A Love Worth Waiting For. Jillian HartЧитать онлайн книгу.
you right here, if you don’t treat him with respect, you and I are going to have serious problems.”
“I’m not looking for trouble.” He did his best to sound innocent. “Not unless it’s already there.”
“What does that mean?” She jammed the gear-shift into first and held it while she eased out the clutch. “I knew it. This is what I’ve been afraid of all along. You’re going to cause trouble because you don’t think my decent, wonderful grandfather is good enough for a billionaire’s grandmother.”
“Where did you get an idea like that? I only want what’s best for Nanna.”
Only want what’s best? Julie didn’t like the sound of that. “Then you mean my granddad isn’t?”
“That’s not what I said. I’m trying to keep an open mind.”
“Trying?” She popped the truck out of gear on the steep slope, gripping the steering wheel so tightly, her knuckles were white. “Tell me you haven’t come to try to stop the wedding.”
“Why would I do that? I won’t break my grandmother’s heart unless there’s a good reason. If your grandfather is the decent man you say he is, there will be no problem. You have my word on that.”
Something troubled her, but Julie couldn’t figure out what as she applied steady pressure to the brakes and turned into the spin as the truck slid. “Then you’re here only to help celebrate this engagement? You’re not against it? You don’t dislike my granddad?”
“I came all the way from New York just to make my grandmother happy by attending her party. That’s all for now. You can’t blame me for wanting to protect her. Aside from my sister, Nanna’s the only family I have.”
“Then you understand how I feel about Granddad.” Julie’s blood pressure crept back down to normal, and she didn’t hold the wheel quite so hard as she pulled onto the main road. “All my life he’s been there for me. Supportive. Understanding. Someone I could depend on. I don’t intend to let anyone hurt him.”
“Then we agree.” The deep lines etched in Noah’s forehead vanished and he relaxed against the seat. “No mother or father?”
“No. Mom ran off when I was in eighth grade, and three years later my dad was thrown from a horse and killed.” She swallowed hard, but the pain after all those years was still there. Would always be.
“I’m sorry for your losses. That had to be tough.”
“With the Lord’s help and my granddad, I managed to get through all right.” She didn’t tell him how lonely she’d been, living with relatives, always feeling as if she didn’t belong. “Granddad’s guidance made all the difference in the world to me when I was growing up.”
“I know just how you feel.” He nodded once, his gaze pinning hers.
She felt an odd connection between them. Suddenly the truck’s passenger cab seemed to shrink and he was way too close. She was alone with one of the richest men in the country—probably on the planet—and he wasn’t at all what she expected or what she would have predicted him to be.
“There’s Nanna’s car. It’s a classic, she tells me. I think she’s fooling herself because a refrigerator would be warmer than that heater she has.”
Julie shifted into neutral and coasted to a stop. “If you want, I can give you a ride to her house. You’re as wet and cold as I am.”
“I’m tough.” He flashed her a megawatt smile. “I guess I’ll see you in a few. At the party. Save me a dance, will you?”
“Sure. No problem. I’ll fit you in between the corporate raider millionaire I’m seeing and my supermodel ex-boyfriend.”
He laughed, deep and rich, and there was something about him. He was like a flawless diamond and she was a cubic zirconia.
“Later.” He’d meant it as goodbye, but it sounded more like a promise.
The door slicked shut. The fog and ice on the windshield had completely cleared away, giving her a perfect view of Noah’s confident, powerful gait. As if the cold couldn’t touch him, he moved easily, without hurry, and stopped to fish the keys from his trouser pocket.
She waited until the car had started before she put her truck in gear. As she passed by, Noah rolled down his window and waved to her.
Her pulse skipped an entire beat. And why was that? she asked herself as she negotiated the icy road. What she felt was not attraction. She simply refused to be attracted. Hadn’t she learned her lesson? Hadn’t her heart been broken enough?
True love wasn’t God’s will for her, and she accepted it. Plain and simple.
As for that little skip in her vital signs, she’d simply forget it ever happened. She had a party to host. A grandfather to see married. For the first time in a year, she was standing on level ground. She was happy. She wasn’t going to mess that up by wishing for a man who was out of her league.
Chapter Four
Noah turned off the ignition in the church’s packed parking lot. Lord, please let this engagement be right for Nanna. He wanted nothing more than the absolute best for his grandmother, but with his opinions of marriage…well, what if she were making a mistake?
The possibility that she might sell her land and that Harold Renton, no matter how kind he looked, could strip Nanna of her sizable financial assets burned like a sickness in Noah’s stomach.
Please, let this man she’s marrying be good enough for her. Noah wished he could stop worrying, but since he’d accumulated his own sizable fortune, he’d learned how far ruthless people would go to get their hands on easy money. Even people who looked perfectly nice and who had perfectly nice relatives.
Sitting in the stillness of his grandmother’s sedan, he felt no reassurances. Snow beat on the windshield and the wind buffeted the side of the car, driving the cold in. Even through the lacy accumulation on the windshield, he could see that the church hall was lit up like a Christmas tree, decorations visible in the windows.
It looked like the party was in full swing, and that meant it was about time for him to make an appearance. Luckily, he wouldn’t have to stay long. He’d greet his sister, congratulate his grandmother and hit the road. There were a lot of women in that room, judging by what he could see through the window.
His stomach blazed with anxiety. Since his last romantic disaster years ago, he avoided most social situations. He’d learned the hard way there was no such thing as true love. He had his own fortune to protect.
Well, he couldn’t sit in the car all evening.
A blast of cold air lashed through him when he climbed from the heated interior. At least the ice storm had tamed into a peaceful snowfall. White flakes tumbled all around him, accumulating quickly on the freshly shoveled sidewalk. His shoes slid, but he managed to make it to the door okay.
The chorus of “Blue Moon” drew him down the well-lit hall, and the warm blast from the furnace chased away the chill from outside. His stomach still burned. He decided to ignore it.
“Hey, stranger.”
Heels tapped in the corridor behind him. He spotted Julie Renton closing in on him.
She tossed him that dazzling smile of hers as she looked him up and down. “You sure clean up nice.”
“So do you.” Very nice. She looked dynamite in an off-white gown with long, slim sleeves and a narrow waist. The skirt flared softly around her to skim the floor. Classic. “I’ve come with a peace offering.”
“I didn’t know we were at war.”
“Maybe we should call it a limited skirmish. Over you wanting to protect your grandfather.” He tugged the small plastic box from his jacket pocket. “I didn’t know