Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.
starts slurping and swallowing loudly. Various individuals get under your feet and pressure you with their problems. Interference importunately creeps in everywhere. If you wait impatiently, you will wait for ages. If there is someone, you particularly do not want to see, they will appear, and so on.
The more irritated you become, the more the external pressure intensifies. The more tense you are, the more people will get to you. The interesting thing is that they are not actually doing it deliberately. It would never occur to them that they might be bothering someone. So why this behaviour?
There are all sorts of grey areas in the psychology of the subconscious. However strange it might sound, in the majority of cases, people are driven by unconscious motives. What is even more interesting is that the driving force, which shapes our unconscious motives, originates in the external world, not in the human psyche.
This force comes from pendulums, unseen but very real energy-informational entities which are created by thought energy. We talked a lot about pendulums in the first book on Transurfing. Pendulums can always be found in places where they can survive on conflict energy.
It is not that these beings are capable of plotting anything or realising a consciousness intention. Pendulums are like leeches. They sense polarisation as in-homogeneity or lumpiness in the energy field and feed by sucking on it, and that’s not the worst of it.
What is so horrific is that rather than just absorbing conflict energy, they somehow push people to behave in such a way that they give out even more of the same type of energy.
They do everything possible to make sure that the source of energy is spilling over. Pendulums pull at people with invisible threads as if they were puppets and they obey. How precisely pendulums influence people’s motives is not yet clear, but they are extremely good at it.
Pendulums cannot access clear consciousness but they don’t need to; the subconscious is quite enough. To one degree or another, everyone is partially asleep in waking life. We often do things in a laid-back manner, on autopilot, without being aware of it, without saying to ourselves “in this moment I am awake and am aware of what I am doing, why I am doing it and how.”
Our level of active awareness is particularly low when we are at home or when we find ourselves in a crowd. In a domestic setting, the need for heightened self-control is relatively minor and so we are relaxed, almost dropping off. In the external world, within a close circle of friends, our awareness is more alert and working on self-control. In large crowds, a person’s actions are spontaneous but also fall into strong correlation with the general urges of the collective.
To illustrate how a pendulum works, let’s take the simple example of a passerby, who you follow and then overtake. Just as you intend to step to the side to walk past, the pedestrian takes a spontaneous step to the side as if deliberately blocking your way. You try and pass them on the other side but the pedestrian automatically veers in that direction.
What causes the passerby to change direction? They can’t see you, and why should they care that you want to pass by? Perhaps the pedestrian senses someone approaching from behind and instinctively stops his or her ‘rival’ from passing and getting ahead? This explanation would seem viable but, still, that’s not it. In nature, if you think in terms of instinct, rivalry is always expressed in situations where both parties are stood facing each other. What makes the pedestrian veer to one side is the pendulum.
People just walk, without thinking about where they are placing their feet or how to keep a perfectly straight line. In this sense, people are asleep, and so from time to time, the line of their steps spontaneously deviates to one side or another. The motivation, the choice to move in one direction or another originates in the subconscious, which in that moment is not being controlled by the mind, which means, it is open to the pendulum.
Then you come along and try to overtake the pedestrian in front of you. Essentially, this is a conflict, albeit a very meagre one. The pendulum’s objective is to increase the energy of conflict and so it nudges the pedestrian to take an involuntary step to one side, to block your way aggravating the situation further.
You cannot say that the pendulum is acting deliberately because it is not capable of conscious intention. Balancing forces act just as unconsciously. I should emphasise, that we are talking about certain processes of which the precise mechanism is still unclear and not about the rational behaviour of conscious beings. We are simply noting individual tendencies and patterns in the energy-informational world.
There is no point in analysing what kind of pendulum is working in this kind of situation, where it comes from, how it manages to do what it does, and what is really happening on an energetic level. We would never get to the bottom of it. Only one main conclusion concerns us here: when balancing forces make opposites collide, the pendulums do everything to inflame the energy of rising conflict. That is the law of the pendulum.
Endless pendulum battles, be they domestic arguments or armed conflicts, all run according to this law. When opposition arises, events will always develop to intensify the conflict and that includes temporary and feigned attempts at reconciliation.
When the pendulum law is at play, common sense has no weight at all. This is why very often common sense seems to have no bearing on the actions of individuals or states. In conflict situations, a person’s motives come under the pendulum’s power.
That is why when you look back on how you have behaved in the past, you often find yourself thinking how strange it all was and wondering what on earth happened to your common sense. You ask yourself, “What could have possessed me to do such a thing?” The answer is that we sometimes come from the subconscious without being fully aware of what we are doing. It is only later, when our consciousness is free of external influence that events can be evaluated more objectively.
People who have been close start to argue and then part ways because they think they are incompatible despite the fact that they have shared many happy times together when everything was wonderful between them. All of a sudden, a person changes and their behaviour becomes hostile. They are not like how they used to be, even in relatively recent times. Sounds familiar, right?
In reality, it is not a matter of one partner or the other has changed. The reason one person behaves in a manner their partner finds totally unacceptable is because the pendulum is forcing them to behave that way.
The pendulum controls the subconscious motivations of people who find themselves in a confrontation. The control is designed to increase conflict energy. Generally, people are unaware of what pushes them to go on the offensive. A person might behave totally illogically or abnormally.
This effect is quite evident in inexplicably brutal crimes. Later, when they are sitting in the dock, the offender recalls their crime in horror wondering: “What on earth came over me?” They are not lying either. Often the crime is a complete surprise to the perpetrator, who remembers what they did as if it were some terrible nightmare.
The sleep is particularly deep when a person’s attention falls into a snare. In certain communities, like in the army, a club or sect, an environment is created which supports a certain type of thinking and behavioural stereotypes. This ‘lulls a person to sleep’, which-makes their subconscious susceptible to the zombifying influence of the pendulum. Then certain things happen which would seem utterly incomprehensible to any objective observer.
Why do people kill others so viciously, simply because they worship different gods? They’re not getting in anyone else’s way. People suffer deprivations of war and die in dozens, the hundreds, thousands and millions. Where is their preservation instinct? Fighting for the sake of wealth and land is understandable but how do you explain killing for the sake of one’s faith?
The idea of peace is close to everybody’s heart, and yet the wars continue. The idea of a one God is quite clear. The notions of goodness, justice, equality (one could go on forever) are the same. Everyone understands but common sense doesn’t seem to work and evil triumphs. Where does the evil come from?
The pendulum is the universal source of evil. In a confrontational situation involving anything or anyone, you don’t have to observe for long before it becomes obvious that events are moving towards an increase of conflictual energy. If the battle