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50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек ЛондонЧитать онлайн книгу.

50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center) - Джек Лондон

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you will find the following prayer very effective. Repeat it slowly, quietly and lovingly prior to sleep: “My toes are relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my hands and arms are relaxed, my neck is relaxed, my brain is relaxed, my face is relaxed, my eyes are relaxed, my whole mind and body are relaxed. I fully and freely forgive everyone, and I sincerely wish for them harmony, health, peace and all the blessings of life. I am at peace; I am poised, serene and calm. I rest in security and in peace. A great stillness steals over me, and a great calm quiets my whole being as I realize the divine presence within me. I know that the realization of life and love heals me. I wrap myself in the mantel of love and fall asleep filled with good will for all. Throughout the night peace remains with me and in the morning I shall be filled with life and love. A circle of love is drawn around me. I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, I sleep in peace, I wake in joy, and in Him I live, move and have my being.”

       Summary Of Your Aids To The Wonders Of Sleep

      1. If you are worried that you will not wake up on time, suggest to your subconscious mind prior to sleep the exact time you wish to arise, and it will awaken you. It needs no clock. Do the same thing with all problems. There is nothing too hard for your subconscious.

      2. Your subconscious never sleeps. It is always on the job. It controls all your vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone else before you go to sleep and healing will take place much more rapidly.

      3. Guidance is given you while you are asleep, sometimes in a dream. The healing currents are also released and in the morning you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

      4. When troubled by the vexations and strife of the day, still the wheels of your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence lodged in your subconscious mind which is ready to respond to you. This will give you peace, strength and confidence.

      5. Sleep is essential for peace of mind and health of body. Lack of sleep can cause irritation, depression and mental disorders. You need eight hours sleep.

      6. Medical research scholars point out that insomnia precedes psychotic disorders.

      7. You are spiritually recharged during sleep. Adequate sleep is essential for joy and vitality in life.

      8. Your tired brain craves sleep so hungrily that it will sacrifice anything to get it. Many who have fallen asleep at the wheel of an automobile can testify to this.

      9. many sleep deprived people have poor memories and lack proper coordination. They become befuddle, confused and disorientated.

      10. Sleep brings counsel. Prior to sleep, claim that the Infinite Intelligence of your subconscious mind is guiding and directing you. Then, watch for the lead which comes, perhaps on awakening.

      11. Trust your subconscious completely. Know that its tendency is always lifeward. Occasionally, your subconscious answers you in a very vivid dream and a vision in the night. You can be forewarned in a dream in the same way as the author of this book was warned.

      12. Your future is in your mind now, based on your habitual thinking and beliefs. Claim that Infinite Intelligence leads and guides you; and that all good is yours, and your future will be wonderful. Believe it and accept it. Expect the best and invariably the best will come to you.

      13. If you are writing a novel, play or book or are working on an invention, speak to your subconscious mind at night and claim boldly that its wisdom, intelligence and power are guiding, directing and revealing to you the ideal play, novel, book or revealing the perfect solution whatever it may be. Wonders will happen as you pray this way.

      Chapter Fourteen

      Your Subconscious Mind & Marital Problems

      Ignorance of the functions and powers of the mind is the cause of all marital trouble. Friction between husband and wife can be solved by each using the law of mind correctly. By praying together they stay together. The contemplation of divine ideals, the study of the laws of life, the mutual agreement on a common purpose and plan, and the enjoyment of personal freedom bring about that harmonious marriage, that wedded bliss, that sense of oneness where the two become one.

      The best time to prevent divorce is before marriage. It is not wrong to try to get out of a very bad situation. But, why get into the bad situation in the first place? Would it not be better to give attention to the real cause of marital problems, in other words, to really get at the root of the matter involved?

      As with all other problems of men and women, the problems of divorce, separation, annulment and endless litigation are directly traceable to lack of knowledge of the working and interrelationship of the conscious and subconscious mind.

       The Meaning Of Marriage

      Marriage to be real must first be on a spiritual basis. It must be of the heart and the heart is the chalice of love. Honesty, sincerity, kindness and integrity are also forms of love. Each partner should be perfectly honest and sincere with the other. It is not a true marriage when a man marries a woman for her money, social position, or to lift his ego, because this indicates a lack of security, honesty and true love. Such a marriage is a farce, a sham and a masquerade.

      When a woman says, “I am tired of working; I want to get married because I want security,” her premise is false. She is not using the laws of mind correctly. Her security depends upon her knowledge of the interaction of the conscious and subconscious mind and its application.

      For example, a woman will never lack for wealth or health if she applies the techniques outlined in the respective chapters of this book. Her wealth can come to her independent of her husband, father or anyone else. A woman is not dependent on her husband for health, peace, joy, inspiration, guidance, love, wealth, security, happiness or anything in the world. Her security and peace of mind come from her knowledge of the inner powers within her and from the constant use of the laws of her own mind in a constructive fashion.

       How To Attract The Ideal Husband

      You are now acquainted with the way your subconscious mind works. You know that whatever you impress upon it will be experienced in your world. Begin now to impress your subconscious mind with the qualities and characteristics you desire in a man.

      The following is an excellent technique: Sit down at night in your armchair, close your eyes, let go, relax your body, become very quiet, passive and receptive. Talk to your subconscious mind and say to it, “I am now attracting a man into my experience who is hones, sincere, loyal, faithful, peaceful, happy and prosperous. These qualities which I admire are sinking down into my subconscious mind now. As I dwell upon these characteristics, they become a part of me and are embodied subconsciously.

      “I know there is an irresistible law of attraction and that I attract to me a man according to my subconscious belief. I attract that which I feel to be true in my subconscious mind.

      “I know I can contribute to his peace and happiness. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He does not want to make me over, neither do I want to make him over. There is mutual love, freedom and respect.”

      Practice this process of impregnating your subconscious. Then, you will have the joy of attracting to you a man possessing the qualities and characteristics you mentally dwelt upon. Your subconscious intelligence will open up a pathway, whereby both of you will meet, according to the irresistible and changeless flow of your own subconscious mind. Have a keen desire to give the best that is in you of love, devotion and cooperation. Be receptive to this gift of love which you have given to your subconscious mind.

       How To Attract The Ideal Wife

      Affirm as follows: “I now attract the right woman who is in complete accord with me. This is a spiritual union because it is divine love functioning through the personality of someone with whom I blend perfectly. I know I can give to this woman love, light, peace and joy. I feel and believe I can make this woman's life full, complete

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