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Rocky Mountain Miracle. Leona KarrЧитать онлайн книгу.

Rocky Mountain Miracle - Leona  Karr

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her attention to picking up some drop cloths.

      “I’d invite you to put up at the house, but it’s a mess,” Scott said in an apologetic tone. “I’m trying to get everything sorted and moved out. I don’t think Dad threw away anything all the years he’d been here. He’s got so much worthless stuff packed away that I’m tempted to just bag and dump it.”

      “That must be a challenge,” Trudy said sympathetically, doing her best to keep the conversation moving along compatible lines. “I’d sure hate to have the job of cleaning out my folk’s house. Every cupboard and closet is packed with stuff.”

      “I’ve arranged for some book buyers, and secondhand store people to look things over. What they don’t take, I’ll have to haul away.” Scott wished he could just walk away from the whole thing. Maybe his mother was right. He should have stayed in California and handled everything long distance. Too late now, he chided himself. His hands were tied for another two weeks. He owed it to Pat and Dorie to stick around until the church camp was over.

      “I love old stuff,” Trudy told him. Her large brown eyes sparkled. “Can I have a look-see before you get rid of all of it?”

      Scott looked surprised. “Sure, be my guest. I have to warn you that most of the stuff is worn-out and wasn’t worth much when it was new.”

      “You never can tell,” Trudy said with her usual optimism. “There might be a treasure amidst all the junk.”

      “If there is, you’re welcome to it.” He gave one last look around at the newly painted room, and managed to say, “You ladies did a nice job.” Even if it was a stupid thing to do.

      After he’d gone, Allie explained the situation to Trudy. “This building is going to be torn down with the rest of the camp in three weeks. Scott couldn’t believe we’d gone to all the work to paint it.” She shook her head, every bone in her body protesting the day of hard labor. “I can’t believe it, either.”

      “Hey, some things aren’t suppose to last forever. You just have to enjoy them while you can, and then let them go.” Trudy tipped back her dark head and surveyed the rose-colored walls. “It’s enough that for three more weeks this is going to be the prettiest room in camp.”

      Allie smiled at her. “How’d you get so smart?”

      “Oh, it just comes naturally,” she answered flippantly. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”

      As they laughed together, Allie’s spirits rose, and by the time they’d put the activity room in order, she’d felt a new rush of energy. “Let’s move our stuff into the cabin, and see if the shower is working.”

      “It’d better be. I’ve got enough rose-colored spots on me to pass for a case of measles.”

      “Dorie’s invited us over to their house for supper.” Allie told her. “Their house is on the hillside across from the river. It’s about a half-mile walk up a dirt road as I remember.” Then she added with a smile, “Dorie said something about stuffed pork chops.”

      “Stuffed pork chops?” Trudy patted her rather ample hips. “I really shouldn’t, but I’ve worked up an appetite with all this painting and cleaning.” She eyed Allie’s slim figure and sighed. “I bet you could eat twice as much as me, and never put on a pound.”

      “I wasn’t raised around good cooking the way you were,” Allie said kindly. Trudy’s folks owned a successful family restaurant, and since she was around food all the time, it was no wonder she had trouble keeping her weight down. “Come on, let’s finish up here, and have a little time to put our feet up before dinner.”

      When they checked the first cabin, they saw that Scott had been true to his word. Fresh bedding was in a neat pile at the foot of two of the beds, clean towels in the bathroom and an automatic coffeepot ready to be plugged in. An electric wall heater had been turned on low, but what surprised them both was wood laid for a fire in the fireplace, just waiting for the touch of a match.

      “I love a log fire,” said Trudy as she plopped down on a rug, and lit the log kindling. When it was glowing, she stretched out full length in front of the fire, and closed her eyes. “I may have to change my mind about that guy.” She opened one eye and peered at Allie. “Maybe you should give him a little slack.”

      “He’s got all the slack he needs,” Allie answered crisply as she got ready to take a shower.

      “Hmm, sounds like there still may be a spark or two left between the two of you.”

      Allie answered evenly, “Don’t try to play Cupid, Trudy. I don’t even know this changed Scott Davidson, and we have absolutely nothing in common anymore. After the church camp, we probably will never see each other again.” She gave a wry smile. “Of course, I may wring his neck long before then.”

      “Uh-huh,” Trudy murmured. “You remember the old saying, don’t you? Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Something between you two is still burning, I’m thinking.”

      “Well, think again,” Allie said curtly and went into the bathroom to take her shower. She was still fuming about the way Scott had lashed out at her. He was so blinded by his own selfish agenda that he couldn’t even appreciate Patrick’s feelings about the half-finished job Scott’s dad had left. Allie usually was able to keep a firm rein on her temper, but she was ready to hold a mirror up to Scott Davidson, and let him take a look at the self-centered person he’d become.

      When they were ready to go to dinner at the O’Tooles’, Allie expected to drive the short distance, but Trudy said she’d better work off the pork chops before and after she ate them.

      A lavender twilight was just settling in the canyon as heady pine-scented breezes still warm from the day’s sun sent pale green aspen leaves quivering over their heads. As they walked across a narrow bridge spanning the river, rushing waters rose and fell over polished stones, creating a melody of gurgling sounds. Glimmers of silver shone like liquid ribbons in flowing waters darkening to purple in the approaching night.

      They had just started up a narrow road cut into the side of the hill, when they heard an engine coming up behind them. Moving quickly to one side, they looked over their shoulders just as Sam’s old pickup truck slowed down and stopped beside them.

      “Want a lift?” Scott leaned over and opened the passenger door.

      Before Allie could refuse, Trudy readily accepted, “Sure, thanks. The road’s steeper than I had expected. I didn’t know we were going to hike halfway up a mountain.” Laughing, she waved Allie into the seat first. “After you.”

      A stubborn set to Trudy’s full lips warned Allie not to make a scene about who was going to sit in the middle next to Scott. Allie sent her a veiled look, thinking, “I’ll get even with you later,” as she climbed into the truck beside Scott.

      The truck was an old one, and Trudy’s ample hips took up more than a third of the high, narrow seat. Allie did her best to keep from crowding Scott, but there was little she could do about the close quarters. As she sat beside him, she tried to ignore the effect of his body warmth, and the faint scent of spicy aftershave lotion that teased her nostrils. His hair was still moist from a recent shower, and she remembered how the dark strands had waved around his face when they’d gone swimming in a river pool. His profile was the same and yet different because his attractive masculine features were marred by unhappy lines in his forehead and around his mouth. He drove without looking at her, and she was uncomfortable in this forced intimacy.

      Window lights were visible through the trees as he turned off the road and drove a short distance to a wide clearing in front of the house. Almost immediately the front door flew open, and Patrick’s rangy frame filled the doorway.

      Scott was aware of Allie’s obvious relief as she got out of the car. When he’d offered a lift, he’d hoped that some of the earlier friction over the room painting might be set aside, but he’d felt her body stiffness as she tried to keep as much distance between them

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