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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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that, out of habit, as if in a dream, you have accepted a pendulum’s game, i.e. you have expressed discontentment, indignation, anxiety, or contributed to a destructive discussion and so on. Remember: everything that causes you to express a negative reaction is a provocative prod from a destructive pendulum. The same thing happens when you are dreaming; until you realize that what you are seeing is a dream, you are simply a pawn in someone else’s game and there is nothing to stop you from being tormented by nightmares. As soon as you wake up, shake off the delusion and realize the nature of the game. You are in control. When you do this you will no longer be the victim of circumstances, while everyone around you continues to exist in a zombie-like state.


      Everyone creates the separate layer of their own world.

      The world of humanity consists of individual layers, placed one on top of the other.

      When a person emanates negative energy they compromise the quality of their own life layer.

      Aggression is mistakenly taken to be a strength and dissatisfaction as a normal reaction.

      Reacting to negative events induces a shift to negative life lines.

      An induced transition is accompanied by a negative event in a personal life layer.

      Do not allow negative information into your layer.

      “Do not allow” does not mean strive to avoid, but rather, to intentionally ignore, to express no interest.

      Chapter VI. The Alternatives Flow

      When you go with the flow the world meets you halfway

      The Information Field

      The alternatives space is an information field or energy matrix, a template for what things could be like. When a sector of the matrix is lit up by an energy that has the same resonance, that part of the template is transformed into physical reality. The question is whether the information held in the matrix can be used whilst it exists in its intangible form.

      You could say that we are using this information on an every day basis. The conscious mind might not be able to read the information held in the alternatives space but the subconscious mind can access it directly. This is where premonitions, intuition, prophecies, inventions and works of art originate.

      The conscious mind sources information both by interpreting data from the external world and by receiving it from the subconscious via intuition. Put bluntly, the data recorded in the information field represents truth in its purest form. It represents objective information undistorted by interpretation. When truth passes through the filter of the mind it becomes an interpretation, i.e. knowledge. All living beings have their own way of interpreting the truth. A chicken for example sees and understands the world very differently to a human. Even different people will see and understand the same things in different ways. As a result, knowledge is a more or less distorted representation of the truth.

      The data contained in the information field exists in the form of a complex energetic structure. The field is a record of everything that causes matter to move in accordance with the laws of nature. Initially, data from the information field is received by the subconscious, the soul, and then the conscious mind or reason, translates it into word and symbol. This is how any innovation is brought to life, be it a new genre of music, a work of art, or anything that a person could not have seen or understood directly. Intuitive knowledge and premonitions are received in the same way.

      This explanation might be a little perturbing or hard to accept. Can it really be, you ask, that the mind is incapable of creating anything new independently and is actually drawing on data from an external source or information field? Perhaps it is too categorical to say that the mind can never create anything new. The mind can build a new object or solve a problem using knowledge of objects and logical constructions that it is already familiar with. In other words, the rational mind can build a new house but only from old bricks. It can construct something using ideas that have been made accessible to the conscious mind previously, but it cannot directly access information that is fundamentally new.

      Scientific discoveries are not made as a result of logical reasoning, so much as from an ‘aha moment’ of insight when knowledge seems to come from nowhere. The same goes for genius inventions. Good music just comes to the musician. It is not created via the intelligent choice of notes. Works of art are created as a result of inspiration not professional and technical skill. A picture that from a technical point of view has been executed perfectly will not necessarily be proclaimed a work of art. The special quality that makes something a work of art lies beyond the realms of technical execution. Poetry that has the ability to touch your heart is not written by the process of choosing rhythms but comes from the depths of the poet’s soul.

      Creativity based on inspiration and insight is totally different to something produced by the rational mind. It is only later that a product of true creativity becomes an attribute of the mind. The mind may be capable of making a perfect copy of an old work of art but it is incapable of creating a new one. The mind analyzes data, received from the information field by the subconscious and endows it with symbolic form producing a painting, a melody, a poem, mathematical formula etc.

      We do not yet know how the subconscious accesses the information field but we can witness the access. Clairvoyants for example are capable of perceiving events that have taken place in the past, have not yet taken place, or are happening somewhere beyond our field of vision. As we cannot yet explain the mechanism for such things we refer to them as paranormal phenomena. Not wishing to reveal their impotence the pendulums of fundamental science refuse to take such phenomena seriously. However, the fact that we cannot explain them does not stop them from being real or justify the tendency to dismiss them out of hand.

      There are people who are capable of seeing events in the information field as clearly as if they were witnessing them in the material world. People like this are capable of attuning to manifest sectors in the alternatives space. A clairvoyant for example can attune to the sector of a missing person by looking at a photograph of that person or touching an item of their belongings. The police have even been known to make use of the services of clairvoyants in their investigations.

      Not all clairvoyants can see perfectly and so mistakes are made. Mistakes can be made for two reasons. Firstly the clairvoyant may attune to a sector that has never been realised in the material plane and never will be. Confusion can also be caused by the fact that separate sectors differ in script and scenery to a lesser or greater degree depending on their relative distance from one another. This can effect how information is interpreted. For example, ancient prophesiers and prophets who observed unusual scenes from the future interpreted them according to the knowledge available to them at the time causing their predictions to be inaccurate.

      Whether you believe in these things or not is a very personal thing. Remember, Transurfing is just a model that allows us to apply the laws of the universe to serve our own interests. It does not claim to provide a comprehensive description of the structure of the universe. Neither is Transurfing a monument in granite bearing the inscription: “Here lies the secret”. Truth, as you know, is only ever somewhere close by. The idea that man is capable of synthesizing anything new using the rational mind alone is simply the product of a certain attitude. It is just that society has been relying on the model that generated that attitude for a long time now. It should be pointed out however, that the conventional worldview is as impossible to prove as the Transurfing model. Whether things actually happen according to one system or another does not concern us here too much. The fact remains, that information originating in the alternatives space is somehow available to us in the form of hunches, visions, insights and signs, and as far as we are able we must attempt to understanding its meaning.

      Knowledge Out of Nowhere

      Only a few very unique individuals are capable of reading data held in the information field. The majority of us receive reverberations of data in the form of momentary premonitions and vaguely perceived knowledge. People involved in the worlds of

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