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Another Batch of Warm Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline. Susan KohlerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Another Batch of Warm Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline - Susan Kohler

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Randy, eleven to Sally, and so far thirty-one for whoever lost at the end of the game.

      In the fourth quarter, Randy’s team came to life and scored two touchdowns, making it 28-17. The final tally was six to Randy and twenty-two to Christie, for the quarters. Then, a walloping forty-five to Christie with the paddle on her bare butt for the points both teams had scored by the end of the game!

      “Randy, you can’t give her that many, you’ll really hurt her!” Vicki protested. “Twenty-two swats is bad enough, but forty-five more for the total score. That’s sixty-seven swats!”

      “No Vicki, twenty-two swats with his hand and forty-five blows with the paddle! Christie can take it. She can trust me not to hurt her. Not too much, anyway.” Randy enjoyed Vicki’s obvious state of horror and fascination. It was one of the most interesting combination of emotions that he had ever seen on anyone’s face! “Relax, it’s only a bet on a game. It’s not like we’re talking real hardcore S & M.”

      Christie leaned over to whisper in Vicki’s ear. Vicki went red but she didn’t make any more protests.

      “So? What’d you say to her?” Randy asked on the drive home.

      “I told her that you wouldn’t really hurt me because you wanted to fuck my brains out as soon as it was all over!” Christie laughed. “What do you want to bet that they have a little wager between themselves for next week’s playoff game?”

      When they got back to Christie’s house, they found out that Bill and Vicki had followed them home. The other couple had a strange request.

      “Please, can we watch while you settle your bets?” Bill asked. “I know it’s a lot to ask. It’s private and personal, and probably more than a little embarrassing, but Vicki’s worried about Christie. You know how she is, I’ll never get another moment’s rest. Also, to be truthful, I’m a little curious.”

      “It’s okay with me as long as it’s okay with Christie,” Randy said, as usual he was agreeable to almost anything. “But I don’t think you’ll be able to convince her.”

      Christie moved closer to Randy and whispered in his ear. She whispered for a long, long time. Randy grinned and nodded. She spoke to the waiting couple.

      “A little bit curious, Bill? Get real! If you were a cat, as in curiosity killed the…, you’d be dead,” she laughed at him.

      She looked at Vicki, squarely meeting her best friend’s warm brown eyes. “Will you take my word for it? It’s going to be okay.” She read the answer in Vicki’s face and laughed. “Okay, come on in as long as you leave before we get to the part where Randy fucks my brains out. But there’s a price.”

      “What price?” Vicki asked with trepidation.

      “You’ll find out.” Randy winked at her, “Believe me, you’ll find out.”

      They all went into the house. When Christie got inside, she laid on the sofa, face down.

      “Go to it, Randy!” she said cheerfully.

      He gave her the twenty-two swats, very hard, smart and fast. Each swat made a muffled THUNK as it landed on her slacks. She got up and Randy bent over on the end of the sofa and got his six swats.

      Speaking quietly to Randy, Christie said, “Remember your promise.”

      Vicki was exclaiming over the spanking she had witnessed. She didn’t even notice that Randy, standing partly behind her had raised his eyebrows and got Bill’s attention. He swung his head and gave a pointed look at Vicki’s butt, then he looked back at Bill. He raised his eyebrows again with a big questioning grin on his face. Bill gave a slight nod. Bill made his way around to the front of Vicki and then grabbed her in a bear hug.

      He said, “Go for it!”

      Randy gave Vicki a spanking exactly like the one Christie had received, very hard and smart. It was fast, sharp, and lasted for twenty-two swats. When it was over, Bill released Vicki.

      Then Randy politely asked, “Coffee, anyone?”

      At their nods, he went in to make some.

      It was funny to watch Vicki. She was so mad she was sputtering, but she was also surprised and exasperated. At least it finally made her shut up. Christie was sitting on the sofa next to Bill, and they were both laughing hysterically. Randy brought out some coffee, some cold cuts and Swiss cheese that he sliced on a small cutting board. He went to the kitchen when he realized that he had forgotten the cream and sugar. He served the refreshments.

      After several minutes passed he asked in a casual tone of voice, “So Vicki, how does your butt feel?”

      Vicki said, “What?” Then she realized what he meant. “It doesn’t hurt!” She was genuinely surprised.

      “I’m sorry we had to ambush you like that. It seemed to be the only way to convince you that I wasn’t about to be beaten to death,” Christie said.

      “But won’t the paddle hurt more?” Vicki asked.

      “Yes, but not enough to really matter. It really just stings enough to make it a little scarier and more exciting. Understand now?” Christie asked.

      “I guess so,” she grinned ruefully. “I’d better try to understand. Or else I might get a surprise demo of the paddle. Do you really get to paddle Randy sometimes?” She secretly thought it might even be fun to paddle Bill.

      “She sure does, and she’s ruthless,” Randy replied. “But now it is time for the paddle. I really hate to say this Vicki, but you are definitely going to get a demo of the paddle. In fact, this time I think we’ll start with you.”

      Randy put the remaining cheese on a small plate and picked up the small cutting board. It was their regular paddle.

      “No way!” Vicki protested, her face going pale as she looked at the paddle. “I’m not going to let you use that on me, especially for forty-five swats.”

      “Of course we wouldn’t give you that many swats. You have to build up to it. This is just a little demonstration, a sample,” Christie gently explained to her friend, even as Vicki was edging her way to the door. “We won’t even make you take down your underwear.”

      “Why not?” Bill asked.

      Randy and Christie exchanged a long glance, then finally Christie said, “Sure, why not?”

      Before Vicki could reach the door, Bill and Christie cut her off. In a flash, they had her black tailored slacks down and had pulled her over to the dining table. With one of them holding each arm, they forced her to bend over and lie on the table. Randy stood behind her and used the paddle after he had lowered her lacy black underwear. He gave her twelve moderately hard swats with the paddle, six on each cheek. She screeched at each one, especially the ones that landed on her when her buttocks were tensed up. When it was over they let her up, and she stood there with her face red, glaring at them.

      Christie took the paddle. “Your turn, Bill.” She spoke with quiet authority and a degree of challenge in her voice. “Or did you think we were going to let you off after giving her a free sample?”

      Bill looked at Randy and at Vicki. Vicki, her face red, was rubbing her behind tenderly. She sounded angry as she challenged, “Are you chicken? Or is it okay for me but not you?”

      Bill dropped his jeans and bent over the table in position. Christie pulled down his underwear and used the paddle. Just before she hit Bill the first time, Randy said one thing.

      He said, “Bill, Christie’s a lot harsher than I am. And of course, we went a lot easier on Vicki because she had a spanking first.” He paused. “I have to warn you, Christie is probably going to hurt you.”

      As soon as he got the last word out, Christie started. As Randy had predicted, Christie was harsher than he had been with Vicki. She gave him a full dozen on each cheek, and she gave them to him as hard as she could. Randy and Vicki held

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