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Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней. Франк ТрентманнЧитать онлайн книгу.

Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней - Франк Трентманн

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Dynamics of Material Culture in Antwerp, 17th—18th Centuries», в: Majolica and Glass from Italy to Antwerp and Beyond, ed. Johan Veeckman (Antwerp, 2002).


      Jardine, Worldly Goods, 33—4.


      Goldthwaite, «The Empire of Things».


      Этот консерватизм был подмечен современниками, такими как Варки Бенедетто, см.: Paolo Malanima, Il lusso dei contadini: consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane del sei e settecento (Bologna, 1990), 24.


      Robert C. Davis, Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenal (Baltimore, MD, 1991), 100.


      Elizabeth Currie, «Textiles and Clothing»: Ajmar Wollheim & Dennis, eds., At Home in Renaissance Italy, 349.


      Evelyn Welch, Shopping in the Renaissance: Consumer Cultures in Italy, 1400–1600 (New Haven, CT, 2005), цитата на с. 234.


      Welch, Shopping in the Renaissance, 68–72; Гарцони (Garzoni) цитируется на с. 68.


      Plato, The Republic, Book II, «The Luxurious State» (372—37CE), trans. R. E. Allen (New Haven, CT, 2006), 55—6. См. также: Christopher Berry, The Idea of Luxury (Cambridge, 1994); William Howard Adams, On Luxury: A Cautionary Tale (Washington, DC, 2012, 1st edn).


      Matthew 6:19–21 (King James Bible). См. также: The Works of Aurelius Augustine, The City of God (Edinburgh, 1871).


      Patricia Allerston, «Consuming Problems: Worldly Goods in Renaissance Venice» из: O’Malley & Welch, eds., The Material Renaissance, 22.


      1564, цитата в: O’Malley & Welch, eds., The Material Renaissance, 19.


      Vincent Cronin, The Florentine Renaissance (London, 1972), 288f.


      This paragraph draws on Patricia Fortini Brown, «Behind the Walls: The Material Culture of Venetian Elites» из: John Martin & Dennis Romano, Venice Reconsidered: The History and Civilization of an Italian City-state, 1297–1797 (Baltimore, MD, 2000), цитата на 324 & 326.


      Paola Pavanini, «Abitazioni popolari e borghesi nella Venezia cinquecentesca», Studi Veneziani (new series) 5, 1981: 63—126, особенно 111—12, 125—6.


      Ulinka Rublack, «Matter in the Material Renaissance», Past & Present 219, 2013: 41–84.


      Kent Roberts Greenfield, Sumptuary Law in Nürnberg: A Study in Paternal Government (Baltimore, MD, 1918), 109.


      Greenfield, Sumptuary Law in Nürnberg.


      Sheilagh Ogilvie, «Consumption, Social Capital and the «Industrious Revolution» in Early Modern Germany», Journal of Economic History 70, no. 2, 2010: 287–325, 305.


      24 Hen. VIII. C. 13 (1532—3), из: Statutes of the Realm, Vol. III: 1509—45 (London, 1817), eds. T. E. Tomlins & W. E. Taunton, цитата со с. 430.


      Frances Elizabeth Baldwin, Sumptuary Legislation and Personal Regulation in England (Baltimore, MD, 1926), 231f.


      Greenfield, Sumptuary Law, 109, 128—30.


      Madeline Zilfi, «Goods in the Mahalle»: Consumption Studies and the History of the Ottoman Empire, 1550–1922, ed. D. Quataert (New York, 2000).


      Roy Porter, «Consumption: Disease of the Consumer Society?»: John Brewer & Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (London & New York, 1993), 58–81; Dominik Schrage, Die Verfügbarkeit der Dinge: Eine historische Soziologie des Konsums (Frankfurt am Main, 2009), 43–51; Frank Trentmann, «The Modern Genealogy of the Consumer: Meanings, Identities and Political Synapses»: Consuming Cultures, Global Perspectives: Historical Trajectories, Transnational Exchanges, eds. John Brewer & Frank Trentmann, (Oxford & New York, 2006), 19–69.


      Alan Hunt, Governance of the Consuming Passions: A History of Sumptuary Law (Basingstoke, 1996), цитата со с. 73.


      Andreas Maisch, Notdürftiger Unterhalt und gehörige Schranken: Lebensbedingungen und Lebensstile in württembergischen Dörfern der frühen Neuzeit (Stuttgart, 1992), 366—70.


      Hans Medick, Weben und Ueberleben in Laichingen, 1650–1900: Lokalgeschichte als allgemeine Geschichte (Göttingen, 1996), особенно 387–437.


      Daniel Roche, The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the «Ancien Régime» (Cambridge, 1989/1994, 56.


      Sheilagh C. Ogilvie, A Bitter Living: Women, Markets and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany (Oxford, 2003); Ogilvie, «Consumption, Social Capital and the «Industrious Revolution» in Early Modern Germany».


      Matteo Ricci, China in the Sixteenth Century: The Journals of Matthew Ricci: 1583–1610, trans. from the Latin by Louis J. Gallagher (New York, 1583–1610/1953), 25, 550.


      Semedo, The History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China (1655; 1st Portugese edn, 1641), https://archive.org/down-load/historyofthatgre00seme/historyofthatgre00seme.pdf.


      Timothy Brook, The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China (Berkeley, CA, 1998), 123 и дальше.


      Semedo, History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China, 23.


      Brook, Confusions of Pleasure, 198. См. также: Bozhong Li, Agricultural Development in Jiangnan, 1620–1850 (Basingstoke, 1998).



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