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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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will enjoy it and be surprised to discover what a powerful technique it is. The working principle is this: when you radiate thought energy at a different frequency to the pendulum’s resonance frequency you are in dissonance with the pendulum. The dissonance stills the pendulum’s sway in relationship to your personal energy; the result being that the pendulum leaves you in peace.

      There is another interesting method aimed at gently bringing a pendulum to rest. If someone is getting to you or causing you a problem, try and work out what that person is missing and what they need. It could be health, confidence or peace of mind. If you think about it these are the three things we all need to feel fulfilled. Ask yourself what the person you are finding so challenging might really need at that moment.

      For example, if your boss shouts at you, maybe they are tired or having problems at home and what they really need is a little peace of mind. Imagine your boss relaxing in a comfortable armchair watching the television, sitting beside an open fire, fishing by a river or having a beer with friends. Perhaps you know of something else your boss likes to do. It may be that your boss is being pressured to take on more responsibility and is afraid of doing so. Perhaps what he needs is confidence. Imagine your boss skiing confidently, driving around in a sports car or being the centre of attention at a party. Your boss might be in some kind of pain. Imagine him feeling happy and fresh, swimming in the sea, riding a bicycle or playing football. Of course, it is better to imagine them doing what they specifically like to do in their free time but you do not have to guess. It is enough to simply imagine the person feeling content and happy.

      What is really happening in a situation like this where your boss suddenly appears on the scene with a problem (or it could be someone else like a mugger)? Try to instantly distract yourself from whatever the problem is. That way, you avoid putting your head into the noose that locks your thoughts into a certain frequency from the very outset. Now imagine this person receiving exactly what they need. (What does a robber need; to eat; drink; get high?) Visualize an image of the person’s fulfillment. If you are successful you can consider the problem solved. After all, the pendulum does not swing randomly. Something specific shifts it out of balance, causing it to start swaying. Consciously or unconsciously the pendulum is seeking for the one thing that will restore its balance. The energy of your thoughts set to a certain positive frequency will do that, at least indirectly, and the pendulum will instantly substitute its aggression with goodwill as a result. If this is hard to believe, test out the technique for yourself.

      A pendulum-person approaches you with a problem which you solve, not in an obvious way, but on an energetic level. The technique is based on the principle that stops a pendulum. You give the pendulum your energy, but only a tiny piece of it in comparison to the amount of energy you could have lost had you been drawn into the pendulum’s game. Besides that, you have also done a good deed by helping someone in need, if only for a short time. The interesting thing is that this person will adopt a friendlier attitude towards you even though they may never guess why they feel so comfortable in your company. That can be your secret.

      The same technique can be successfully applied in cases where you need something from someone who is absorbed in their own problems and not in the mood to collaborate. If for example you need an official’s signature on a document and you suspect they might be ill-disposed towards you, try treating them to a healthy dose of visualization and you will find that they will be quite amenable.

      The last question is where all the energy goes when a pendulum is brought to rest. The answer is that the energy comes to you. Having coped with the problem once, you become stronger. The next time you try to solve a problem using this technique it will not be as difficult. Is this not always the way? Fighting a problem head-on only leads to a loss of energy which is absorbed by the pendulum that created it.

      Psychologists and psychotherapists are well acquainted with equivalent practices of defeating or stopping a pendulum. In this sense the techniques described here are nothing new. However, they will be of value to anyone unfamiliar with practical psychology and give a clear understanding of how and why psychological protection is so effective.

      Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

      Another practical value of these techniques for defeating or stopping a pendulum is acquiring the ability to solve all kinds of problems: complicated situations in your personal life, conflict, unfavorable circumstances or simply a set task. There are always simple solutions to complex problems. The key to solving a problem always lies somewhere on the surface, the question is how to spot it. The pendulum that creates the problem obscures your vision, making it harder to find the key.

      The goal of a destructive pendulum is always to feed on your energy. To do this it has to attune the vibration of your thought energy to the frequency of the problem and keep it there. This is easy to do if you are convinced that the problem is complex. If you accept the game rules, the pendulum will take you by the hand and lead you into an intricate labyrinth. Only later will you look back in hindsight and see how easily the mystery could have been solved.

      If you play on someone’s complexes by scaring, worrying or confusing them, they will take the bait and readily agree how complicated the problem really is. You do not even have to scare a person to achieve the same effect. Most people will agree that there are no easy solutions to the majority of their problems. We are all constantly confronted with difficulties of some kind over the course of our lives, especially when we face something new or unfamiliar. Approaching problems with anxiety or even a reverential fear is for most people a deeply rooted habit. When weighing up their ability to deal with a problem most people verge on the side of self-doubt. Consequently, all this anxiety is an excellent puppet string.

      A pendulum can act via its adherents, i.e. people who are connected with a particular problem as well as non-living objects. The pendulum holds a person’s thought energy at a certain frequency, sucking their energy whilst they carry the burden of the problem. You might think that focusing on the problem would help you to concentrate on finding a solution to it, and yet the opposite happens; it actually hinders you from finding a solution.

      The pendulum focuses our thinking on a very narrow sector of the informational field. As a result, a person thinks and acts within the limits of a narrow corridor, unable to see the bigger picture or perceive the solution which may well lie outside that sector of the information field. Unusual or intuitive solutions often present themselves when you free yourself from the pendulum and are able to think in a different way. The secret of genius lies in remaining free from the influence of pendulums. While the thought energy of most people is held at certain frequencies by pendulums, the thought energy of a genius is free to attune itself to different frequencies and move into unexplored areas of the information field.

      The way to avoid getting caught in the pendulum’s snare is to keep whatever problem you are dealing with in perspective and remain aware of the pendulum’s intent to trick you into playing its game. Rent yourself out–be detached. Try looking at the situation as if you had no emotional attachment to it. Act as you normally would but remain observant, don’t play the game. Remember that the pendulum wants to take you by the hand and lead you into a complex labyrinth. Do not let the problem get a hold on you, scare, worry, or confuse you. Just remember that there is always a straightforward solution to every problem. Do not accept the “complicated” interpretation projected by the pendulum.

      If you are confronted with a problem or tricky situation, be aware of your attitude towards it. Even though the problem may stir up feelings of confusion, fear, resentment, despair and so on, it is important to change your initial attitude to the exact opposite because then the problem will either disappear by itself or you will quickly find a simple solution to it. Despite the stereotypes and habits you have already adopted, try to regard any problems you encounter as just another part of the road you are walking along, like any other aspect of it, rather than as obstacles that must be overcome. Do not take the problem onboard so that it occupies your inner space. Be empty to the problem.

      If you have to solve a challenging problem remember that you do not have to rely solely on logical reasoning. Your subconscious is directly linked to the information field where the solution to any potential problem already exists. Relax; release any fear or anxiety you may have been experiencing in connection with the issue, confident in the knowledge that the solution

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