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Another Batch of Warm Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline. Susan KohlerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Another Batch of Warm Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline - Susan Kohler

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smiled in remembrance and agreed.

      Janine worked late that night. As usual she made a mess, leaving coffee rings on the conference table and tobacco ashes in a coffee cup, even though it was a non-smoking building. Crumpled paper was strewn everywhere except the trash can, and streaks of whiteout were on the telephone. Her desk, the small kitchen and the ladies room all showed similar signs of abuse.

      Jesse was ready for her. He’d sent his crew down to another floor of the building and waited outside the law library. He walked in and caught her wadding up her notes and throwing them on the floor.

      “That’s it!” Jesse was adamant. “You lady, are a slob, a snob and a spoiled brat. You will come with me right now and I will give you a spanking!”

      “I won’t!” Janine’s eyes flashed blue fire and her chin was high. Little did she know that she had never looked better. There was a trace of uncertainty in her tone, however. “You can’t.”

      “You will cooperate with me or else I’ll spank you on your bare bottom instead of over your skirt, and I will make sure it hurts much more,” Jesse was firm, implacable. “And I can do it, believe me.”

      He took her arm firmly and led her down the hall without loosening his grip, then opened James’ office and led her over to the chair. Still holding her arm, he sat down and pulled her over his knees.

      “Stop struggling or its bare bottom time,” he threatened harshly. “And remember, it will hurt more.” He flipped a switch on the table near his elbow.

      He began to spank her firmly but not too hard; she squirmed and yelled at him, cursing and kicking, reacting more from anger and indignation than pain. Gradually, the slaps came faster and harder. She kicked harder still and squirmed more, and continued to curse at him but he ignored her until she tried to put her hand over her bottom. He pulled her hand away and landed six sharp slaps right on the spot she was trying to protect. “No!” Finally, he let her up.

      “I’ll have you arrested,” she shouted, rubbing her behind. “Creep!”

      “Call the cops,” Jesse smiled. “By the time they come it won’t even be red. Besides,” he grinned, “do you want to explain this to a cop and show him your bare bottom? I’m sure he’d enjoy it.”

      “I’ll sue then.” Her voice was quieter, sounding less certain.

      “Again, where’s your proof?” he asked calmly.

      “I’ll tell my boss and get you fired.” She was on her last threat and they both knew it.

      “Do it. Tell your boss. Go ahead and get me fired,” he challenged, and then taunted her by asking, “Do you think it’s a thrill to clean up after someone like you. A nose in the air snob who’s also a slob?”

      “I’m not like that. I’m not that bad.” She thrust out her chin combatively but sounded uncertain.

      “No lady, you’re worse.” He stalked out of James’ office leaving her behind without even so much as a backward glance.

      The next day, Janine steamed and stewed all day. Finally, she gathered her nerve and went into James’ office. She was both angry and shy as she told him how Jesse has spanked her.

      “He threatened to do it again, but next time he threatened to spank my… ” her voice trailed off.

      “Your what, my dear?” James asked gently.

      “My bare bottom.” She practically whispered the words.

      “But he didn’t this time?” James hid his surprised expression.

      “No,” she said fervently, “he spanked me over my skirt.”

      James surprised her then. “Show me the um, evidence.”

      “There is none.” She assured him, “It’s faded now.”

      “Then go back to work, but hear this:” His voice got surprisingly firm and commanding. “I’m telling Jesse to use his discretion. If you ever treat him or his crew with disrespect or deliberately cause them any extra work, he will have my permission and my advice. He should pull your skirt up and your panties down and do the job right, on your bare bottom and very, very hard.” He paused, holding her gaze with his and she began to shiver. “And if he does, I’ll do it again myself the next day, with a cane. And I promise to leave plenty of evidence. Have I made myself painfully clear?”

      “But sir!” James raised one eyebrow and she stopped, cutting herself off. “Yes sir.”

      “Go back to work, Janine,” he said smiling. “I need a report of that deposition on my desk first thing in the morning.”

      That night working late again, Janine was nervous. She did not want another spanking and somehow she felt doomed. Most of all, she did not want that cretin of a janitor putting his hands on her, pulling down her… Unbidden, her mind formed the pictures: Jesse dragging her to a chair, pulling her over his knees, pulling her panties down and spanking her. Sitting there alone in the library, she flushed and shivered. She felt as if she were being watched, as indeed she was.

      In the end, it was her nerves that caused her downfall. She made herself some soup and coffee, but she let the soup boil over in the microwave and burned the bottom of the coffeepot. She spilled coffee grounds on the floor, and then tried to wipe it up doing only a halfway job.

      She took her coffee into the law library, against office rules, and spilled it on the computer keyboard and an expensive law book. She hadn’t wiped off her soup mug after it boiled over so it marred the surface of the beautifully polished conference table. As she tried to wipe everything up with a wad of paper towels, she knocked over a bag of sunflower seeds she’d been snacking on.

      Jesse walked in at that moment. He looked at the room, then at her, and shook his head slowly. Smiling, he crooked his finger, beckoning her. She got up from the chair slowly, tears already forming in her eyes.

      “I’m sorry, I tried but… ” She swallowed slowly, her voice freezing up, “I was so nervous.”

      “So you were anticipating my little visit.” He spoke in such a friendly voice that she was almost lulled into a sense of security. Almost.

      “I was scared,” she admitted.

      “And now you’ll find out why.” He ordered, “Take off your skirt.”

      “Please,” she began.

      “Now!” he said. “Or I’ll add some corner time to your punishment.”

      “What’s corner time?” she asked, curiosity outweighing her good sense.

      “You’ll find out soon enough.” He ordered, “Don’t make me tell you again. Take that skirt off now.”

      She obeyed, slowly sliding her skirt off. She stood holding it and feeling awkward.

      “Leave it here on the table,” he commanded.

      She tossed the skirt on the table.

      “Fold it!” He sounded exasperated.

      Once again he led her into James’ office. He sat in the chair and pulled her unceremoniously over his knees. He began to spank her sharply but not very harshly. She took the spanking with a good deal more restraint than she had the previous night. In fact, her first thought was one of relief. He hadn’t pulled down her panties after all. That soon changed as the spanking got a bit harder and faster and started to sting. She squirmed, he stopped spanking her and pulled down her panties

      “Now let’s get started,” he said with a smile as he settled in to give her a long stinging spanking, turning her bottom a bright red and making it very warm.

      All her restraint fled as she began to kick and yell curses at him.

      “Mind your tone and do not swear at me!” Jesse ordered harshly as he increased the strength of the blows yet again.

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