Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable. Bulfinch ThomasЧитать онлайн книгу.
Hamadryads. Pomona. Vertumnus. Iphis. Cupid and Psyche.
Zephyr. Temple of Ceres. Temple of Venus. The Ant. Golden
Fleece. Pluto. Cerberus. Charon. The Treasure. Stygian
Sleep. Cup of Ambrosia. Birth of Pleasure. Greek name of
Chapter VII
Cadmus. Origin of City of Thebes. Tyrians. Serpent.
Dragon's Teeth. Harmonia. Serpent Sacred to Mars. Myrmidons.
Cephalus. Aeacus. Pestilence Sent by June. Origin of
Chapter VIII
Minos, King of Crete. Nisus, his purple hair. Scylla's
Betrayal. Her Punishment. Echo. Juno's Sentence.
Narcissus. Love for his own image. Clytie. Hopeless Love
for Apollo. Becomes a Flower. Hero and Leander. Hellespont
Chapter IX
Goddess of Wisdom. Arachne. Her Challenge with Minerva. Minerva's Web. Arachne's Web. Transformation. Niobe Queen of Thebes. Mount Cynthus. Death of Niobe's Children. Changed to stone. The Gray-haired Sisters. The Gorgon Medusa. Tower of brass. Danae. Perseus. Net of Dicte. Minerva. King Atlas. Andromeda. Sea Monster. Wedding Feast. Enemies Turned to Stone.
Chapter X
Attributes of Monsters. Laius. Oedipus. The Oracle.
Sphinx. The Riddle. Oedipus made King. Jocasta. Origin of
Pegasus. Fountain of Hippocrene. The Chimaera.
Bellerophontic Letters. The Centaurs. The Pygmies.
Description of the Griffin. The Native Country. One-Eyed
Chapter XI
The Ram with the Golden Fleece. The Hellespont. Jason's
Quest. Sowing the Dragon's Teeth. Jason's Father.
Incantations of Medea. Ancient Name of Greece. Great
Gatherings of the Greeks. Wild Boar. Atalanta's Race. Three
Golden Apples. Lovers' Ingratitude. Venus's Revenge.
Chapter XII
Labors of Hercules.— Fight with Nemean Lion.— Slaughter of the
Hydra. Cleaning the Augean Stables.— Girdle of the Queen of the
Amazons.— Oxen of Geryon.— Golden Apples of Hesperides.—
Victory over Antaeus.— Cacus Slain.— Hercules, Descent into
Hades.— He Becomes the Slave of Omphale.— Dejanira's Charm.—
Death of Hercules.— Hebe, Goddess of Youth
Chapter XIII
Theseus Moves the Fated Stone, and Proceeds to Athens.—
Procrustes's Bedstead.— Tribute to Minos.— Ariadne.— Clew of
Thread.— Encounter with the Minotaur.— Theseus Becomes King of
Athens.— Friendship of Theseus and Pirithous. The Theseum.—
Festival of Panathenaea.— Elgin Marbles.— National Greek
Games.— The Labyrinth.— Daedalus' Wings.— Invention of the
Saw.— Castor and Pollux.— Argonautic Expedition.— Orpheus's
Harp.— Gemini
Chapter XIV
Destruction of Semele.— Infancy of Bacchus.— March of Bacchus.-
- One of the Bacchanals taken Prisoner.— Pentheus.— Worship of
Bacchus Established in Greece.— Ariadne.— Bacchus's Marriage.—
Ariadne's Crown
Chapter XV
Pan.— Shepherd's Pipe.— Panic Terror.— Signification of the
Name Pan.— Latin Divinities.— Wood Nymphs.— Water Nymphs.—
Sea Nymphs. Pleasing Traits of Old Paganism.— Mrs. Browning's
Poem.— Violation of Cere's Grove.— Erisichthon's Punishment.—
Rhoecus.— Water Deities.— Neptune's Symbol of Power.— Latin
Name for the Muses, and other Deities.— Personification of the
Winds. The Harpies.— Worship of Fortuna
Chapter XVI
Transformation of Achelous.— Origin of the Cornucopia.— Ancient
Meaning of fight of Achelous with Hercules.— Aesculapius.— The
Cyclops. Antigone.— Expedition of the "Seven against Thebes."-
- Antigone's Sisterly Devotion.— Antigone's Burial.— Penelope.-
- Statue to Modesty.— Ulysses.— Penelope's suitors.—
Penelope's Web
Chapter XVII
Orpheus's Lyre.— Unhappy Prognostics at Orpheus's Marriage.—
Eurydice's Death.— Orpheus Descends to the Stygian Realm.—
Orpheus Loses Eurydice Forever.— Thracian Maidens.— Honey.—
Aristaeus's Loss and Complaint.— Cyrene's Apartments.— Proteus
Captured.— His Directions to Orpheus.— Swarm of Bees.—
Celebrated Mythical Poets and Musicians.— First Mortal Endowed
with Prophetic Powers
Chapter XVIII
Adventures of Real Persons.— Arion, Famous Musician.—
Description of Ancient Theatres.— Murder of Ibycus.— Chorus
Personating the Furies.— Cranes of Ibycus.— The Murderers
Seized.— Simonides.— Scopa's Jest. Simonides's Escape.—
Sappho.— "Lover's Leap"
Chapter XIX
Endymion.— Mount Latmos. Gift of Perpetual Youth and Perpetual
Sleep.— Orion.— Kedalion.— Orion's Girdle.— The Fatal Shot
The Pleiads.— Aurora.— Memnon.— statue of Memnon.— Scylla.—
Acis and Galatea.— River Acis
Chapter XX
Minerva's Competition.— Paris's Decision.— Helen.— Paris's
Elopement.— Ulysses's Pretence.— The Apple of Discord.— Priam,
King of Troy.— Commander of Grecian Armament.— Principal
Leaders of the Trojans.— Agamemnon Kills the Sacred Stag.—
Iphigenia.— The Trojan War.— The Iliad.— Interest of Dods and
Goddesses in the War.— Achilles's Suit of Armor.— Death of