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My city: the tragedy of one family. Дмитрий Георгиевич БоррониЧитать онлайн книгу.

My city: the tragedy of one family - Дмитрий Георгиевич Боррони

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world. History began long ago, and never it will be the end. It will not end because it is old as the world. Dispute of fathers and children: who wants to make for whom better, than it is actually.

      This history is heard and told by me. I tell it as heard from people − heroes of this history. Heroes all different, many will find in them themselves. You take a detached view of yourself: what you represent actually. Still here I communicate with heroes of this history only yours faithfully. Only on "you" − and anything else. We forgot about respect for the family, and we always communicate with them on "you", and it is so humiliating when to you even the family sticks. Remember works by classics. There everywhere speak validly, on "you". Let's carry on this tradition and we will speak with each other validly, on "you".

      So, this history began long ago, I do not know when, but it ended so.

      The cemetery, the silent fresh winter breeze blew. We stood at a grave. This was Nadezhda's grave. The novel, having leaned the elbows on trust, stood at a grave of the mother. It was difficult for it to stand. He could not believe in any way that it does not exist with it any more. She died and lay in this grave.

      Sadly, isn't that so? As it is terrible to lose any of relatives. But it is inevitable. All of us die. Nobody can live forever.

      So, we will begin since my children's years.


      School days are wonderful

      I live in the city which is called the city of a dream! Do you ask why it so is called? Just each of the cities in which there lives this or that person is called the city of a dream. It so. For each person where he lived, his city will be the most beautiful city on the earth. City of a dream! Stories which I will tell happened in the different cities, and from it the story becomes more fascinating.

      It is a pity that that beautiful city is unfortunate. People just do not feel sorry for him. Cut down trees, litter the rivers and lakes and just sneeze on it. Claim that the house will sustain everything, all to it at all. But these people are mistaken. The house − not rubber which can be stretched, it − the house, and anything else. It is a pity that we do not appreciate that wealth which surrounds us. We spend it for nothing.

      But it is fine. I will begin the history. The city in which I live, very good. I will not write its name to be fair to those cities where there could be a same story. So, my city is beautiful, the truth it has problems, but they are not in what cities. Housing problem, question of corruption of officials and just pressing problems. However, them it is much bigger, than it was possible to imagine.

      Near it peacefully there is one of settlements, gloomy, not lit, teeming there with dashing children. It was a disgrace the area though had a reputation for the settlement where there live his masters. However, all one after another.

      I always lived in this settlement, I liked to live very much there. I was young and full of strength. Little girl of years of seven. Today the first of September. First call, first teacher. Little girl tot. Costs with a bouquet of flowers of scarlet peonies. She looks at some woman telling something from steps of school. Beautiful! Yes, it is similar to my sister. Do you ask what she told? She congratulated all on the beginning of academic year. Wished good marks and new knowledge. The good speech, you will tell nothing. Parents shot the offsprings with the video cameras. The invited photographer removed all of us together, and at additional expense − everyone separately.

      And here the meeting came to an end, our teachers approached us, and we with them went to classes. We were conducted by other teacher, not that teacher who told the speech from a ladder of school: we were led in a class by the corpulent lady, she had a severe looking. She entered us into a light class, and, told "sit down where you want". Without having managed to finish a phrase and (though she was also a strong woman, but nevertheless could not keep) having leaned against a table, could avoid that first graders with wild squeal as a hurricane, with wild shout rushed on a class, throwing a portfolio on a school desk to secure the place in the first row. Yes! Day promised to be roast, however, as well as all year of study.

      I got the place at the end of a class, in a corner, at a window. The place, of course, not from the best, but brightly shines the sun. I look in a window and I see outside the window the schoolyard. It is empty. Anybody. Only the janitor swept the street sidewalk. At a window the oak grew. It was elderly. It is proud and stately it razmakhnut the branches trees on which leaves already turned yellow. How many he saw for the life, how many pleasures and a grief. Everything was in his life?

      Meanwhile the teacher told about study at school. About knowledge which we will gain in it. About the fact that we have to preserve the nature, keep clean a class and behave at lessons well. Generally, she spoke about everything, including that the school for ten years will become ours the second house. Then it issued us textbooks, and we accompanied by the parents went home.

      Having come home, I long told how there passed the first lesson. The world lesson − so it was called by teachers. Well, tomorrow in school, days of work of study, homeworks, the first estimates will begin. First acquaintances to the same first graders, as well as I; however, it will be only tomorrow, and today − the last day of fun, games. Tomorrow in school.

      Next day exactly at eight o'clock in the morning when the first call rang out, I sat at the school desk, at a window. Soon the teacher entered a class. She was presented and told that we have to get up every time as it enters and leaves a class. Also she told that we have to get up, every time when enters a class and leaves any of teachers. She explained that so we greet and say goodbye to teachers, also she told that now in this school our life will change. We will acquire knowledge which will help to study us further and to become that whom we would like to become. So it to us punished to study well, not to shirk occupation and if something urgent, then there has to be a note from parents. And if somebody gets sick, then the reference from the local pediatrician is obligatory, or the truancy and the second year will be considered. Then the teacher told us that we have to be trained. She left a class and, having entered it again, greeted us. We got up because of school desks, greeted it, then she asked us to sit down.

      Now I am obliged to tell about my first teacher, called her Shchepak Valentina Semenovna. Slightly more than forty years were it at that time. The well-fed woman, she always was on the ball. Tried to put on as the teacher needs to put on. Any прикрас, only dress or skirt. Any excess jewelry, only a wedding ring on a hand.

      So, first lesson. Literature lesson. Many fairy tales to us were read by our parents to us in the childhood, they were a set of sets. One of such fairy tales also became our first lesson. However, I do not remember what the fairy tale and it was and it is not important. Let's pass to a lesson number two: Russian. Here it is possible to tell at once that according to the abc-book to study it was interesting and entertaining. We learned the first letter of the alphabet, it was the letter "A". We learned to write it in the notebooks, removed each hyphen and learned what words begin on a letter "A". Third lesson − mathematics. Here explained us numerals and learned to put one and one. The fourth −урок work became one of darlings. In the pleasure cut out from paper any intricate figures and all.

      End of school day. I left a class, ran in a locker room where my mother waited for me: it also took away me home until the end of academic year.

      Generally, the whole year of occupations passed in the first class interestingly and interestingly. First graders always learn something new, to them the whole world of knowledge, stories opens. And there passed the whole year. We studied, taken knowledge. All as usual, all as always.

      New year. We prepared number. Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Outside the window there was a frost, at windows it decorated windows in fancy white patterns. We addressed in the class the parents. Each of us wanted not to lag behind another, to play if it is not better, then and it is not worse than the partner. All had a joyful mood. New Year! Children's holiday of fun and good mood!

      Outside the window the moon lit a way to the wanderer, stars flickered in a night firmament. Calm around, it is only heard a snow crunch. The hare little rogue runs on the night wood. In the house there is a fir-tree decorated with toys. It blinks multi-colored fires. New year!!!

      Last call! Joyful mood for graduates of school. As I envied them! Here they, enter adulthood, school

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