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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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it really be otherwise? A person allows information related to disaster to become a part of their life. They unwittingly accept the fate of victim and eventually, materialize misfortune in an alternative life line. Of course, the person had no intention of becoming a victim but that is unfortunately of no consequence because once a person has agreed to join the role they will play is chosen by the pendulum. Whereas for many people personal involvement in a disaster would signify the result of a fatal train of events, for our victim, it would represent the logical end to a line of behaviour that increased the probability of their being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      If you ignore the prod of a destructive pendulum you will never end up involved in a catastrophic event or at least the probability of it happening will be close to zero. You may object that thousands of people have lost their lives in tragic accidents and natural disasters; surely not all these people were thinking about catastrophes simultaneously? The thing is that we do not live alone in the world. We are surrounded by other people who are actively working for destructive pendulums and radiating energy within the pendulum’s spectrum. It is not possible to become totally and ideally isolated from these vibrational frequencies. The common field encompasses you, and without being consciously aware of it, you begin to radiate energy at the same frequencies as the surrounding field. The roots of this type of behaviour go back to very ancient times when the herd instinct helped to protect the group from danger. This is why the energy field of an induced shift grows, producing a snowball effect that pulls you in like water to the centre of a whirlpool.

      The task is to stay as far away as possible from the pendulum’s vortex. This means not absorbing negative information relating to catastrophic events and disasters; showing no interest; refraining from worry or discussion and generally, letting the information pass you by. Notice that we say ‘let the information pass you by’, rather than try to avoid it. As we know from previous chapters, trying to avoid a meeting with a pendulum is the same as seeking out a meeting with it. When you resist something, desire specifically to avoid something or express your enmity towards something you actively radiate energy at the frequency of the object you are trying to avoid. To ‘let something pass you by’ means not to absorb or react to negative information; simply ignore it and switch your attention to harmless television programs and books.

      If you find it impossible to retain a positive outlook when confronted with negativity you can always turn to your Guardian Angel. For example, if you are afraid of flying, stay away from planes. If you are afraid it means that somewhere in the spectrum of your energy there is a frequency that resonates at the vibration of a like line in which a plane crash occurs. It does not mean that you will immediately transition to this life line, but nonetheless, the possibility exists. If you are the kind of person who does not think of the dangers of flying at all, then you have nothing to fear. On the other hand, if you experience unusually high levels of anxiety before boarding a plane it would be wise to skip the flight. If this is totally out of the question you would be wise to learn to listen to the rustle of the morning stars. What that is and how it can be heard, you have yet to discover.


      Wars break out essentially for the same reason that fist fights do. One party expresses their opinion. The other party holds the opposite opinion and so the opinion expressed by the first is like the prod of a destructive pendulum. The second party takes offense at the prod and reacts with double the amplitude. The first shouts back even louder. Both parties become increasingly aggressive until things finally come to blows.

      This metaphor illustrates the battle between two pendulums that knock against each other, causing each to swing higher and higher. Obviously the outbreak of war or build-up to a revolution involves all sorts of complex factors, but essentially the process is the same. The pendulum primes the people by telling them that they do not have a good life and the people are quick to agree. It is then explained that the reason they do not live well is because other people are preventing them doing so. This stirs resentment and the pendulum begins to swing. Then one side provokes the other evoking a storm of anger whereby the pendulum gathers force and the war or revolution can begin. Each swing of the pendulum generates a response, which strengthens the pendulum’s sway still further. A snowball effect is initiated until a shift occurs to a life line with mounting tension.

      The situation can only be changed at the outset before things escalate out of control, at the moment when the spiral begins to turn and the pendulum makes its first move. If the other party responds peacefully or simply walks away, the pendulum will be brought to rest or defeated. If however, the pendulum’s prod is accepted, the participant’s energy will correspond to the parameters of the life line on the next turn of the spiral. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that an individual participant will not be pulled into the events of war or revolution even if they manage not to respond to the pendulum. If you get pulled into a powerful whirlpool, however hard you try, it is almost impossible to free yourself from the current that pulls towards the centre. If however, a participant refuses to play the pendulum’s game they will at least have greater chances of surviving with minimal loss.

      Here we should be clear about what it means not to tolerate war or revolution. You could hate war or be actively campaigning against it. It makes no difference to the pendulum which side of the fence you stand on. It will claim your energy in both cases. If energy is emanated at the frequency of war a shift will occur onto a corresponding life line. If you accept war and participate in it then you are effectively on the battle field. If you fight against war it will consume you anyway. Not to accept the pendulum’s game means to ignore it. I realize that it is not always possible to ignore something life war but this is the danger of the induced shift. It is not worth taking the position of defender or opponent of war. There have always been neutral countries which have remained on the sideline and watched while entire nations destroyed each other. From the point of view of the pendulum trying to provoke a fight with its rivals, people who ardently protest against war at demonstrations are potentially just as committed and desirable adherents as the supporters of conflict. Active protest against war potentially provides the pendulum with just as much energy as the support of war, although naive adherents will be convinced of the opposite. The real way to prevent war is simply to support peaceful action and where possible expose a pendulum’s true motives. Do you remember the metaphor of the hive of wild bees? The pendulum tells its adherents that the bees are dangerous and must be killed. But what is the pendulum’s true motive. What does it really need? Honey perhaps…


      As we have said, there are different ways of playing the game of a destructive pendulum, either by supporting it or negating it. The second option is probably the most perilous, since the desire to actively avoid a pendulum creates excess potential that can pull you into the vortex of an induced transition. Almost everyone nowadays experiences concern at some point or another about losing their job. An induced transition to finding yourself out on the street would be quite a crafty manoeuvre. Sometimes larger events start with something small and seemingly harmless; an initial feint signal. For example, you might hear that your company is not doing quite as well as it was before, or someone you know lost their job recently, or there are rumours at work that staff may have to be made redundant.

      On a subconscious level, an otherwise unnoticeable red light comes on. Shortly afterwards, you pick up on another signal such as reports that inflation is sky high. This keeps you and those around you on their toes. People start talking about their concerns and the unemployment pendulum is provided with a source of energy. Then there is news about an impending drop in the stock market and the general tension increases. Concern quickly gives way to anxiety and then fear. By this time you are already generating energy to the vibration of a life line where you can see yourself without a job. If you are afraid that you will end up being one of the ones made redundant your fear is as perceptible to others as if you were wearing a placard saying, “I might be made redundant”. If you think you can hide your fear you are mistaken. Body language and the slightest intonation in your voice say more than a thousand words. Once you lose confidence in yourself you become less efficient. Tasks that you found easy before seem more difficult. A certain tension seeps into your communication with colleagues who are in the same position. You take your anxiety home with you and instead of support you find your family begin to complain and criticize. Stress levels

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