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I was deprived of the right. State banditry. Alexander NevzorovЧитать онлайн книгу.

I was deprived of the right. State banditry - Alexander Nevzorov

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rived of the right

      State banditry

      Alexander Nevzorov

      © Alexander Nevzorov, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4490-1403-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Sneaky equality

      I went to the store yesterday

      The Constitution was found

      Before the fortieth article

      Very quickly, I came

      Here about the right to housing

      About me, eh-my

      Homeless – for life I carry

      Proudly your title

      There is no roof or corner

      The share of the bomb is heavy

      Without a propiska, you’re a friend

      Worse than any goat

      At work do not take

      Without a piece of paper,

      You can not become unemployed

      It is not necessary and here

      And you can not vote

      You can only chew food

      What is given from the TV screen

      Yes, drinking wine

      And the damned courts

      Not syudy, but all the tudas

      And to the homeless vagabond

      Only to wait from them troubles

      Constitution, Hooray!

      I have long been time

      To have any accommodation

      But there arose a hole

      A small such flaw —

      The Constitution for those

      Who is the most equal to all

      Who is the average of many

      The rest of all – from the screw

      The situation is simple

      The Law is

      And behind the Right is Emptiness

      Homeless unhappy waiting for a corner

      Constitution – the needle

      Do not sit down better.

      Wait for the end, everything will hide the fog…

      Article of the Constitution No. 40

      The Constitution of Russia has article number 40. It reads:

      1. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HOUSING (highlighted here and further by me). No one can be arbitrarily deprived of a home.

      2. Bodies of state power and local self-government bodies encourage housing construction, create conditions for the implementation of the right to housing.

      3. LITTLE, other citizens indicated in the law who need a home, it is provided for FREE or for affordable payment from state, municipal and other housing funds in accordance with the norms established by law.

      The right to housing was deprived me in 2008. Since then I am homeless. I do not have a home or a residence permit. In the city line for social housing (social housing) I am standing on March 21, 2014 (queue number 16458—2014). And I still have to be at least 37 years old in it. This is the Law in our country. The right is, but there is no shelter.

      But first things first. I will tell my story, based on facts and documents. I will give the names and surnames of those people who are to blame (in my opinion) in state arbitrariness. It is unlikely that they will be ashamed. But I can not keep silent about it. Of course, officials are covered by some articles of some laws and acts, the allegedly serving the State and the System, and other justifications. But I believe that they all acted meanly. And for their meanness must be answered. In this world or on that. Evidence of committing their vile deeds is this book.

      I’m homeless

      On February 19, 2008, Judge Nenashina Marina Evgenievna deprived me of my housing and residence permit. The owner of the housing where I was registered (I will give here the exact address of his latest registration: St. Petersburg, Leninsky Prospekt, 110, building 1, sq. 400), sued my eviction. I was registered (registered) in the 10-meter room of the communal apartment. A certain Mr. P. objected to my residence and my registration. The proprietor is the owner, wants – prescribes, wants – writes out. But I have a question for Mr. P. Why did he not object when I wrote to him? After all, my registration, and I registered at Leninsky Prospekt on February 22, 2001 (exactly seven years earlier), was legal. And the answer is simple. P. for money prescribes people in his room, and then writes through the court free of charge, without their consent. In 2001, I paid a certain amount of American dollars for registration in this room. Did Mr. P. pay taxes on this amount? I’m sure not.

      The judge of the Kirov district court Nenashina ME In its decision of February 19, 2008 (Case No. 2—800 / 08), it was decided: to recognize Nevzorov Alexander Gennadievich who did not acquire the right to a dwelling – a room measuring 10, 27 square meters. m. in the communal apartment №400 of the house 110 building 1 on Leninsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, with subsequent removal from the registration at the specified address.

      And I was without shelter and without a residence permit. I became a person without a fixed place of residence (Homeless). As a homeless person I am officially registered in the so-called “Center for Accounting and Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation without a Place of Residence” under the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg. The number of my “social accounting” certificate is 18599.

      I did not appeal the decision of the court, I simply did not know about it. And he had no particular reason to appeal. If the decision of the court of first instance fits into the System (and it practically can not fit there), then it will be duplicated by all other higher courts. Even if there are violations of law (laws). Courts of all instances stamp their decisions under the authority of the authorities. And it does not matter to them that human rights and laws are violated. And so a simple (small) person is useless to complain and file suits up. USELESS.

      Judge Nenashina Marina Evgenievna denied me the right to housing (living space), where I lived for 7 years and where I was registered (at the place of residence). By her decision, she deprived me at the same time and propiska. And what does it mean to live without a residence permit, you know? Let’s start with the fact that the work (normal work on the work book) without a propiska is not taken. Take any piece of paper, any document, everything depends on the registration. Later (I’ll write about this later), I was refused in Prave to be (become) unemployed, referring to the lack of registration (propiska). Did judge Nenasin ME know what she was doing to me, depriving me of registration? Of course, I knew, because she lives here, in the same city with me, in one country. She knew that a person without a residence permit can not even get a bank card. In general, what a person can not receive without registration is a large list. For example, a homeless person can not vote. But first things first…

      And what about the article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 40, where it is written that the state guarantees every citizen his right to housing? After all, this article, no one has yet canceled. And does Judge Nenasin know that there is in general the Constitution of Russia? That there is such an article (№4, part 2) in it an article where it is written that the Constitution of the Russian Federation has supremacy in the whole territory of Russia and there is an article No. 15 (part 1), where it is said that the Constitution has supreme legal force and direct effect? Maybe he knows, or maybe not. But I know firmly that Judge Nenasin M. Ye has committed lawlessness and meanness towards me.


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