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Mark Manning's Mission. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Mark Manning's Mission - Alger Horatio Jr.

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in my pocket. Nearly thirty dollars! I wonder whether I shall ever have as much of my own?"

      In truth, thirty dollars seemed a much larger sum to our hero, brought up in a hand to hand struggle with poverty, than it would have appeared if he had been ten years older.

      "He must have more money," thought Mark, "or he would not care so little for this sum as to trust it all to me. How does he know that I will prove honest?"

      Nevertheless it was a satisfaction to Mark to reflect that old Anthony was justified in his confidence. Had the sum been ten times as large, he would not have been tempted to retain any of it for his own use.

      He kept on his way to the drug store, and asked for the medicines already referred to.

      "Is your mother sick?" asked the druggist, who was very well acquainted with Mark and his family.

      "No, sir," answered Mark.

      "Oh, then it is you who are rheumatic," said the druggist jokingly.

      "Wrong again," answered Mark. "I am buying the medicines for old Anthony."

      "Then he is sick? That accounts for his not having appeared in the village for several days."

      Thereupon Mark described his chance visit to the cabin, and the condition in which he had found the hermit.

      "These remedies will do him good," said the druggist, "if he is otherwise kept comfortable. A strange man is old Anthony!" he continued musingly.

      Mark produced a gold piece, from which he requested the druggist to take pay for the articles purchased.

      "Did the hermit give you this?" asked the druggist.

      Mark answered in the affirmative.

      "Then it is evident he is not without means. However, I might have known that. During the years that he has lived in the wood, he has always been prompt in his payments for all articles purchased in the village. His expenditures are small, to be sure, but in five years they have amounted to considerable."

      "What could have induced him to settle in such a lonely spot?"

      "That is more than any one hereabouts can tell. He is very secretive, and never says anything about himself."

      By this time Mark was ready to return. He went to the grocery store, where he obtained the milk and loaf of bread, which he had also been commissioned to procure. Then he set out for old Anthony's lonely cabin.

      Before doing so, he heard something from the grocer that aroused his curiosity.

      "There was a man in here only twenty minutes since," said the storekeeper, "who was asking after Anthony."

      "Was it a stranger?"

      "Yes. It was a man I never saw before. He was a stout, broad-shouldered man with a bronzed face, who looked as if he might be a sailor."

      "Did he say who he was?"

      "Only that Anthony was a relation of his, and that he had not seen him for years."

      "Did he say he meant to call upon him?" asked Mark.

      "He did not say so, but as he inquired particularly for the location of the cabin, I took it for granted that this was his intention."

      "Then probably I shall see him, as I am going directly back to the wood."

      "He will probably be there unless he loses his way."

      Leaving Mark to return by the same way he came, we will precede him, and make acquaintance with the man who had excited the grocer's curiosity by inquiring for the old hermit.

      Old Anthony lay on his pallet waiting for the return of Mark.

      "I like the boy," he said to himself. "He has an honest face. He looks manly and straightforward. He has never joined the other village boys in jeering. If my nephew had been like him he might have been a comfort to me."

      The old man sighed. What thoughts passed through his mind were known only to him; but that they were sad ones seemed clear from the expression of his face.

      Time passed as he lay quiet. Then he heard a noise at the door and the step of one entering the cabin.

      "Is that you, Mark?" he inquired.

      There was a pause. Then a harsh voice answered: "No; it isn't Mark, whoever he may be. It is some one who ought to be nearer to you than he."

      Old Anthony started in evident excitement, and by an effort managed to turn round his head so as to see the intruder.

      His eyes rested on a man rather above the middle height, shabbily clad, with a dark face and threatening expression.

      "Lyman Taylor!" he exclaimed.

      "Yes, Lyman Taylor," returned the other, mockingly. "Are you glad to see your nephew?"

      "Heaven knows I am not!" said old Anthony bitterly.

      "So I judged from your expression. Yet they say blood is thicker than water."

      "That there is any tie of blood between us I regret deeply. A man more utterly unworthy I have never known."

      "Come, Uncle Anthony, isn't that a little strong. I am no angel–"

      "You are a worthless scoundrel," said the hermit bitterly.

      "Look here, old man," said his nephew fiercely, "I didn't come here to be insulted and called bad names. Considering that you are alone and in my power, it is a little impertinent in you to talk in that way. I might kill you."

      "You are quite capable of it," said Anthony. "Do so, if you choose. Life is not a possession that I greatly prize."

      "I have a great mind to take you at your word," said Taylor coolly, "but it wouldn't suit my purpose. Your death would do me no good unless you have made me your heir. I am desperately in need of money."

      "Work for it, then!"

      "Thank you! You are very kind; but employers are rather shy of me. I have no recommendations to offer. I don't mind telling you that I have spent the last four years in prison."

      "A very suitable place for you," said the old man in a caustic tone.

      "Thank you again! You are complimentary."

      "This is the reason why you have not found me out before?"

      "Precisely. You don't suppose I would otherwise have kept away from you so long, my most affectionate uncle!"

      "Do you recall the circumstances of our last parting? I awoke in California to find myself robbed of the large sum of money I had with me. Of course, you took it."

      "I don't mind owning that I did. But I haven't a cent of it left."

      "That I can easily believe. Why have you sought me out?"

      "I want more money."

      "So I supposed. You can judge from my way of living whether I am likely to have any for you."

      "You don't appear to be living in luxury. However, it costs something to keep body and soul together even in this den. Of course, you have some money. However little it is, I want it."

      "Then you will be disappointed."

      "Where do you keep your money?" demanded Lyman Taylor, roughly.

      "Even if I had any. I wouldn't tell you!" said the brave old man.

      "Look here, old man, no trifling! Either you will find some money for me, or I will choke you?"

      He got down on one knee and stooped menacingly over the hermit.

      At that moment Mark Manning, who had returned from his errand, reached the doorway, and stood a surprised and indignant witness of this exciting scene.

      Old Anthony struggled, but ineffectually in the grasp of the ruffian who had attacked him. Even if he had not been disabled by disease he would not have been a match for Lyman Taylor, who was at least twenty-five years younger.

      "Don't touch me, you scoundrel!" said Anthony, whose spirit exceeded his bodily strength.

      "Then tell me where you keep your money!"


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