50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек ЛондонЧитать онлайн книгу.
and convictions. What does success imply to you? You want, undoubtedly, to be successful in your home life and in your relationship with others. You wish to be outstanding in your chosen work or profession. You wish to possess a beautiful home and all the money you need to live comfortably and happily. You want to be successful in your prayer life and in your contact with the powers of your subconscious mind.
You are a businessman also because you are in the business of living. Become a successful businessman by imagining yourself doing what you long to do, and possessing the things you long to possess. Become imaginative, mentally participate in the reality of the successful state. Make a habit of it. Go to sleep feeling successful every night, and perfectly satisfied, and you will eventually succeed in implanting the idea of success in your subconscious mind. Believe you were born to succeed and wonders will happen as you pray!
Profitable Pointers
1. Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love to do, you are successful.
2. Find out what you love to do, then do it. If you don't know your true expression, ask for guidance and the lead will come.
3. Specialize in your particular field and try to know more about it than anyone else.
4. A successful man is not selfish. His main desire in life is to serve humanity.
5. There is no true success without peace of mind.
6. A successful man possesses great psychological and spiritual understanding.
7. If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities through the wonder-working power of your subconscious mind.
8. Your thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and according to your belief is it done unto you.
9. The power of sustained imagination draws forth the miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind.
10. If you are seeking promotion in your work, imagine your employer, supervisor or loved one congratulating you on your promotion. Make the picture vivid and real. Hear the voice, see the gestures and feel the reality of it all. Continue to do this frequently and through frequent occupancy of your mind, you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.
11. Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of memory. For a perfect memory, affirm frequently: “The Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me everything I need to know at all times, everywhere.
12. If you wish to sell a home or property of any kind, affirm slowly, quietly and feelingly as follows: “Infinite Intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this house or property, who wants it, and who prospers in it.” Sustain the awareness and the deeper currents of your subconscious mind will bring it to pass.
13. The idea of success contains all the elements of success. Repeat the word “success,” to yourself frequently with faith and conviction and you will be under a subconscious compulsion to succeed.
Chapter Twelve
Scientists Use The Subconscious Mind
Many scientists realize the true importance of the sub mind. Edison, Marconi, Kettering, Poincare, Einstein and many others have used the subconscious mind. It has given them the insight and the “know-how” for all their great achievements in modern science and industry. Research has shown that the ability to bring into action the subconscious power has determined the success of all the great scientific and research workers.
An instance of how a famous chemist, Fredrich von Stradonitz, used his subconscious mind to solve his problem is as follows: He had been working laboriously for a long time trying to rearrange the six carbon and the six hydrogen atoms on the benzine formula, and he was constantly perplexed and unable to solve the matter. Tired and exhausted, he turned the request over completely to his subconscious mind. Shortly afterward, as he was about to board a London bus, his subconscious presented his conscious mind with a sudden flash of a snake biting its own tail and turning around like a pinwheel. This answer, from his subconscious mind, gave him the long sought answer of the circular rearrangement of the atoms that is known as the benzine ring.
How A Distinguished Scientist Brought Forth His Inventions
Nikola Tesla was a brilliant electrical scientist who brought forth the most amazing innovations. When an idea for a new invention came into his mind, he would build it up in his imagination, knowing that his subconscious mind would reconstruct and reveal to his conscious mind all the parts needed for its manufacture in concrete form. Through quietly contemplating every possible improvement, he spent no time in correcting defects and was able to give the technicians the perfect product of his mind.
He said, “Invariably, my device works as I imagined it should. In twenty years there has not been a single exception.”
How A Famous Naturalist Solved His Problem
Professor Agassiz, a distinguished American naturalist, discovered the indefatigable activities of his subconscious mind while he slept. The following has been reported by his widow in her biography of her famous husband.
“He had been for two weeks striving to decipher the somewhat obscure impression of a fossil fish on the stone slab in which it was preserved. Weary and perplexed, he put his work aside at last, and tried to dismiss it from his mind. Shortly after, he waked one night persuaded that while asleep he had seen his fish with all the missing features perfectly restored. But when he tried to hold and make fast the image it escaped him. Nevertheless, he went early to the Jardin des Plantes, thinking that on looking anew at the impression he should see something which would put him on the track of his vision. In vain the blurred record was as black as ever. The next night he saw the fish again, but with no more satisfactory result when he awoke it disappeared from his memory as before. Hoping that the same experience might be repeated, on the third night he placed a pencil and paper beside the bed before going to sleep.
“Accordingly, toward morning the fish reappeared in his dream, confusedly at first, but at last with such distinctness that he had no longer any doubt as to its zoological characters. Still half dreaming, in perfect darkness, he traced these characters on the sheet of paper at the bedside. In the morning he was surprised to see in his nocturnal sketch features which he thought it impossible the fossil itself should reveal. He hastened to the Jardin des Plantes, and, with his drawing as a guide, succeeded in chiseling away the surface of the stone under which portions of the fish proved to be hidden. When wholly exposed it corresponded with his dream and his drawing, and he succeeded in classifying it with ease.”
An Outstanding Physician Solved The Problem Of Diabetes
Some years ago I received clipping from a magazine describing the origin of the discovery of insulin. This is the essence of the article as I recall it.
About forty years ago or more, Dr Frederick Banting, a brilliant Canadian physician and surgeon, was concentrating his attention on the ravages of diabetes. At that time medical science offered not effective method of arresting the disease. Dr Banting spent considerable time experimenting and studying the international literature on the subject. One night he was exhausted and fell asleep. While asleep, his subconscious mind instructed him to extract eh residue from the degenerated pancreatic duct of dogs. This was the origin of insulin which has helped millions of people.
You will note that Dr Banting had been consciously dwelling on the problem for some time seeking a solution, a way out, and his subconscious responded accordingly.
It does not follow that you will always get an answer overnight. The answer may not come for some time. Do not be discouraged. Keep on turning the problem over every night to the subconscious mind prior to sleep, as if you had never done it before.
One of the reasons for the delay may be that you look upon it as a major problem. You may believe it will take a long time to solve it.