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The Emma Harte 7-Book Collection: A Woman of Substance, Hold the Dream, To Be the Best, Emma’s Secret, Unexpected Blessings, Just Rewards, Breaking the Rules. Barbara Taylor BradfordЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Emma Harte 7-Book Collection: A Woman of Substance, Hold the Dream, To Be the Best, Emma’s Secret, Unexpected Blessings, Just Rewards, Breaking the Rules - Barbara Taylor Bradford

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of business, but she did not dwell unduly on the years stretching ahead. Her priorities were all immediate, leaving no room for speculation. She was not blind to the commercial opportunities now presenting themselves, nor was she adverse to accumulating money, and whenever she felt a prick of conscience about making a profit from war she dispelled her discomfiture with logical reasoning: Somebody had to produce the uniforms for the fighting men, and if she did not do it, others would. In fact, were doing it. The majority of the cloth manufacturers of the West Riding were making khaki and navy and air force blue for Great Britain and the Allies, and millions of yards were coming off the looms of Yorkshire to clothe the forces.

      Lately it struck Emma that she devoted herself entirely to work these days and shamefully neglected her family. But guilty feelings were swept away by the pressure of her business and the knowledge that she had no choice but to steer the same course. She raced between Harte’s, the Gregson Warehouse, Layton’s mill, and the clothing factory at breakneck speed, handling everything with her own brand of efficiency, charm, and assertiveness. And yet somehow the days were never long enough for her.

      To her relief, Harte’s was steady and holding its own. Although business had fallen off to a degree, she did not envision any serious setbacks. The stock housed in Gregson’s Warehouse was lasting because she allocated it sparingly and she had also found several new sources of supplies. Layton’s, under the skilful management of Ben Andrews, was running smoothly and the mill was meeting the huge government contracts with apparent ease and more promptly than many of her competitors. David and she had temporarily discontinued the line of Lady Hamilton Clothes at the outset of the war, and the factory’s entire production had been turned over to the manufacture of uniforms. All in all, everything was under control, her business enterprises were stable, and, in particular, the mill and the factory were operating at a high level of super-efficiency and were flourishing money-makers.

      But now, on this cold afternoon in December of 1915, Emma’s mind was not preoccupied with business. Sitting next to the driver in one of Harte’s vans, on her way to a meeting with David, her mind dwelt on the Christmas holidays. She was determined to make it as festive an occasion as possible, despite shortages and the depressed mood that engulfed everyone.

      Frank was coming to stay for several weeks and she was looking forward to it with the excitement of a child, thrilled at the prospect of seeing her brother again. He had been wounded in November, but his injuries were fortunately not serious. He had been hit by a bullet in the right shoulder and had been shipped back to England to recuperate. If only Winston could get home on leave the family would be complete, but she acknowledged realistically that there was not the remotest possibility of that. The navy was in the thick of the fighting and the news was grim on all fronts. Nevertheless, there would be a Christmas tree, and a turkey dinner with a plum pudding and all the traditional trimmings, mulled wine, and presents for everyone. Most importantly, Frank would receive the love and rest he needed so badly, and all the comforts of home she could provide.

      The van arrived at the clothing factory in York Road within minutes. Emma told the driver to wait and hurried inside. As she entered David’s office she was surprised to see Abraham Kallinski ensconced with David.

      Her old friend stood up and embraced her warmly, his bright dark eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. He scrutinized her appraisingly and said, ‘Well, Emma, you look wonderful. And it is a pleasure to see you. So long it has been.’

      Emma smiled. ‘How are you? And how is Mrs Kallinski?’

      ‘She is well. I am well. Janessa is always asking for you. She misses you, Emma. I miss you.’

      ‘I am sorry I have neglected you both lately,’ Emma said. A rueful smile touched her lips. ‘But business does seem to take up all my time these days.’

      ‘Ah, yes! My little Emma has become the lady tycoon,’ Abraham exclaimed, regarding her with affection and pride. She continued to amaze him with her success, which he considered remarkable, and especially since she was a woman.

      David was standing behind his desk, obviously in the throes of a mountain of paper work. He laughed. ‘Don’t sound so surprised, Dad. I always predicted she would go far.’ He came around the desk, took her by the shoulders, and kissed her cheek. Her arms automatically went around him. She felt the strength of his hands gripping her tightly as the pressure of her own fingers increased gently. They pulled away without releasing their hold on each other and exchanged a long gaze.

      Abraham Kallinski, observing them paternally, thought with an unexpected flash of dismay: My son. My son. He holds her too long. Ach and I know that look in a man’s eyes! I pray to God that his wife Rebecca and Joe never notice it. Clearing his throat, Abraham said, ‘Come, Emma. Come, sit here next to me.’ He indicated the other chair in front of David’s desk.

      She sat down and said, ‘There’s nothing wrong, is there? Why did you want to see me so urgently, David?’

      David leaned back in his chair, his vivid blue eyes focusing on hers. ‘I have a proposal to make and I hope you will approve. And go along with it.’

      Emma laughed lightly. ‘You know I trust your judgement implicitly. What is it?’

      ‘Dad has been harassed of late. He’d like to ease up a little. Not work so hard.’ David lit a cigarette. ‘We’ve been discussing his problems and I think I have a solution that would be beneficial to everyone concerned. It occurred to me that we could merge his company with ours, take over his factory and its management with relatively no problems at all. That would relieve him of running it entirely on his own. He would continue there, of course, but he wouldn’t have to work such long hours.’ David looked at her expectantly. ‘Well, what do you say?’

      Instantly recognizing the enormous potential inherent in this proposition and visualizing a means of simple but swift expansion, Emma did not have to think twice. ‘It’s an excellent suggestion.’ She turned to Abraham. ‘Would you be happy if we did that, Mr Kallinski?’

      ‘I would, Emma. And so would Janessa. She worries about me. Worries so much I worry about her worrying,’ he responded with a wry laugh.

      ‘Then let’s combine the two companies, David,’ Emma said. ‘I’m all for it. And now is certainly the right time to do it.’

      ‘There are a number of details to be worked out, Emma. But before we get into those I would like you to know my personal feelings about the proposed idea,’ David said. ‘If you’re agreeable, I think we ought to purchase Dad’s business outright, for a fair price that would give him a decent profit. After all, he has devoted years to building it up. We would make him a director of the parent company and pay him director’s fees. I also think he ought to share in the profits, as we do. In addition, he would receive a salary for running his factory. How do you feel about these terms, Emma?’

      ‘I’m in accordance with you, David. Your father should have something to show for all the years he’s been in business. Why don’t the two of you settle on an equitable price. Whatever you decide will be acceptable to me, I’m quite certain.’ She laughed and shook her head, giving David a fond look. ‘I can’t imagine why you thought I would object. This is basically your business, David. You run it and you’re the majority shareholder.’

      ‘You pull your weight and you are my partner.’ He smiled, looking relieved. ‘Good. Dad and I will thrash it out. You and I can go over the final details later. Then I’ll talk to Frederick Ainsley and have him draw up the agreements in a week or so.’

      ‘That’s perfect,’ Emma said. She shifted in her chair and gave her attention to Abraham, asking him questions about his government contracts, his cloth supplies, his work force, and his output. Whilst they were engaged in this protracted conversation, David sat back, regarding Emma with intensity.

      Winter sun was pouring in through the windows, bathing her in its bright light. She really has that special kind of English beauty that looks its best in the daytime, David thought. That inimitable beauty that Gainsborough and Romney immortalized. And yet curiously Emma was unaware that she was a great beauty. Certainly she was devoid of personal vanity and that was also part of

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