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Everybody's Book of Luck. AnonymousЧитать онлайн книгу.

Everybody's Book of Luck - Anonymous

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capitals, especially letter "I," wide spacing.

      FORGETFULNESS.—Letter "N" shaped like small "U." (See B.1.)

      FORMALITY.—Neat lettering, punctuation careful, capitals rather large.

      FRIVOLOUS.—Light writing, eccentric, or half-made capitals, irregular lines.

      GEOMETRY.—Small, neat writing, print-like small capitals, upright slope to writing, or slightly backward.

      GENEROSITY.—Final letters naturally rounded, with upward tendency.

      GESTURE OR MOVEMENT.—An elaborate finish resembling a flourish but joined to last letter.

      GRANDEUR, LOVE OF.—Imposing and well-formed capitals, large and carefully made "M's."

      GROSSNESS.—Very black, thick stroke both up and down, letters badly formed; short loops wide. (See B.2.)

      HASTY ACTION.—Long-shaped commas.

      HOME, LOVE OF.—Capital letter of Christian name larger than that of surname.

      HONESTY.—Well-formed, clear and even letters, level at the bottoms.

      HOPE.—The lines ascending with regularity.

      HYPOCRISY.—Small A's and O's, open at bottom.

      HYSTERIA.—Very irregular writing, badly made letters, and wild crossing strokes to t's, thin and long downstrokes, initial small letters out of proportion to remainder of words.

      INDOLENCE.—Rounded writing, sloping "backwards"—i.e., to the left (See A.5.)

      INDECISION.—Thin strokes crossing the t's, or else the stroke "tucked in."

      INGENUITY.—Curious and original shaped capitals.

      INSINCERITY.—Letters raised high above the level, words thread-like, terminations indistinct.

      INTEMPERANCE.—Curious rough, black strokes, or else vague formation of letters.

      INTRIGUE.—Twisted forms to letters, unnecessary and thread-like strokes.

      INTUITION.—Letters separated. (See B.3.)

      IRRITABLE.—Curious short downward crossing to t's, cramped and pointed letters.

      LANGUAGE.—Occasional long connecting strokes in middle of words or from word to word. (See B.4.)

      No. 11.—B.

      LOGICAL.—Even, small, well-formed letters, capitals well balanced.

      LUXURY.—Black writing, slanting strokes, large capitals.

      MADNESS.—Irregular, badly-formed, unfinished words, lines very irregular, and variable directions.

      MEAN.—Cramped and compressed letters and lines.

      METHODICAL.—Well-formed letters, even lines, good punctuation.

      NARROW.—Well-formed but close letters, careful capitals.

      NATURE, LOVE OF.—Simple capital letters. (See B.5.)

      NEUROTIC.—Irregular dwindling letters, various sizes, words unevenly placed.

      OBSTINACY.—Small writing, heavy crossing to "t's" and angular letters.

      ORDER.—Letters even, well formed and placed.

      ORIGINALITY.—Eccentric forms of letters.

      PENETRATIVE.—Acute letters, well-finished long upstrokes to "t's."

      PERSEVERANCE.—The bars crossing the "t's" increasing in size.

      POETRY, FEELING FOR.—Capital letters made like small ones in shape and neat well-formed words.

      PRETENTIOUSNESS.—Many curves and involved capitals.

      RETICENCE.—Closed "o's," "a's," and "e's."

      SIGHT.—In affections of the eyes the terminals are unfinished.

      SLY.—Dwindling ill-formed letters.

      STINGY.—Cramped writing, close lines.

      SUBTLETY.—Small letters and dwindling lines. (See 6.B.)

      SELFISH.—The final coming round to the left, and making a complete loop on itself.

      TEMPER, HASTY.—Angular stops.

      IRRITABLE.—The cross-bars of the "t's" slightly hooked.

      OBSTINATE.—The cross-bar ending in a decided harpoon or hook; a low thick bar. High and thick and tending sharply downward.

      OBSTINACY AGAINST OWN INTERESTS.—A short straight down stroke.

      CONTROL OF.—Dashes used instead of stops.

      TRUE.—Clear, well-formed rounded letters.

      VANITY.—Large flourished capitals, wide margins. (See B.7.)

      WIT.—Small, rounded letters, generally undulating handwriting.

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