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Sam Raivers with blackblood devils. Nekruzjon ZuhurovЧитать онлайн книгу.

Sam Raivers with blackblood devils - Nekruzjon Zuhurov

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p>Sam Raivers with blackblood devils

      Nekruzjon Zuhurov

      © Nekruzjon Zuhurov, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-4496-1523-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Chapter 1

      Wooden house in the forest

      The Raivers family lived in one two-storey house in the big city London.

      Father and son. How told the father of the family Jim Raivers, mother Linda Raivers died many years ago, from an accident. She fell down from the mountain. Jim Raivers was high men with round dark eyes and curly hair where you could see the grey hairs appeared because of a lot of suffering. He always spoke with a monotonous voice and it was not often possible to see his smiling eyes. Not despite this, he was always good and never hurted anybody with sharp words. He was about 40 When the name of Jim Raivers is said all understood quiet and calm a man. He had a son named Sam Raivers. He was 14. He had shiny black eyes, Brown hair, a kind heart and clever and well-considered words. He was like a father very calm.

      Came hot summer. Like every year brother of Jim Raivers came to them, Edwin Raivers with his daughter Maggie Raivers. Edwin Raivers was 2 years younger than Jim but his daughter Maggie was at the age of Sam. She had bright eyes, brown and curly hair, thin eyebrows and smiling lips. She was lonely child in the family that is why every year she spent holidays with this. They are very good friends. When started summer vacation, she always asked her dad to go to Sam’s house and stay there the whole vacation.

      All four sat at the table.

      «How’s work?«asked Edwin.

      «Well» responded Jim. «Sam» continued Jim looking at the boy. «Would you show Maggie your new book?».

      «Oh I forgot!» said Sam.» Come on, Maggie. I’ll show you my new adventure book.»

      They went up.

      «You want to say something?» asked Edwin.

      «Yes» Jim replied «I shall go to the wooden house this year»

      «But Jim» said Edwin. «That’s where you lost your wife. Doesn’t it hurt you to go back there? Doesn’t it scratch your wound?»

      «It hurts, «Jim said.«It hurts A lot, but Linda wanted it. She asked me to take our son there when he is 14.»

      «But why?» Edwin was surprised.

      «I don’t know,» Jim said, «but I’m definitely going this year. Will you let Maggie come with us?» he asked.

      «No» said Edward «Why to go? And even it is dangerous for them»

      «But I forbid them to go up to the mountains,» said Jim.

      «I don’t know, „Edward said.“ Should we ask them?»

      «Maggie, Sam,» Jim called them in a loud voice, «come here!»

      Sam and Maggie are here.

      «What?«asked Sam.

      «Tomorrow we’ll go to the forest for a few days,» Jim said.

      «And I…» Maggie turned to her father.

      «Maggie» said Edward» there are different animals and high mountains.

      It’s dangerous for you»

      «Why» Maggie wasn’t agree» Uncle Jim is with us»

      «I’ll take care of them myself,» Jim told Edward.

      «Ok» agreed Edward.

      Maggie and Sam looked at each other with smiles.

      «But» said Edward looking at Maggie» You’ll do what uncle Jim tells you to do. No comment»

      «Ok» said Maggie.

      «Well, good luck to you» said Edward «And I have to go on a business trip tomorrow morning and I’ll go home and prepare my things» he got up

      «Ok dad.» said Maggie. «I love you.»

      «I love you too,» Edward said. He said goodbye to everyone and left.

      «Sam, Maggie» Jim said. «Prepare all your things which you need. And books don’t forget if it will be boring. I can’t say anything. «he raised his shoulders.

      Sam and Maggie went upstairs. and began to choose things.

      «Weird „said Maggie.“ Why didn’t dad agree at first? And why did he say it was dangerous?»

      «And» continued Sam, «Why my dad said that he would forbid to climb the mountains? That says one thing. We’ll go where my mom died.»

      «In my opinion Yes» answered Maggie «Can you imagine» she continued

      «What adventures we could have! Holiday will be unforgettable»

      «I don’t think so» said Sam «There’s only mountains, forest and river.

      There is not any people. I think we would be bored»

      «Let’s enjoy nature every day,» said Maggie.

      «Yes,» said Sam, «unless you ask to leave»

      «I don’t think so,» Maggie said.

      It was already dark and there was about 9 o’clock night. They went to bed and it was so interesting to live in the forest. And most importantly what adventure will they have there.

      Morning. Sam and Maggie woke up from Jim’s voice.

      «Get up» he said» have Breakfast and pack all your things. We’re going on a journey»

      «Good morning,» said Sam.

      «Good morning,» Maggie opened her eyes.

      «Good morning» said Jim who was standing in the middle of the room.»

      Breakfast is ready.»

      «We’re going,» said Sam, without even getting up from his bed.

      «Ok» Jim said «I’ll wait for you downstairs» and left.

      They went to have Breakfast. Jim was sitting at the table and having Breakfast. Sam and Maggie joined him.

      «Dad» said Jim» Why did you decide to go this year?»

      «Yes,» continued Maggie, «And why all of a sudden?»

      «Ok» said Jim. «I don’t know. Your mom wanted it.»

      «To go with me?» asked Sam.

      «No,» Jim said, «Take you when you’re 14. Don’t ask why! Because on this question I do not know the answer and unfortunately I can not answer. Don’t ask too many questions! Eat»

      Sam and Maggie looked at each other, and nothing was clear to them.

      «I have finished» Jim said» When You finish clean up here and take your stuff and go to the car I’ll be waiting for you there»

      «Ok» said Sam.

      Jim went to the car and checked the condition of the car. The car was black and large that was for the mountains and substandard roads.

      After a few minutes, Sam and Maggie came out with big ruggs on their shoulders. They put the backpacks in the trunk. Jim sat behind the wheel and in the front seat sat Sam and Maggie in the back. They finally went.

      They drove. They went out of the city. A few hours later they entered the forest. In the forest there was no road to go by the car was difficult but possible. The trees were very tall and old. There were different

      sounds of animals. Different birds were flying, different animals were running. Sam and Maggie enjoyed the nature.

      It Wes evening and was becoming dark. They were still driving in the forest. Suddenly the Car stopped.

      «Have we come?«Sam asked

      «No,» Jim said. «For some reason, the car stopped. I checked everything was in order»


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