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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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very clear conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said above. You are always on a life line that represents the quality of your energetic vibration. If you take in negative energy you will experience disappointments in your life and if you give out negative energy it will return to you like a boomerang in the form of disappointment.


      Instead of playing the game of a destructive pendulum, seek out pendulums that benefit you in some way by their game. Acquire the habit of giving your attention to all that is positive and good. As soon as you see, read or hear something pleasing or encouraging hold it in your thoughts and let it lift your spirits. Imagine that you are walking through a forest where there are beautiful flowers as well as poisonous thorns. Which would you choose? If you pick a bunch of elderberry flowers and put them in a vase in your home you will soon get a headache. What would be the point of that? It is the same thing as reacting to destructive pendulums. It is better to pick a jasmine flower, admire its beauty, and savour its aroma. Let in the things that are positive and you will be greeted on your path by ever more good news and auspicious opportunity.

      Once you have experienced a brief moment of inspiration or joy it is easy to get pulled back into the stresses of your daily routine. The feeling of elation is forgotten and the working day takes over. To keep the festive feeling in your life, first and foremost you have to remember it. Habit makes us jump head first back into the monotony of everyday life. The negative pendulums make us forget whatever the good thing was that happened and we loose a sense of the pleasure it gave us.

      You have to support the little flame of enthusiasm and nourish the feeling it gives you inside. Observe how life is moving in a better direction, take hold of any straw of happiness you are offered and look for good signs in everything. At the very least it will keep you from being bored. It is essential to remember that in every minute you give to the Transurfing practice, you are consciously moving towards your dream, setting the course of your own destiny. This in itself imparts a feeling of calm, confidence and happiness that helps you to stay positive. Once this feeling becomes a habit you will be constantly riding the crest of the wave of good fortune.

      Be happy for all that you have in this given moment. Being happy by definition is no empty invocation. Sometimes circumstances unfold in such a way that it is genuinely difficult to be content, but nonetheless, from a practical point of view, expressing your dissatisfaction is highly disadvantageous. You want to get to the life lines that inspire you but you cannot make that shift if your energy field is filled with the vibration of dissatisfaction. Good life lines differ in that the circumstances you encounter fill your thoughts with happiness and contentment.

      Good news is quickly forgotten because it gives us no cause for concern. In contrast, bad news evokes an active response because it poses a potential threat. If you do not let bad news into your heart, you will not allow it into your life. Close yourself off to bad news and remain open to good news. It is important to note and carefully nourish any positive change in your life for these are the messengers of the wave of fortune. As soon as you hear any even slightly encouraging news, rather than forgetting the information immediately afterwards, as you would have done previously, savour, discuss and track it. Think the news over from all points of view. Take pleasure in it. Make predictions and expect further improvement. In this way the vibration of your thoughts will remain at the frequency of the wave of good fortune and you will be attuning yourself to its parameters. The good news will increase and life will get better. To filter information in this way is neither a practice of mysticism nor is it a particular quality of the human psyche. It is the nature of reality. The pessimist looks at the world through black tinted glasses and the optimist through rose-tinted glasses. Either way, you shift to different life lines according to the quality of your thoughts.

      When you are in the right relationship with yourself and your environment, you transmit harmonious energy into the world around you. You create an area of harmonious vibration around yourself in which everything unfolds successfully. A positive attitude always leads to success and creativity.

      Negativity by contrast is always destructive and aimed at disruption. There is a certain category of individual who prefer to look for problems rather than their solution. This type of person is always happy to discuss their difficulties and seek out new obstacles. People like this usually have trouble offering a practical way out of a situation because they are programmed to search for difficulties rather solutions. A determination to focus on problems will bring them to you in abundance, leaving you stuck with the situation that is causing you grief. Criticism and targeting the negative side of a situation will always bring fruits of a corresponding nature. This does plenty of harm and not much good. Look around and you will find people like this in your circle of friends and acquaintances. This is not to say that they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’; they are firmly hooked up by a destructive pendulum.

      The majority of people respond antagonistically to any undesirable event that occurs in their lives. As a rule, any event which does not follow the original script is claimed undesirable. The opposite is also true. We can only perceive success in forms that correspond to the expectations of our original script. A person might be terribly upset about being late for a plane which then crashes. The opposite can also happen where a person lets a unique opportunity pass them by because it did not fit into their plans.

      The more negative your thoughts about life, the worse your life will become. The more a person worries about failure the more readily new failures will appear in their life. As the saying goes: “As the call, so the echo”. A person who chooses this way of being practices the opposite of Transurfing on a daily basis; they are sliding down a life line that can only lead to their personal hell. Take the exact opposite position; be joyful in the face of failure, and deliberately look for even the slightest blessing. You can always find something. Maintain the perspective that the glass is half full. The rather banal saying that: ‘everything happens for a reason”, always stands true if you decide to make it your tenet. You have to firmly hold your course in the direction of all that is good, letting go of the old habit of getting upset and downhearted at any minor obstacle.

      If a person is strong, every failure they experience is taken to be a useful lesson, making them tougher and more experienced. Find joy in all parts of your world and you will transform it into paradise. This is of course a very unusual way of behaving but it fits the unusual goal of becoming your own genie and making all your wishes come true. Unusual goals require unusual methods.

      It is difficult to practice this type of behaviour at first because the old habit of reacting negatively to anything that disappoints us is so deeply entrenched. The most important thing to remember when you suffer a setback is that the setback has been created by a pendulum that is trying to get its hook into you. Once you remember this fact, you can make a conscious choice as to whether you would rather vent your negative emotions and give energy to the pendulum, or gain victory over the pendulum by leaving it without a scrap of your emotional energy.

      Once you can remember this, it is not that difficult to defeat a pendulum or still its sway. As has already been said, pendulums pull on your emotional strings, and your habits are the trigger for the mechanism that captures your thoughts. Even though you have just read this chapter and have set yourself the goal of not responding to any bitter pill, you might still fall into the old pattern of expressing a negative reaction. However, you will become conscious of the fact that you forgot and responded out of habit instead. As soon as you can remember in time–the situation will be under your control. You will laugh to yourself: “Aha! So, it’s you again, you old pendulum! You won’t hook me so easily this time!” You will be free to accept of reject the pendulum consciously. You will no longer be the puppet.

      If you practice this technique consistently, with time you will succeed in replacing the old habit with a new one. Until that happens, pendulums will try to provoke you in all kinds of ways. You will notice how as soon as you start behaving differently you are bombarded with unpleasant news and circumstances as if someone was deliberately trying to thwart you. Do not give up. On the whole these will be small frustrations rather than anything more serious. If you do not give up and learn to remember the victory will be quite impressive. Mind my words!

      Another possible result is that the next time

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