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Rupert's Ambition. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Rupert's Ambition - Alger Horatio Jr.

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I haven't been drinking hard, only I am so constituted that I can drink but little without its affecting me."

      They had now reached the stairway leading up to the Elevated road.

      "Help me upstairs, boy. What is your name?"


      "Very well, Rupert."

      When they reached the landing the young man took his purse from his pocket.

      "Pay out of that," he said.

      Rupert selected a dime and bought two tickets. Then they passed the box where the tickets were to be deposited, and entered a train which had just arrived. They took seats in one corner, and the young man sat down with an air of relief.

      "I feel sleepy," he said. "If I should fall asleep, wake me up at One-hundred-and-Sixteenth Street Station."

      "Yes, sir."

      Rupert was able now to examine his companion a little more closely. He did not have a dissipated look, and Rupert judged that he was not in the habit of allowing himself to be overcome by liquor. Indeed, he had rather a refined look. It seemed to the boy a pity that he could not resist the temptation to drink.

      As they were approaching One-hundred-and-Sixteenth Street Rupert aroused his companion, who opened his eyes in a bewildered way.

      "Eh? What?" he asked.

      "This is where we are to get out, sir."

      "Oh, yes, I remember. Let me take your arm."

      With this help he got down stairs, and they turned to the left.

      "It is perhaps ten minutes' walk," said the young man. "You will see me all the way home?"

      "Yes, sir. Do you feel any better?"

      "I can walk a little more steadily. You are sure I am not putting you out?"

      "Oh, yes, sir. I have plenty of time on my hands, for I am out of work."

      "Indeed! And are you poor?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "Don't you live with your father?"

      "My father is dead. I am helping to support my mother and sister."

      "Why, that is too bad!" said the young man, in a tone of sympathy. "I am out of work, too, but then I am rich."

      "I am not troubled in that way," said Rupert, smiling.

      "I live with my mother. I am glad she is out of the city, so that she won't see me in my present condition."

      "Don't you think of working, sir? I shouldn't think you would know how to pass the time."

      "I only lately returned from Europe. I may go into business after awhile. To be sure I don't need to earn anything, but if I have some steady employment I shall be less likely to disgrace myself."

      "May I ask your name, sir?"

      "Certainly. My name is Frank Sylvester, I hope you are not a newspaper reporter."

      "Oh, no, sir," said Rupert, smiling again.

      "I should not like to have this little adventure of mine get into the papers. Do you see that house yonder?"


      "It is the one where I live. If you have a little more time to spare won't you come in and stay a short time?"

      "Yes, sir, if you desire it."

      They reached the house and Sylvester rang the bell.

      The door was opened by a maid servant about forty years of age. She looked at Sylvester's companion curiously.

      "A young friend of mine, Rachel," said the young man. "Get ready a little supper for us, will you? Some tea, cold meat and toast."

      "All right, Mr. Frank."

      They went into a pleasant sitting-room, where Rupert was invited to sit down.

      "That was an old family servant," exclaimed Sylvester. "If you hadn't been with me she would have taken me to task, for she saw I had been drinking."



      Presently Rachel announced tea. Sylvester had bathed his face, and thus removed some of the indications of his conviviality.

      The house was handsomely furnished. The room in which the tea table was spread was particularly cozy and comfortable, and when he took his seat at the table, Rupert could not help wishing that his mother could be with him.

      "What are you thinking about, Rupert?" asked Frank Sylvester, who noticed his expression.

      Rupert hesitated.

      "Come, tell me. I am your friend."

      "I couldn't help thinking of the very different supper my mother will have."

      "To be sure. You are a good boy for thinking of her. Where do you live?"

      "At 117 Elizabeth Street."

      Frank Sylvester took out a note book and jotted down the address.

      Rachel Clark waited upon the table. Sylvester saw that her curiosity was excited about Rupert, and he decided to gratify it.

      "I suppose you are wondering where I met my new friend, Rachel?" he said.

      "Yes, sir."

      "He met me. I had been drinking too much, and I am afraid I should have got into trouble if he had not taken charge of me."

      Rachel beamed upon Rupert.

      "He was very kind," she said, "but oh, Mr. Frank–"

      "I know just what you are going to say, Rachel," said Sylvester, good-humoredly. "I am going to have Rupert come and see me often, and he will help keep me straight. And by the way, Rachel, his mother is poor, and I want you to put up some cold meat and other nice things in a basket. I will send them to her."

      "I shall be very glad to do so, Mr. Frank."

      "You will stand high in Rachel's good graces, Rupert," said Sylvester, as she left the room. "She thinks everything of me, and evidently believes I am safe in your company. Suppose I make you my guardian?"

      "I am afraid you wouldn't look up to me with the proper respect, Mr. Sylvester."

      "Then for respect we will substitute attachment. Now tell me a little about yourself. How does it happen that you are out of a place?"

      "It's the dull times, Mr. Sylvester. I was in the employ of Tenney & Rhodes."

      "I know the firm."

      "And they would have retained me if business had been good, but I was laid off on Saturday."

      "What wages did they pay you?"

      "Five dollars a week."

      "And you lived on that?"

      "We tried to."

      "While I have had and wasted large sums of money. If I were in business I would give you a place. As it is, I will see if any of my friends want a clerk."

      When supper was over, Rupert said he must go.

      "Won't you stay the evening?" asked his new friend. "At least wait a few minutes. Rachel is putting up a basket for you."

      The servant presently appeared with a basket neatly covered with a napkin.

      "Perhaps I had better send it by an expressman, Rupert."

      "Oh, no, sir. I shall be glad to carry it myself. It will be very acceptable at home."

      As Rupert lifted it, Sylvester took from his pocket the purse from which Rupert had paid the car fare and handed it to him.

      "Accept it," he said, "in return for your friendly services."

      "You are paying me too liberally, Mr. Sylvester."

      "Let me judge of that."

      In the street Rupert did not wait to examine the purse. It was growing late, and he was in haste to get home. He feared that his mother might feel anxious about him, and he made his

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