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Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline. Susan KohlerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline - Susan Kohler

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took the money and the roll of film. She said, “Oh my God! First, I think you’re very special too. We’re special together. I would like to be with you in any way, at any time,” she laughed. “Second, how on earth do I get this film developed? It’s probably just a little too sexy for the drug store.”

      “I don’t know what you mean,” he teased. “It’s only sodomy and S & M, what’s so sexy about that?”

      “If you don’t know, you’re doing it wrong,” she needled him. “I know I’m not going to hand this to the guy at the Photo counter.”

      “Don’t worry, I have a darkroom, but I didn’t want you to have any anxiety about my having the negatives to do anything weird with them.” He grinned, “If you want, we can develop them together.”

      “Mac, my dear,” she rolled over, ignoring the pain in her buttocks, and reached up for him, “I’d love to spend time in a dark room, any dark room with you, anytime.” She pulled him down to her, and slid one hand down to gently stroke him. “Are you in any hurry to develop that film?”

      “No, Sarah, love,” he entered her, “let’s see what we can develop right here.”

       I did all this in one sitting, but I’m a little surprised that I can even sit. My lover beat my butt, good and hard, just for research. Damn good of him, wasn’t it? He also offered to tie me up and sodomize me, again in the name of research. I’ll keep it in mind!

       Two I’d Rather Face The Judge

       If a wife is careless with her husband’s most precious possession, how angry will he be? And what if she herself is that most precious possession? Does he take her punishment to a level that even leaves him shaken?

      Linda and Fred had been married for about five years, and they were very happy years. Fred made a good living, and so did Linda. They weren’t rich by any means, but they were comfortable. They didn’t have any children yet, but they were looking forward to having one fairly soon.

      They were an attractive couple. Fred had salt and pepper hair, a little surprising at his age, but the color really set off his slate blue eyes. His eyes should have seemed cold, but they seldom were. He was an easygoing man, filled with enough life and joy that his eyes sparkled with warmth. Linda had more curves than was fashionable but they looked great on her. Her hair was warm sable, and her hazel eyes were always filled with amusement. Almost always.

      Linda and Fred played spanking games, just for fun. It was simply a part of their love play. It was teasing and fun, lighthearted, and never taken to extremes. The only time it was more serious was when Fred gave Linda a discipline spanking.

      However he seldom did that. Fred had several reasons for not using domestic discipline very often. For one thing, he preferred to have spanking as a part of their fun play, and he felt that too many discipline spankings would take the fun out of it. For another, he believed that for him to use discipline on Linda meant he had to be practically perfect, and he knew he was a long ways from it. He was also a very kind man at heart and very much in love with Linda.

      Fred would never spank Linda for spending too much money, for instance, or for talking back to him. He didn’t care if she swore like a drunken sailor. He never lectured her about her manners or how she dressed. He never got angry if she argued with him or acted defiant. The only two things he would discipline her for were doing something to put herself in danger, and lying about it.

      If she did something careless or unsafe, and if she took a risk of hurting herself or others, he would step in and he would be merciless. He wanted her with him for a long, long time. That didn’t mean she couldn’t play sports, ride horses or go out with the girls. It just meant she had to do things with safety in mind, avoiding unnecessary risks. Things like wearing a helmet when she rode her bike, or calling him if she got stranded somewhere and felt unsafe. Even calling him if she had a few drinks, instead of driving home.

      Of course lying to avoid chastisement was also a big blunder; if she were caught, she would get double the punishment. It was worse, far worse, and he often threatened that it would be repeated the next day. So far, it never had.

      Linda was in the kitchen fixing dinner, when Fred started balancing the checkbook and paying the monthly bills. He looked in her purse like he always did, looking for her checkbook and the log she kept of ATM withdrawals and debit purchases. He went through the bills, which were set aside for payment, and checked the day’s mail for any new bills and credit card statements. He saw an envelope from the court system and put it in the stack, thinking it was probably jury duty. He spread it all out on his desk, sorting things into neat little piles.

      He opened the letter and his blood ran cold. Linda had gotten a speeding ticket, one of the few things guaranteed to earn her a serious spanking. The fact that she hadn’t told him about it only made it worse. The fact that is was for going twenty miles over the limit, sealed her fate. Twenty miles! What did she think she was doing, re-enacting the Indianapolis 500?

      He set the incriminating letter aside and went back to the checkbook. He deducted all the ATM withdrawals each of them had made, and the debit purchases, and looked over the checks, totaling everything. He was so engrossed in the math, he almost missed the realization of one entry in her checkbook.

      He looked over the batch of cancelled checks the bank had enclosed with the statement. His blood began to boil. There was another fine paid to the court system. A large fine. He checked the date, and sure enough – it was paid before Linda got the speeding ticket. That meant she had two tickets in one month and hadn’t told him about either one. Her goose was well and truly cooked.

      Linda peaked out of the kitchen and saw Fred with the checkbook from her purse. She knew he would find the check for the ticket she’d paid. She wondered if she could come up with any reason for paying that big a fine that would not get her spanked. Or, if she did find a suitable explanation, would she be able to get Fred to believe her.

      She knew if she didn’t find a way out of it, she was in trouble big time. He would consider it two things to be punished: for the ticket, and not telling him up front. She didn’t mind spanking but Fred’s discipline spankings were well, a pain in the ass.

      “Fred, I have dinner ready,” she said sounding as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

      She walked over to him and slipped her arms around his neck. As she looked down at the desk, she saw the envelope. It looked so familiar, just like the one she got telling her how much it was going to cost her for her last speeding ticket. It was opened, but the contents were still inside the envelope. Maybe he hadn’t pulled them out and read it yet, she hoped. Somehow, she knew she wasn’t going to be that lucky.

      Fred turned his head and kissed her. “I’ll be right there, love,” he said, not seeming to have anything on his mind. “You wouldn’t believe how high our insurance is going up! It’s criminal! We’re safe drivers. We don’t have any accidents or tickets on our records.”

      “It’s terrible, I know,” she said faintly, as she went back to the kitchen.

      They had a pleasant meal. She had prepared a casserole and a salad. There was a fresh strawberry pie, which he had brought home for dessert. They talked about their day over dinner. He never let her know that he had seen the tickets.

      They watched a little TV, sitting side by side on the sofa, before going up to bed. As they got ready for bed, he got amorous. He was kissing her and teasing her, arousing her.

      She got a spanking all right, fun and erotic, followed by a bout of lovemaking that, well, topped the chart of what they’ve had recently. They made love so tenderly and passionately that it seemed like the first fire of their romance. Afterwards, as she cuddled in his arms, she thought she’d been lucky. Apparently he hadn’t noticed the speeding tickets.

      She began to drift off to sleep, contented and sated. She barely felt him get out of bed. She never realized that he had pulled on his

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