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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для чтения и обсуждения. М. М. БитюковаЧитать онлайн книгу.

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для чтения и обсуждения - М. М. Битюкова

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kind of her! – Как мило с ее стороны!

      It doesn’t matter – не имеет значения, не важно

      newsreader – диктор на телевидении

      sit up – зд. оживиться, заинтересоваться

      Lesson 1. Tasks on the text

      Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

      1. Who bought some new shoes? Where did she buy them? 2. Who hit Emma and took her bag? How did this person look like? 3. Who looked at Emma’s head and back when she was in hospital? 4. Who bought a lottery ticket with the numbers 5, 12, 23, 24, 38, 41? 5. Who lived with his mother and father? Where did they live? 6. Whose lottery ticket had six winning numbers? 7. Who lived in Australia? 8. Who brought Emma’s shoes and bag to the hospital? 9. Who found Emma’s shoes and bag in the street? 10. Who did Emma see when she switched on the television? 11. What did she do after she saw that man on TV?

      Exercise 2. Read the statements from the text and say if they are true of false. Correct the false ones.

      1. Emma Carter is a young woman.

      2. Emma buys a lottery ticket every week.

      3. Emma has got no money.

      4. Jason Williams kills old women.

      5. Jason got a winning lottery ticket.

      6. Jason’s mother and father want his money.

      7. Jason wanted to go to the police and tell the truth.

      Exercise 3. When Emma saw Jason on television, she telephoned the police. Write out the conversation in the correct order and put the speaker’s names. Then act out the dialogue. Emma speaks first (5).

      1_______ “Are you sure it’s the same man?”

      2_______ “Because of the numbers. I always choose the same numbers.”

      3_______ “Can I help you, madam?”

      4_______ “Because he’s got this week’s winning lottery ticket.”

      5_______ “Hullo – police?”

      6_______ “How do you know that it’s your ticket?”

      7_______ “I see. Well, I’m going to send a policeman to talk to you, Mrs. Carter.”

      8_______ “My name’s Mrs. Emma Carter. A young man stole my handbag on Saturday. I can see him on television now.”

      9_______ “Thank you very much.”

      10______ “Why is he on television, madam?”

      11______ “Yes, I’m sure. And he’s got my lottery ticket.”

      Exercise 4. Translate the following passages from the text into Russian.

      a) p. 1. From “It was a quiet town …” to “…with Emma’s bag under his arm.”

      b) p. 1. From “Did anybody see this young man?..” to “ …Sandwich Road for 38 years.”

      c) p. 1. From “Jason Williams came home …” to “… Today he was angry.”

      d) p. 2. From “And now for this week’s lottery winner …” to “…I’m going to go to New York, Miami…”

      Exercise 5. Retell chapters 1-2.

      Exercise 6. What are your impressions of these chapters? Can you guess what will happen next? Write 5 sentences about your predictions.

      Lesson 1. Tasks on vocabulary

      Exercise 1. Find words from the text in the square below. There are 7 words across and 8 words down. Make up sentences with these words.

      Exercise 2. Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form the phrases from the text.

      A                                          B

      1. make                                    a. shop

      2. lottery                                    b. down

      3. shoe                                          c. station

      4. bag                                          d. a call

      5. write                                          e. ticket

      6. feel                                          f. snatcher

      7. police                                    g. tired

      Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary.

      1. She was pleased … my work.

      2. He ran … to me and snatched my bag.

      3. They looked at her … a second and then left the room.

      4. What did you watch … TV yesterday?

      5. There are some funny pictures … the top of the page.

      6. She came home, took a telephone and made … a call.

      7. Would you like to go … a walk with me?

      8. The students took their pens and wrote … the sentences.

      Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English, using the words and expressions from the chapter.

      1. Внезапно он почувствовал себя плохо и его отвезли в больницу. 2. Ты знаешь номер выигрышного билета? 3. Сегодня вечером Лиза сходила в обувной магазин и купила мне новые туфли. – Как мило с ее стороны! 4. Вы живете на верхнем этаже? – Это не имеет значения. 5. У меня есть немного денег, и я могу сделать один телефонный звонок. 6. Она позвала на помощь, но никто ее не услышал. 7. В понедельник кто-то ударил миссис Уилсон по голове и выхватил у нее из рук ключи от квартиры. 8. Что там за шум? – внезапно оживилась Хелен. 9. Вскоре Марта подошла ко мне и дала мне чашку кофе с молоком. 10. Чем он обычно занимается? – Он выхватывает сумочки у одиноких (lonely) старушек и убегает.

      Lesson 2. Chapter 3. Jason in trouble

      At ten o'clock on Monday night Jason was а very happy man. He was in а big room in а hotel with а lot of people in beautiful clothes. There were television cameras, reporters,

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