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Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune. Alger Horatio Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.

Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune - Alger Horatio Jr.

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the river and read under the trees.”

      “That isn’t very severe exercise,” said Herbert, smiling.

      “No; still it keeps me out in the open air, and that is something. Now tell me, what are your plans?”

      “My hope is to find something to do that will enable me to help mother; but there doesn’t seem much chance of finding anything in Wayneboro. Do you think I could get a place in the city?”

      “You might; but even if you did, you would find it difficult to earn your own living, and there would be no chance of your helping your mother.”

      Herbert, though naturally sanguine and hopeful, looked sober. Just then he had a bite, and drew out a good-sized pickerel. This gave a new direction to his thoughts, and he exclaimed, triumphantly:

      “Look at this pickerel! He must weigh over two pounds.”

      “All of that,” said the young man, rising and examining the fish with interest. “Let me use your pole, and see what luck I have.”


      The young man, some ten minutes later, succeeded in catching a smaller pickerel, perhaps half the size of Herbert’s.

      “That will do for me,” he said, “though it doesn’t come up to your catch.”

      For two hours Herbert and his friend alternately used the pole, and the result was quite a handsome lot of fish.

      “You have more fish than you want,” said the young man. “You had better bring what you don’t want to the hotel. I heard the landlord say he would like to buy some.”

      “That would suit me,” said Herbert. “If he wants fish, I want money.”

      “Come along with me, then. Really, I don’t know when I have passed a forenoon so pleasantly. Usually I get tired of my own company, and the day seems long to me. I believe I see my way clear to a better way of spending my time. You say you want a place. How would you like me for an employer?”

      “I am sure I should like you, but you are not in any business.”

      “No,” said the young man, smiling; “or, rather, my business is the pursuit of health and pleasure just now. In that I think you can help me.”

      “I shall be very glad to, if I can, Mr.—-”

      “My name is George Melville. Let me explain my idea to you. I want your company to relieve my solitude. In your company I shall have enterprise enough to go hunting and fishing, and follow out in good faith my doctor’s directions. What do you say?”

      Herbert smiled.

      “I would like that better than being in the post office,” he said. “It would seem like being paid for having a good time.”

      “How much would you consider your services worth?” asked Mr. Melville.

      “I am content to leave that to you,” said Herbert.

      “Suppose we say six dollars a week, then?”

      “Six dollars a week!” exclaimed Herbert, amazed.

      “Isn’t that enough?” asked Melville, smiling.

      “It is more than I can earn. Mr. Graham thought he was over-paying me with three dollars a week.”

      “You will find me a different man from Mr. Graham, Herbert. I am aware that six dollars is larger pay than is generally given to boys of your age. But I can afford to pay it, and I have no doubt you will find the money useful.”

      “It will quite set us on our feet again, Mr. Melville,” said Herbert, earnestly. “You are very generous.”

      “Oh, you don’t know what a hard taskmaster you may find me,” said the young man, playfully. “By the way, I consider that you have already entered upon your duties. To-day is the first day. Now come to the hotel with me, and see what you can get for the fish. I happen to know that two of the guests, a lady and her daughter, are anxious for a good fish dinner and, as there is no market here, I think the landlord will be glad to buy from you.”

      Mr. Melville was right. Mr. Barton, the landlord, purchased the fish that Herbert had to sell, for sixty cents, which he promptly paid.

      “Don’t that pay you for your morning’s work?” asked Melville.

      “I don’t know but the money ought to go to you, Mr. Melville,” said Herbert, “as I am now in your employ. Besides, you caught a part of them.”

      “I waive all claim to compensation,” said the young man, “though it would be a novel sensation to receive money for services rendered. What will you say, Herbert, when I tell you that I never earned a dollar in my life?”

      Herbert looked incredulous.

      “It is really true,” said George Melville, “my life has been passed at school and college, and I have never had occasion to work for money.”

      “You are in luck, then.”

      “I don’t know that; I think those who work for the money they receive are happy. Tell me, now, don’t you feel more satisfaction in the sixty cents you have just been paid because you have earned it?”

      “Yes, sir.”

      “I thought so. The happiest men are those who are usefully employed. Don’t forget that, and never sigh for the opportunity to lead an idle life. But I suppose your dinner is ready. You may go home, and come back at three o’clock.”

      “Very well, sir.”

      Herbert made good time going home. He was eager to tell his mother the good news of his engagement.


      “Well, mother,” said Herbert, as he entered the house, “I have brought you enough fish for dinner.”

      “I waited to see what luck you would have, Herbert, and therefore have not got dinner ready. You will have to wait a little while.”

      “I shall be all the hungrier, mother,” said Herbert.

      Mrs. Carr could not help noticing the beaming look on her som’s face.

      “You look as if you had received a legacy, Herbert,” she said.

      Herbert laughed.

      “There it is,” he said, displaying the sixty cents he had received from the landlord.

      “There are ten cents more than I should have received for a whole day’s work at the store,” he said.

      “Where did you get it, Herbert?”

      “I sold a mess of fish to Mr. Barton, of the hotel.”

      “You must have had good luck in fishing,” said his mother, looking pleased.

      “I had help, mother. Mr. Melville, the young man from the city, who boards at the hotel, helped me fish.”

      “Well, Herbert, you have made a good beginning. I couldn’t help feeling a little depressed when you left me this morning, reflecting that we had but my pension to depend upon. It seemed so unlucky that Eben Graham should have come home just at this time to deprive you of your place in the store.”

      “It was a piece of good luck for me, mother.”

      “I don’t see how,” said Mrs. Carr, naturally puzzled.

      “Because I have a better situation already.”

      Then Herbert, who had been saving the best news for the last, told his mother of his engagement as Mr. Melville’s companion, and the handsome compensation he was to receive.

      “Six dollars a week!” repeated his mother.

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