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Tradition against communism. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tradition against communism - Almaz Braev

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Jr. in 1884 was dismissed from the University for political unreliability. And why? His contemporaries write about him: “an Honest and morally scrupulous man, Muromtsev always carefully studied the case materials. And if he had any doubts about the authenticity of any of the documents, he usually refused to defend himself, although he was offered a large reward.” Here is a man who is improving his reflection. (For revkon, this is a super person).

      Kokoshkin F. F:

      From an ancient noble family, whose ancestor, according to legend, was nyaz. My grandfather is a famous playwright. The father, Fyodor, the court counselor, Commissioner for peasant Affairs in the Hill town of Lublin province, an official for special assignments at the Ministry of national education, a connoisseur of literature and art, and most importantly – a simple, genial and warmhearted, never display your intellectual superiority, so usually his people of his caliber. Another characteristic of him: “when he was ill with tuberculosis, he endured his illness extremely cheerfully. He was able to protect his health so that others did not notice it, was always cheerful and worked much more than the average healthy person, as if in a hurry to do as much as possible in the short period of life allotted to him by fate.” These are people who are playing with their fate. A plate of soup is not enough for them. Revkon is sure that such people will not betray their ideals because of sausage. Because of the sausage, only the bourgeoisie lose their ideals. They will not indulge in pleasures, gluttony and perversions. These are great examples for their sons. Therefore, remids 3 would be their moral copy. Apple tree from Apple tree…

      Now consider the radical tilt of the victorious revolutionaries.

      Lenin, V. I.

      Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was born in the family of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, an inspector of public schools in the Simbirsk province, the son of a former serf of the village (zeremid).

      Trotsky LD.

      Leyba Bronstein is from the family of a rich landowner-landlord from among the Jewish colonists of the Kherson province.

      Stalin I. V.

      Father-Vissarion (Beso), came from the peasants of the village of Didi-Lilo, Tiflis province, by profession – a shoemaker (zeref.). Prone to drunkenness and fits of rage, he severely beat the mother of little Coco. When Coco was eleven years old, Vissarion “died in a drunken brawl – someone stabbed him with a knife.” By then, Coco himself was spending a lot of time in the street company of Gori’s young hooligans.

      Of course, it is obvious that Lenin and Trotsky (remides 2) came into conflict directly and indirectly with their fathers. Stalin (zeref) did not come into conflict with anyone. In reflection, he remained like a domineering father. Methodology RevCon of remedy 2 – Lenin and Trotsky, along with other revolutionaries victory over the liberal democratic current, that is, over remids in the third generation, then lost the political arena to zeremids or children of the petty bourgeoisie (cooks and cobblers). It should be said that representatives of the people-zerefs-will not steal either in a state of strict control of the Russian community, although their zeref reflexes are always strongly expressed in their blood. When the community’s morals are strong, thieves, traitors, and rats will be dealt with briefly and harshly. The feudal community severely punishes thieves. But when the zerefs break away from the community, break away from the people, they first get small and low burghers, then thieving officials, if the revolution raises them to the administration. The heroes of Turgenev’s novel “nihilists” in the person of Bazarov turn into Narodniks, terrorists and anarchists.

      But where did the impudent privatizers, who do not recognize any boundaries of decency, come from in the USSR?

      The second “people’s” generation or remids 2 from the zeremids (from the” rotten intelligentsia”) blindly copy the experience of their ancestors-to steal and run away, but also hypocritically obey the Charter of the Communists (the Russian community). Peacetime, a time of loosening discipline – a good time to Mature from remids 2 future hypocrites. Remids 2, if there is no war and discipline falls – this is half of today and half of yesterday’s state. Are there any super people among them? Sure. When the morals of the community are alive and reprisals are near and imminent. For example, if there is a Second World war. The people perform feats. The sons of peoples-zeref die as heroes-honor and praise to them! Eternal memory of all descendants. But the people’s officials of the USSR are growing up children pioneers. They will then become Komsomol members and then want Russian liberalism and democracy. Remedy 2 all the real socialists (remedy 2). They are strong Komsomol members and ardent activists. They are” a worthy change of fathers.” But we already know who comes ready-made, these are lying fanatics. These are hypocritical activists. These are hypocritical performers of the Communist rite. These are the Pharisees. Performing the rite when there is no war and discipline falls corrupts them. They don’t feel the tension of their fathers ' time. This is a new revolt of sons against fathers. So they are ready-made liberals and disgusting hypocrites. The fall of the USSR is not connected with a plot by American intelligence. This is not the result of low world prices for Soviet oil. The USSR raised its reformers as the Jewish Sanhedrin raised its Pharisees. All young nihilists do not deny the revolution, but deny the stifling religious rites, and it is difficult for them to squeeze out postures and screams. Of course, all hypocrites had to go through the school of hypocrisy. Then the whole system becomes corrupt and consists of hypocrites. Well-off people (Soviet remids 3) do not want to break themselves, they want to live beautifully, openly, and not according to the code of communism. They hate the discipline of the Russian community in any form. All the bourgeois of the world have one face. Traditional fathers serafy always will their children and grandchildren a good livelihood. In this sense, the revolutionary discipline also hindered the fathers. But their children did not see the revolution, all remids 2 and 3 do not see the revolution, but they know that it was. It is impossible to transfer the tension of the revolution to a full and free repose. They want to get rid of even the memory of the revolution. They do not recognize socialism, nor do they recognize revolutionary equality. They want to show their superiority. This superiority was in their blood. This superiority and humiliation was passed down to them by their fathers in the traditional genes. The new Russian Democrats were not against their fathers, and this is not the case with all traditional peoples. It is not customary for people of the people to contradict their fathers. In this case, prosperity and a secure future are more important for all traditional people. Even if they had to turn into revolutionaries and kill nobles. Now they were red nobles themselves. They themselves became the highest in the Soviet community. Why do they need this revolution and red rites? Zerefs will never mind the luck of their children. They chose the side of the revolution to remove the nobles as competitors. And the children of the zeremids (collective farmers) of remida 2 chose the side of their luck-rites, performed them hypocritically, the grandchildren of the zerefs refused socialism altogether.

      Modern conflict.

      If children and grandchildren have become radical bourgeois. The parents of privatizers may still miss the Communist idea. This is the time of their youth. They know what treachery is. Any community does not forgive treachery. To make pensioners feel less sad, the authorities of Russian democracy create the red party freak. And look at the leader of this party. He is also a freak, he is a provincial and was born in the village of Mymrino. It’s seemed or elite in the first generation. He had become a freak in this status. Zerumids, like all revolutionaries still like to break out upward. Now he will not give this post to anyone. He grabbed the bird of fortune by the tail (catch a break).



      The second tier of nomenclature did not appear out of nowhere, even if democratic elections were held. All elected Democrats or newcomers began to play by the old rules of the game. According to the rules of social evolution.

      Communism, if it was communism, in any case, the new phenomenon of the Russian tradition can be called

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