears. How can this be overcome?
Believe. Believe that there is no separation. That all divisions are conditional and are merely a game.
But that is the most difficult thing. How to do it?
By contemplating the essence of things. Find the essence in every thing, every phenomenon, every event, every person. What unites them with you. It’s not about understanding. Although many of you are on that path. You need to grasp that energy of unity, the energy of likeness. Find your part, your essence in each, and simply merge with that likeness. Sooner or later, the boundaries will disappear, and you will realize your unity with the whole world.
Does each person have a completely unique illusion, or are there some common elements for all of humanity? The question is not trivial, as the illusion of society causes me strong irritation and rejection due to its primitiveness and sometimes outright foolishness, which starkly contrasts with the beauty and wisdom of Mother Nature. So, if the society I observe is exclusively my illusion, then it should correspond to me and my level of perception, meaning it shouldn’t irritate me. Yet, it does?
There is nothing personal or impersonal. By dividing, you will never attain wholeness. Everything around