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Luck and Pluck. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Luck and Pluck - Alger Horatio Jr.

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the same time that you got the horse?"

      "Yes; he might have had a horse too, but he preferred the watch and chain. They cost as much as Prince."

      "And now he wants the horse too?"

      "So it seems."

      "That's what I call hoggish. I only wish Ben Brayton would come to school, and sit next to me."

      "What for?" asked John, a little surprised at this remark.

      "Wouldn't I stick pins into him, that's all. I'd make him yell like—a locomotive," said Sam, the simile being suggested by the sound of the in-coming train.

      John laughed.

      "That's an old trick of yours," he said, "I remember you served me so once. And yet you profess to be my friend."

      "I didn't stick it in very far," said Sam, apologetically; "it didn't hurt much, did it?"

      "Didn't it though?"

      "Well, I didn't mean to have it. Maybe I miscalculated the distance."

      "It's all right, if you don't try it again. And now about the advice."

      "I wouldn't be imposed upon," said Sam. "Between you and me I don't think much of your stepmother."

      "Nor she of you," said John, slyly. "I heard her say the other day that you were a disgrace to the neighborhood with your mischievous tricks."

      "That is the 'most unkindest' cut of all," said Sam. "I'd shed a few tears if I hadn't left my handkerchief at home. I have a great mind to tell you something," he added, more gravely.

      "Well?" said John, inquiringly.

      "It's something that concerns you, only I happened to overhear it, which isn't quite fair and aboveboard, I know. Still I think I had better tell you. You know my father was your father's lawyer?"


      "Well, he as well as everybody else was surprised at the will that left everything to your stepmother, only he had the best reason to be surprised. I was sitting out on our piazza when I heard him tell my mother that only three months ago your father came to his office, and had a will drawn up, leaving all the property to you, except the thirds which your stepmother was entitled to."

      "Only three months ago?" said John, thoughtfully.


      "And did he take away the will with him?"

      "Yes; he thought at first of leaving it in my father's charge, but finally decided to keep it himself."

      "What can have become of it? He must have destroyed it since."

      "My father doesn't think so," said Sam.

      "What does he think?"

      "Mind you don't say a word of what I tell you," said Sam, lowering his voice. "He thinks that Mrs. Oakley has put it out of the way, in order to get hold of the whole property herself."

      "I can hardly think she would be so wicked," said John, shocked at the supposition.

      "Isn't it easier to believe that of her, than to believe that your father would deal so unjustly by you?"

      "I won't call it unjustly, even if he has really left her the whole property," said John. "Still, I was surprised at being left out of the will. Besides," he added, with a sudden reflection, "there's something that makes me think that the will you speak of is still in existence."

      "What's that?" asked Sam.

      In reply John gave the particulars of his father's attempt to communicate with him, and the few words he was able to make out.

      "I understand it all now," said Sam, quickly.

      "Then you're ahead of me."

      "It's plain as a pike-staff. Your father hid the will, fearing that your stepmother would get hold of it and destroy it. He wanted to tell you where it was. Do you know of any secret drawer in your house?"

      John shook his head.

      "There must be one somewhere. Now, if you want my advice, I'll give it. Just hunt secretly for the drawer, wherever you think it may possibly be, and if you find it, and the will in it, just bring it round to my father, and he'll see that justice is done you. Come, I'm not a lawyer's son for nothing. What do you say?"

      "I shouldn't wonder if you were right, Sam."

      "You may depend upon it I am. I'm your lawyer, remember, and you are my client. I give advice on the 'no cure no pay' system. If it don't amount to anything I won't charge you a cent."

      "And if it does?"

      "If you get your property by my professional exertions, I trust to your generosity to reward me."

      "All right, Sam."

      "Of course you won't let your stepmother suspect what you're after. Otherwise she might get the start of you, and find it herself, and then much good it would do you."

      "I'm glad to think it is still in existence, and that she hasn't destroyed it."

      "She would if she could, you may depend on that."

      "Well, Sam, I'm much obliged to you for your advice. I think I must be going now."

      "Well, good-by, old fellow. Keep a stiff upper lip, and don't give up the ship—horsemanship, I mean. I must go round to the office, and see if father doesn't need a little professional assistance."

      John leaped on Prince's back, and turned him in the direction of home. The revelation which Sam had made gave a new direction to his thoughts. If his father had really intended to give him a share of the estate, he felt that he ought to have it, and determined to institute a search as cautiously as possible.

      Driving into the yard he saw Ben sitting sullenly on the door-step. He eyed John with no very friendly glance.

      "Where've you been?" he demanded.

      "Up the road," said John, briefly.

      "It's the last time you'll ride my horse."

      "It's not your horse."

      "You'll find out whose horse it is," muttered Ben.

      "I don't care about disputing with you," said John, quietly, turning towards the stable.

      "My mother wishes to see you at once; do you hear?" said Ben, unpleasantly. "She's going to make you apologize to me for your impudence."

      "I'll go in and see her as soon as I have put the horse in the stable," John answered, quietly.

      "I hate that fellow," muttered Ben, following our hero with lowering eyes; "he puts on too many airs altogether. But my mother'll fix him."



      After putting Prince in the stable, John went into the house slowly, for he was in no hurry to anticipate what he feared would be an unpleasant interview.

      "Where is Mrs. Oakley, Jane?" he asked of a servant whom he met in the hall.

      "She's in the sitting-room, Master John," said Jane. "She wants to see you immediately."

      "Very well; I'll go in."

      He heard steps behind him, and, turning, found that Ben was following him.

      "He wants to hear me scolded," thought John. "However, I won't take any notice."

      Mrs. Oakley was sitting in a rocking-chair. She looked up with a frown as John entered. She had never liked him, but since Ben had declared, falsely, as we know, that John had no more respect for her than a servant, this dislike was greatly increased.

      She was inwardly determined to make his life as uncomfortable as possible.

      "Well, sir," she said, "so you have come at last."

      "I came as soon as Ben told me you wished to see me," said John. "I only waited till I had put my horse into the stable."

      "His horse!" repeated Ben, by way of calling his mother's attention to the claim to ownership expressed in those words.


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