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Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie. Вадим ЗеландЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie - Вадим Зеланд

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it is intangible, like the ether. Ether substance hangs in the dream space. Both in sleeping and in waking reality, the dream space is whole. In your sleep, what you see is what could be, either past or future. But whether it happened or will happen is not a foregone conclusion as the variants are infinite in number.

      What might happen in a dream could also take place in waking reality, and vice versa. In this sense, the dream space is a single film archive. You can watch it and you can exist within it, both in a dream and in waking, but you only actually exist in each frame once. Each subsequent frame is a new realisation, an upgrade of everything living and non-living, right down to the level of the atom.

      Only the souls of living beings remain unchanged — they are capable of watching the films of dreams and moving along the film roll of reality, together with the frame. So your Self is the same as it was in the past, as when it flew about in your dream when you were asleep, and as it will be in the future.

      Our world exists in animate and inanimate form. Life is embedded like inclusions in a material reality. Reality is an inanimate substance. Life is animate and life can influence the course of reality. Life can compose reality.

      The last point, my little mites, is the most important thing you need to understand. To compose reality means to choose the film roll and determine the direction in which the frame is moving. You have this opportunity, but you don’t use it, just as you fail to use your capacity for directing the focus of your attention.

      You have to compose reality ahead of time, instead of fighting the current circumstances of your life. But what do you do? You try and change your reality within the current frame. Do you understand what you are doing?

      Again: what is the actuality of life? It is that which has never been and never will be, and is here and now. The actuality of life only exists to the extent that it has already occurred. You cannot change what has already happened. But that is what you are trying to do because everything that surrounds you is that which has already happened.

      The present differs very little from the past. The past is long gone and the present exists only for a brief moment, so you can’t change that either. Whilst you are in the present moment, you are, in effect, continually in the past because your attention is enmeshed in the current frame. The illusion grabs hold of you and keeps you from entering the future, which is why the future isn’t up to you.

      You might think that you are conscious of what you are doing, that you are taking decisive action, solving problems, and achieving your goals. But all this is happening in the current frame in a non-conscious state, and so, the script carries you along a film roll that you did not choose. All you are doing, really, is helplessly twitching your paws.

      That’s who you are, my sweets, my pumpkins. It’s exhausting being with you!

      The Intention Plait

      As always, my precious ones, we will recap what we did last time.

      • The actuality of life is that, which has already occurred.

      • You cannot change what has already happened. And nonetheless

      • You try and change your given reality in the current frame.

      • Which is why the future does not depend on you. What do you need to do?

      • Setting reality ahead of time, instead of fighting the actuality of your current life.

      Much of this will sound quirky to you, as for the first time, you come across a reality that is unfamiliar and strange. It’s still all the same – your reality, to which you are accustomed, but somehow different, baffing, right? Listen to what I’m saying, and don’t bother me with questions.

      Why the film roll archive exists, and who shot the films to capture them for eternity, is not given to snotty pookies like yourselves to understand. Be grateful to the High Creator, that you are allowed to move with the frame for that is quite something. But you are seriously slacking in your development. You’re not even using what you already have.

      Let me remind you what it means to move with the frame. As you know, the past cannot be changed. Forget about the present too. It has already occurred and is of no interest to you. On the other hand, you have the opportunity to compose the future, to choose the film roll, along which the next frame will move. How?

      You have two control functions: attention and intention. We have already dealt with attention. This accounts for your state of awareness. Intention accounts for your actions. In order to undertake something, you must first take into your head the idea of it. When you actually come to execute your conceived idea, your intention is realised through action.

      However, all your actions pertain to the current frame and are realised there because your intention is wedged inside it. It is just the same as when your attention gets glued to one of the screens. And just as attention has two screens, there are two intention centres: inner and outer.

      The inner centre is responsible for all of your basic functionality and is located in the frontal part of the skull. This is your petty intention. When you concentrate, you wrinkle your forehead. When you intend to do something, you tense your muscles. Your muscles allow you to carry out primitive activities in the current frame.

      The outer centre you totally neglect to make use of, even though it accounts for the movement of the future frame. You can determine instantly where the outer centre is located, right now.

      Every single one of you has an intention plait. It is an energy plexus, similar to an ordinary plait. You can’t see it, but you can feel it like a phantom limb, which used to be there but is not anymore. Rather than hanging straight down, it sticks out at an angle to the spine. It’s a really funny kind of plait.

      The outer intention centre is at the tip of the plait. It is a spot between the shoulders, only not flat to the spine, but a little away from it. You will find the precise spot intuitively. The exact distance is of no significance. It is enough to focus your attention on it, and you will feel where it is. If you can’t feel it yet, read the chapter “Plait With Flow” and then you will get it.

      The principle of the outer centre is very simple. You transfer your attention to the end of the plait and imagine the picture of any event you would like to attract into your life. This illuminates the future frame, and what you visualised becomes manifest in physical reality.

      You may ask, my sweets, how this is possible. It is very simple, and yet you did not know about the plait or how to use it.

      The thing is that you are bogged down in the current slide, big time. You are used to looking at what your eyes can see, but they only see what is right in front of you. And you feel that you can only do something about the things your eyes can see. So where are your eyes focused? In the outer screen.

      When something is not going right, you immerse yourself in the inner screen of your thoughts and feelings. And what are all your thoughts and feelings about? Again, about everything you can see and everything that is happening to you. This means that your attention is not your own, and your intention is subordinate to a script that is not your own.

      You are capable of coming up with the idea for your own script, it’s just that you don’t know how to bring it to life. Sometimes you dream of what you would like your future to look like. Yet the future frame can only be illuminated from the external intention centre, whereas you are accustomed to using the inner, petty centre. The current slide is your illusion and a trap. That’s how it is.

      Ok, ok! Don’t cry, my sweets, my darlings; don’t get your plaits in a twist. I will teach you how to escape the trap, and how to work with the plait. You will learn. Hey! It’ll be fun!

      How to Work with the Plait

      Chop-chop, hurry-hurry, my pitiful ones, a new lesson, but first, a recap so far.

      • Intention has two centres: inner and outer.

      • The inner centre is located in the forehead, the outer, at the tip of the plait.

      • Inner intention accounts for everyday activities in the

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