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Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7. Сэмюэл РичардсонЧитать онлайн книгу.

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7 - Сэмюэл Ричардсон

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the vilest of all men. The disgrace of seizing her in the street; multitudes of people about her; shocking imputations wounding her ears; had indeed been very affecting to her. But that was over.—Every thing soon would! —And she should be still more composed, were it not for the apprehensions of seeing one man, and one woman; and being tricked or forced back to the vilest house in the world.

      Then were it not better to give way to the two gentlewoman's offer to bail her?—They could tell her, it was a very kind proffer; and what was not to be met every day.

      She believed so.

      The ladies might, possibly, dispense with her going back to the house to which she had such an antipathy. Then the compassionate gentleman, who was inclined to make it up with her creditors on her own bond—it was very strange to them she hearkened not to so generous a proposal.

      Did the two ladies tell you who the gentleman was?—Or, did they say any more on the subject?

      Yes, they did! and hinted to me, said the woman, that you had nothing to do but to receive a visit from the gentleman, and the money, they believed, would be laid down on your own bond or note.

      She was startled.

      I charge you, said she, as you will answer it one day to my friends, I charge you don't. If you do, you know not what may be the consequence.

      They apprehended no bad consequence, they said, in doing their duty: and if she knew not her own good, her friends would thank them for taking any innocent steps to serve her, though against her will.

      Don't push me upon extremities, man!—Don't make me desperate, woman!—I have no small difficulty, notwithstanding the seeming composure you just now took notice of, to bear, as I ought to bear, the evils I suffer. But if you bring a man or men to me, be the pretence what it will——

      She stopt there, and looked so earnestly, and so wildly, they said, that they did not know but she would do some harm to herself, if they disobeyed her; and that would be a sad thing in their house, and might be their ruin. They therefore promised, that no man should be brought to her but by her own consent.

      Mrs. Rowland prevailed on her to drink a dish of tea, and taste some bread and butter, about eleven on Saturday morning: which she probably did to have an excuse not to dine with the women when they returned.

      But she would not quit her prison-room, as she called it, to go into their parlour.

      'Unbarred windows, and a lightsomer apartment,' she said, 'had too cheerful an appearance for her mind.'

      A shower falling, as she spoke, 'What,' said she, looking up, 'do the elements weep for me?'

      At another time, 'The light of the sun was irksome to her. The sun seemed to shine in to mock her woes.'

      'Methought,' added she, 'the sun darting in, and gilding these iron bars, plays upon me like the two women, who came to insult my haggard looks, by the word beauty; and my dejected heart, by the word haughty airs!'

      Sally came again at dinner-time, to see how she fared, as she told her; and that she did not starve herself: and, as she wanted to have some talk with her, if she gave her leave, she would dine with her.

      I cannot eat.

      You must try, Miss Harlowe.

      And, dinner being ready just then, she offered her hand, and desired her to walk down.

      No; she would not stir out of her prison-room.

      These sullen airs won't do, Miss Harlowe: indeed they won't.

      She was silent.

      You will have harder usage than any you have ever yet known, I can tell you, if you come not into some humour to make matters up.

      She was still silent.

      Come, Miss, walk down to dinner. Let me entreat you, do. Miss Horton is below: she was once your favourite.

      She waited for an answer: but received none.

      We came to make some proposals to you, for your good; though you affronted us so lately. And we would not let Mrs. Sinclair come in person, because we thought to oblige you.

      This is indeed obliging.

      Come, give me your hand. Miss Harlowe: you are obliged to me, I can tell you that: and let us go down to Miss Horton.

      Excuse me: I will not stir out of this room.

      Would you have me and Miss Horton dine in this filthy bed-room?

      It is not a bed-room to me. I have not been in bed; nor will, while I am here.

      And yet you care not, as I see, to leave the house.—And so, you won't go down, Miss Harlowe?

      I won't, except I am forced to it.

      Well, well, let it alone. I sha'n't ask Miss Horton to dine in this room, I assure you. I will send up a plate.

      And away the little saucy toad fluttered down.

      When they had dined, up they came together.

      Well, Miss, you would not eat any thing, it seems?—Very pretty sullen airs these!—No wonder the honest gentleman had such a hand with you.

      She only held up her hands and eyes; the tears trickling down her cheeks.

      Insolent devils!—how much more cruel and insulting are bad women even than bad men!

      Methinks, Miss, said Sally, you are a little soily, to what we have seen you. Pity such a nice lady should not have changes of apparel! Why won't you send to your lodgings for linen, at least?

      I am not nice now.

      Miss looks well and clean in any thing, said Polly. But, dear Madam, why won't you send to your lodgings? Were it but in kindness to the people? They must have a concern about you. And your Miss Howe will wonder what's become of you; for, no doubt, you correspond.

      She turned from them, and, to herself, said, Too much! Too much!—She tossed her handkerchief, wet before with her tears, from her, and held her apron to her eyes.

      Don't weep, Miss! said the vile Polly.

      Yet do, cried the viler Sally, it will be a relief. Nothing, as Mr. Lovelace once told me, dries sooner than tears. For once I too wept mightily.

      I could not bear the recital of this with patience. Yet I cursed them not so much as I should have done, had I not had a mind to get from them all the particulars of their gentle treatment: and this for two reasons; the one, that I might stab thee to the heart with the repetition; and the other, that I might know upon what terms I am likely to see the unhappy lady to-morrow.

      Well, but, Miss Harlowe, cried Sally, do you think these forlorn airs pretty? You are a good christian, child. Mrs. Rowland tells me, she has got you a Bible-book.—O there it lies!—I make no doubt but you have doubled down the useful places, as honest Matt. Prior says.

      Then rising, and taking it up.—Ay, so you have.—The Book of Job! One opens naturally here, I see—My mamma made me a fine Bible-scholar.—You see, Miss Horton, I know something of the book.

      They proposed once more to bail her, and to go home with them. A motion which she received with the same indignation as before.

      Sally told her, That she had written in a very favourable manner, in her behalf, to you; and that she every hour expected an answer; and made no doubt, that you would come up with a messenger, and generously pay the whole debt, and ask her pardon for neglecting it.

      This disturbed her so much, that they feared she would have fallen into fits. She could not bear your name, she said. She hoped she should never see you more: and, were you to intrude yourself, dreadful consequences might follow.

      Surely, they said, she would be glad to be released from her confinement.

      Indeed she should, now they had begun to alarm her with his

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