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$ 300 Million. Part 2. Happiness. Alexander NevzorovЧитать онлайн книгу.

$ 300 Million. Part 2. Happiness - Alexander Nevzorov

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thereby attracts happiness itself. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Try it.

      During my childhood in theaters, there was an American film “Oh, Lucky One”. About the person who was taught (the teacher and life itself) to smile in spite of everything to succeed. Good, indicative in this respect, the film.

      Look at the western “stars”, the successful people there and our network marketing leaders. That’s who personifies success and happiness (words are synonyms?). Can a star be gloomy? Maybe, only then will all her fans turn her back. And she will no longer be a star.

      So, I propose to put on a smile and walk with her down the street like a fool? Yes, that’s what I propose. Only to walk not as a fool, but as a happy person (with happiness already held). Let people look, because their smile attracts. How she attracts (smile) and success and joy, and love, and Happiness. So let’s smile (constantly) to each other, people, children, nature, morning, evening, Life. Smile, people, Happiness has come to you!

      January 5, 2011

      What should Alexei say to Ekaterinburg? He chose for himself a difficult path of entrepreneurship and therefore he has no one to blame for his fate. Work it as an engineer (technician, foreman, worker) in some quiet office, get your 10—15 tr. and “do not deny yourself anything,” he does not want such a share. He wants to make a lot of money, but here, in business, there are many risks.

      The first impression of a letter is that a person is too fixated on the problem of money. So I want to say to him: “Go to the conservatory, listen to the symphony orchestra. Go to the park or go to the forest, spend a day skiing among nature. Relax in some way, take off the problem of money. “But he does not wait for such an answer, he needs an answer to the question posed.

      How is his question formulated? How to live on? What to do? There is no question: “Who is to blame?”. Joke. The correct answer is: “Do not make money out of money (absence, presence). Avoid it (this problem), do not let her close to her. After all, the problem is something you yourself, this is your choice. You can consider the lack of money as a problem, but you can not count it.”

      This is a general answer. But what exactly needs to be done to remove this problem? What actions or actions? What is the mechanism for removing the problem? This is the next post.

      January 6, 2011

      From Alexey’s short letter one can not draw a conclusion about the causes of his problem, too little information. To get it, you need a dialogue with Alexey, you need leading questions, you need a more complete description of the problem. One thing is certain, there is a problem, and this problem is connected with money. What does the word “problem” mean? In this case, as in most cases, this means a negative attitude of the subject to some situation. In fact, Alexei has a negative attitude toward money, despite the fact that he applies all his strength to their receipt.

      How is any problem fixed? It is necessary to change the negative attitude to the situation by a positive one. And the most powerful and effective positive is love. Alexis needs (strange as it may sound for someone) to love money. There are many ways (exercises) for this. Here are 2 of them, the most applicable, in my opinion, to this case. Alexei and does not expect general advice and reasoning, but specific recommendations.

      1. Within 10 days (today the first one) one should write 100 phrases on a piece of paper or “on the computer”. The text of the phrase is: “I love money.” 10 days for 100 phrases.

      2. Put a “beacon” on the word “money” or similar words, for example, rubles, dollars, cost, price, etc. To put a beacon means when you mention someone and yourself the words “money” or their synonym, to make certain actions in your thoughts. In this case it could be the phrase: “I love money.” That is, if Alexei catches himself thinking that he thinks about money, or hears this word in a conversation, he should mentally say to himself or out loud: “I love money.” And so all the time, at least a month.

      3. It is more effective to put a beacon with a string from some song. In this case, for example, the phrase from the song (cartoon) of the Bremen Musicians fits: “And I love money.” The song of the atamans of the robbers. The line from the song is better remembered. And with the word “money” you just need to sing “I love money”. So simple? Yes, if you remember this and do it all the time.

      January 8, 2011

      Exercise “a hundred times ten”, i.e., writing the phrase 100 times in a row within 10 days, described in the previous note, operates without fail. After writing the phrase “I love money” after the first day, suddenly (suddenly?) I had several ideas for attracting these very money. Naturally, it is necessary to remember the observance of the rule of law, ethics, etc.

      As for the “smile” exercise, it is also very effective. For example, a person is in a room alone. He smiles, just does this exercise. If at this time he analyzes his thoughts, he will see (hear, joke) that his thoughts change (along with emotions). They change in a positive direction. It just gets better or much better than it was. In other words, by smiling, he improves (changes) his state of health.

      If a person “puts on” a smile “in public”, then his attitude to people automatically changes. All negative emotions go away, they are replaced by positive ones. And it attracts people, attracts good thoughts and emotions, attracts all the good things in life. Smiling, a person loves himself, loves people, loves the whole world.

      January 9, 2011

      Exercise “100 times for 10 days” effectively works against any complexes and prejudices. The main complex, inherent in many people, from which various numerous “complexes” grow, is dislike for oneself. And to begin, in principle, it is necessary with the exercise, where the phrase “I love myself” is written.

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