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Sam Raivers with blackblood devils. Nekruzjon ZuhurovЧитать онлайн книгу.

Sam Raivers with blackblood devils - Nekruzjon Zuhurov

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the car. When Sam looked at Jin, he saw something far away. Like something extraordinary animal was looking at him. Because of the darkness, it was hard to tell. It was hairy animal but it definitely wasn’t a wolf, wasn’t monkey, it was not a bear. It was something out of the ordinary.

      «Maggie» whispered Sam» what is that standing there?»

      «Where?» asked Maggie.

      «There» said Sam and looked but the animal was not there. It disappeared"No I think it seemed to me. I think it was a tree» he said

      «I have some bad news,» Jim said, raising his head, «the Car will not go, we will take things and then we shall go on foot»

      They took things, lights were lit and they continued going.

      «Is it much further?«asked Maggie.

      «No,» Jim replied. «Almost we have come»

      Sam heard some voice behind. He turned but nobody was.

      «What happened?«asked Maggie when she saw afraid Sam

      «Nothing» said Sam «I Never thought that the forest will be like this»

      «Like what?«asked Maggie.

      «Strange» said Sam having looking at all sides «It is not like other forests»

      «Here it is» said Jim with voice of wonder

      It was a wooden house with small Windows, which was built only of trees and was surrounded by huge trees.

      «This it?«asked Sam.

      «Yes,» Jim said. «The house which Linda and I built with our hands.»

      They went forward the house and open the door.

      «Everything stands the way we left it.» Jim said.

      The house had 3 rooms. One of them had a huge table in the middle and the other had beds to sleep in. Cobwebs were everywhere and were flying dusts

      «Ok» said Jim, «We shall do the rooms brighter and put in order»

      They put all the things and began to clean up. They put all the things in the right place and dust everything. Sam took out a picture from his backpack and put it on the table. It was a photo of Jim and Linda.

      When they finished Jim took the pot and some potatoes.

      «Let’s go „he said“ let’s make fire» Sam and Maggie went outside following him.

      «I’ll bring some woods in order to make a fire,» Jim said and went for the woods. Sam always looked around without any reason.

      «What are you worried about?«asked Maggie.

      «No,» said Sam «There’s nothing bothering me»

      «But I see the exact opposite of emotion,» said Maggie.

      «You thought so,» said Sam.

      Jim came with wood and made a fire. He put the pot on the fire, put the potatoes in it and added water.

      «If you need water,» he said. «there’s a river there. You will see in the morning»

      They sat long at the fire. Soup was ready they ate directly from the pot.

      «It was delicious, „said Sam,“ and now I’m going to bed. Goodnight.»

      «Me too „said Maggie“ Good night uncle Jim»

      «Good night,» Jim said.

      Maggie and Sam went to bed and Jim was still sitting there. He remAmbered those days when he and Linda sat at the fire until midnight. They had good time together. Then he came home to sleep, too.

      Chapter 2

      The magic horse and the monster


      «Hey Sam» said Maggie» Wake up look what kind of view! You can watch for hours»

      «What?«Sam stood up rubbing his eyes and looked out of the window.

      There was a really beautiful view. There were large trees on which sat a colored birds, were flying different butterflies.

      «Sam, Maggie» Jim’s voice came» Come here I prepared the Breakfast»

      Sam and Maggie went to have Breakfast.

      «Dad» said Sam «Can we walk in the forest? Maggie and I wanted to see the forest.»

      «And,» said Maggie «we shall not climb the mountains»

      «Well» said Jim «Go, enjoy but be careful»

      «I see» said Sam and finished Breakfast. Maggie is also finished and they went together into the forest. They were walking and all of a sudden Sam heard some noise again.

      «Have you heard?«he asked Maggie.

      «What» It was not clear to Maggie.

      «Again,» said Sam «it’s that noise again»

      «Sam» said Maggie» there are more than 100 types of animals and to be some small noise is a custom»

      «It’s not a small noise» said Sam «it’s a huge animal’s step but it’s not visible around us»

      «No,» said Maggie. «you’re just scared and you pay attention to every little thing.»

      They kept going.

      «Maggie stop» whispered Sam and motioned that she didn’t speak»

      look over there»

      They were fascinated. Not far from them stood a white shining horse with huge wings. It was magical. Its hair and tail played on weakly blowing wind. They hid behind a huge tree. The horse opened her wings and began to play. Behind the horse Sam saw a monster that stood and watched the horse.

      «Here» Sam said «Maggie look over there what is it?»

      «Oh, my God. What is this,» said Maggie when she saw.

      The monster resembled a wolf but was very large he had red eyes like fire. He looked at the horse his look was terrible and the monster was ready to attack. The horse didn’t know that.

      «What does he want to do?«asked a frightened Maggie.

      «Don’t know» replied Sam, «But clearly not a good thing»

      The monster began to approach the horse. When the horse found out the monster was very close and the horse could not run away. Monster bit the horse’s neck and kept it. Horse tried to break free but it was not possible. The horse became weaker and weaker.

      «We must do something» said Sam

      «But what?«said Maggie.

      At that moment, Sam saw a stone on the ground. He took the stone and threw it to the monster. The stone fell on the head of the monster. He made free the horse and looked at them.

      «He is coming here,» said Maggie in a dearest voice. Monster went to them. What to do? They started to walk behind. Sam fell but couldn’t take his eyes off the monster. He realized that there is no other way and stood on his feet, kept his body straight and looked straight into the eyes of the monster and put one step forward to him.

      «What are you doing?«said Maggie.

      Sam put the second step. Then the steps of the monster became slower. After the third step, The monster stopped walking. Sam still was looking straight at his eyes without blinking. The monster changed direction and ran the other way and disappeared.

      «What was it?«Maggie was delighted.

      «Horse» said Sam and they ran to the horse. The horse was very weak, but was alive. The wound from the teeth of the monster were bleeding.

      «We need to stop the bleeding,» Sam said.

      «Leave it to me» someone spoke behind. Sam and Maggie looked.


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