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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5 - Вадим Зеланд

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We will return to this later.

      Pay attention to the signs the world is giving you without going over the top and looking for signs everywhere. It can get a little absurd if you say: “Look! The birds are flying high in the sky today. I wonder what that means” Maybe it just means that birds are not afraid of heights and so are able to fly at high altitudes. It is sufficient to be aware of what you notice and keep in mind that something you have seen might be a guiding sign. As soon as you forget to be vigilant pendulums will latch onto you and you could become the victim of circumstance.

      It is also worth meticulously checking out desires and actions that could dramatically change the course of your destiny. If you get a negative gut feeling about something you are thinking of doing, if it is at all possible, do not do it because the negative feeling you are experiencing indicates that the original desire came from the mind, not the heart. Desires and actions that come from the mind are always imposed by pendulums. If you ignore a negative gut feeling in the majority of cases nothing awful will happen, but sometimes you may deeply regret doing so. Therefore, whenever possible, it is better to forego desires and actions that evoke feelings of guilt, doubt or apprehension. If you can get into the habit of doing this it will greatly simplify your life and free you from all sorts of problems.

      There is just one ‘but’. If a series of misplaced steps have got you all tied up in a knot it might not be enough simply to rethink certain desires and actions, because sometimes a person is called to do something which causes them “discomfort” like not telling the truth or going to work when you hate your job. However, once a knot has been untied and you are freed from a more complex situation you can confidently try out the principle of foregoing desires or actions that evoke a feeling of inner discomfort.

      This is all that can be said about guiding signs within the context of the Transurfing model. Ultimately, only you can interpret the signs that are personal to you. There is no need to teach you how to interpret signs. You will instinctively understand their meaning if you are observant of yourself and the world around you. Be wary of attributing excess importance to signs that are not sufficiently clear or that would introduce negative interpretations into your personal life script. You will not get caught up on a sandbank or fly off down the rapids if you avoid creating excess potential. After all is said and done we can survive quite well without signs if we have to. It is not given to us to understand their meaning fully. The only sign particularly worth focusing on when you are making a decision is your gut feeling and intuition. It really is worth listening to the rustle of the morning stars.

      Letting Go

      The existence of streams in the alternatives flow can potentially free the mind of two overwhelming burdens: the need to solve problems rationally and the need to control. That is, if the mind will allow itself to be freed. The mind will require a more or less rational explanation to be comfortable enough to let go. As you may have noticed quite a lot of what is described in this book is irrational which is why, although it is not the purpose of Transurfing to offer a description of the structure of the universe, I try to validate the conclusions I have drawn that would otherwise be difficult for the mind to accept.

      Providing an explanation the mind can accept is actually essential because the mind will not take anything on faith and it is extremely difficult to shake the monolith of common sense. The mind demands proof and circumstantiation which you can provide yourself if you try putting the principles of Transurfing into practice. I offer a couple of feasible explanations here to sooth the incredulous mind, for if I did not, the reader would be unlikely to try out the Transurfing principles or read any further. And this is just the beginning. Many exciting revelations lie ahead.

      The burdens of the mind are placed on us in childhood. As children we are constantly being reprimanded: “Think with your head!”, “Do you realize what you are doing?”, “Explain yourself!” “Do your homework. You won’t get anywhere in life without a brain!”, “Don’t be so stupid. Will you ever learn?” Teachers and circumstances sculpt a soldier from our minds ready at any moment to produce an explanation, give an answer to a question, assess a situation, make a decision and control those around us. The mind is trained to act in a practical manner based on common sense.

      I am not presumptuous enough to advocate getting rid of common sense altogether; quite the opposite. Common sense provides us with a minimal set of rules on how to behave in life in order to survive. The mistake of the mind is that it follows the behavioural code too literally. An obsession with common sense prevents the mind from opening up, looking around and noticing all the things that do not fit the rules.

      There are many things in the world that are inconsistent with common sense. The rational mind is incapable of explaining all the phenomena we witness in the world. Neither is it very good at protecting a person from experiencing problems and disappointment. However, relying on the streams in the alternatives flow can compensate for the limitations of the mind. The justification for doing so is very simple; there is purposefulness to the streams in the alternatives flow and this is a quality the mind seeks. As we have said before, the streams take the route of least resistance. The mind strives to reason sensibly and logically relying on the principles of cause and effect but the imperfections of the mind prevent it from navigating correctly in the external world and finding the one prime solution to any given problem.

      Nature is in essence perfect and so the streams of the alternatives flow have more purposefulness and logic than the wisest reasoning mind. However convinced the mind is that it reasons clearly, it will still be prone to making mistakes. The mind would make fewer mistakes if it did not try so hard to get involved and allowed problems to resolve themselves. When you let go of the situation and relax your controlling grip you allow the world around you more freedom and the flow can take its own course.

      You already know that it is futile and even dangerous to try to pressure the world and yet when the mind loses a sense of harmonious flow it creates excess potential, which in turn creates obstacles. Transurfing demonstrates a different way of being. Firstly, if you reduce the importance you attribute to an obstacle it will fade of its own accord. Secondly, if the obstacle does not respond to your efforts to overcome it, move around it and guiding signs will appear to assist you.

      The problem with the mind is that it tends to interpret any event that fails to fit its script as an obstacle. The mind likes to plan everything beforehand, make calculations and when something unexpected happens it fights against it trying to make it fit the script. Unfortunately, this only makes the situation worse. Obviously, the mind is not capable of planning events ideally. This is where more freedom should be given to the flow. The flow has no interest in ruining your life as such an action would lack purposefulness. Lives can however be ruined by ill-designed actions.

      The mind would have it that purposefulness is what happens when everything is going according to the script and unwanted problems are what happens when something does not go along with the script. Problems have to be solved and so the mind sets about doing so with great gusto generating new problems and cluttering the path with endless obstacles.

      Think about it, when are people happy, fulfilled and pleased with themselves, if not when everything is going according to plan. Self-importance prevents the mind from allowing any possibility of deviation from the original script which is automatically interpreted as a failure. The mind thinks: “But I planned it all and worked it all out beforehand. I know what is right for me and what is not. I’m rational”. Life often delivers people gifts which they accept reluctantly because they were not planned. “I wanted a different toy!” Life rarely gives us the toys we planned on getting, and so we walk around dissatisfied and sad. Imagine how joyful life would be if the mind could forego some of its importance and accept the fact that deviations from the script also have their place.

      We can all regulate how happy we are. Most people set their minimum happiness bar far too high and so do not consider themselves happy. I am not saying that you should always be satisfied with what you have in the spirit of the dubious slogan “if you want to be happy, just be happy”. This is not what Transurfing is about. You can have the toy you want most but we will return to that later. For now we are concentrating on how to avoid disappointment and experience fewer problems.

      It is the mind’s unwillingness to accept deviations

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