Intersection With Nibiru. Danilo ClementoniЧитать онлайн книгу.
Danilo Clementoni
Intersection with
The adventures of Azakis and Petri
Original title: Incorcio con Nibiru
Translated by: Linda Thody
Publisher: Tektime
This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and organisations mentioned are the work of the author's imagination and are intended to make the narrative authentic. Any similarity with real events or persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2015 Danilo Clementoni
First edition: February 2015
Self-published and printed
e-mail: [email protected]
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including by any mechanical or electronic system, without the written permission of the editor, except for brief passages taken for the
purposes of review.
This is the second volume in the series
"The adventures of Azakis and Petriâ To fully enjoy this exciting adventure, before starting this book, I would advise reading the first volume entitled "Back to Earthâ (Authorâs note)
To my wife and son, for their patience and their invaluable suggestions, which helped me to improve both my story and myself.
Special thanks to all my friends for their continuous encouragement and support, and for spurring me on to complete this work. Without them it may never have seen the light.
I would like to thank Linda Thody, my translator, for working on this book and for the passion she has shown in completing this translation.
Table of Contents
Tell el-Mukayyar â The escape
Theos spacecraft - The superfluid
Camp Adder air base- The get-away
Theos spacecraft - Action plan
Theos spacecraft â The Admiral
Theos spacecraft - The President
Theos Spacecraft â Return to Earth
Tell el-Mukayyar â The message
Tell el-Mukayyar â The accident
Tell el-Mukayyar â The kitten
Area 51 - The technological revelations
Tell-el-Mukayyar â Return to base
Tell-el-Mukayyar â The Capture
Boston â Massachusetts General Hospital