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Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2. Сэмюэл РичардсонЧитать онлайн книгу.

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2 - Сэмюэл Ричардсон

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a mother's tear!—She must (I hope she must) have written it reluctantly.

      To apply for protection, where authority is defied, is bold. Your sister, who would not in your circumstances have been guilty of your perverseness, may allowably be angry at you for it. However, we have told her to moderate her zeal for our insulted authority. See, if you can deserve another behaviour, than that you complain of: which cannot, however be so grievous to you, as the cause of it is to

      Your more unhappy Mother.

      How often must I forbid you any address to me!

      Give me, my dearest Miss Howe, your opinion, what I can, what I ought to do. Not what you would do (pushed as I am pushed) in resentment or passion—since, so instigated, you tell me, that you should have been with somebody before now—and steps taken in passion hardly ever fail of giving cause for repentance: but acquaint me with what you think cool judgment, and after-reflection, whatever were to be the event, will justify.

      I doubt not your sympathizing love: but yet you cannot possibly feel indignity and persecution so very sensibly as the immediate sufferer feels them—are fitter therefore to advise me, than I am myself.

      I will here rest my cause. Have I, or have I not, suffered or borne enough? And if they will still persevere; if that strange persister against an antipathy so strongly avowed, will still persist; say, What can I do?—What course pursue?—Shall I fly to London, and endeavour to hide myself from Lovelace, as well as from all my own relations, till my cousin Morden arrives? Or shall I embark for Leghorn in my way to my cousin? Yet, my sex, my youth, considered, how full of danger is this last measure!—And may not my cousin be set out for England, while I am getting thither?—What can I do?—Tell me, tell me, my dearest Miss Howe, [for I dare not trust myself,] tell me, what I can do.


      I have been forced to try to compose my angry passions at my harpsichord; having first shut close my doors and windows, that I might not be heard below. As I was closing the shutters of the windows, the distant whooting of the bird of Minerva, as from the often-visited woodhouse, gave the subject in that charming Ode to Wisdom, which does honour to our sex, as it was written by one of it. I made an essay, a week ago, to set the three last stanzas of it, as not unsuitable to my unhappy situation; and after I had re-perused the Ode, those were my lesson; and, I am sure, in the solemn address they contain to the All-Wise and All-powerful Deity, my heart went with my fingers.

      I enclose the Ode, and my effort with it. The subject is solemn; my circumstances are affecting; and I flatter myself, that I have not been quite unhappy in the performance. If it obtain your approbation, I shall be out of doubt, and should be still more assured, could I hear it tried by your voice and finger.


           The solitary bird of night

           Thro' thick shades now wings his flight,

              And quits his time-shook tow'r;

           Where, shelter'd from the blaze of day,

           In philosophic gloom he lay,

              Beneath his ivy bow'r.


           With joy I hear the solemn sound,

           Which midnight echoes waft around,

              And sighing gales repeat.

           Fav'rite of Pallas! I attend,

           And, faithful to thy summons, bend

              At Wisdom's awful seat.


           She loves the cool, the silent eve,

           Where no false shows of life deceive,

              Beneath the lunar ray.

           Here folly drops each vain disguise;

           Nor sport her gaily colour'd dyes,

              As in the beam of day.


           O Pallas! queen of ev'ry art,

           That glads the sense, and mends the heart,

              Blest source of purer joys!

           In ev'ry form of beauty bright,

           That captivates the mental sight

              With pleasure and surprise;


           To thy unspotted shrine I bow:

           Attend thy modest suppliant's vow,

              That breathes no wild desires;

           But, taught by thy unerring rules,

           To shun the fruitless wish of fools,

              To nobler views aspires.


           Not Fortune's gem, Ambition's plume,

           Nor Cytherea's fading bloom,

              Be objects of my prayer:

           Let av'rice, vanity, and pride,

           Those envy'd glitt'ring toys divide,

              The dull rewards of care.


           To me thy better gifts impart,

           Each moral beauty of the heart,

              By studious thought refin'd;

           For wealth, the smile of glad content;

           For pow'r, its amplest, best extent,

              An empire o'er my mind.


           When Fortune drops her gay parade.

           When Pleasure's transient roses fade,

              And wither in the tomb,

           Unchang'd is thy immortal prize;

           Thy ever-verdant laurels rise

              In undecaying bloom.


           By thee protected, I defy

           The coxcomb's sneer, the stupid lie

              Of ignorance and spite:

           Alike contemn the leaden fool,

           And all the pointed ridicule

              Of undiscerning wit.


           From envy, hurry, noise,

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