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Diabetes Meals on $7 a Day?or Less!. Patti B. GeilЧитать онлайн книгу.

Diabetes Meals on $7 a Day?or Less! - Patti B. Geil

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href="#fb3_img_img_59c35d86-cdb1-5ca2-8ab9-02940b6f8756.jpg" alt="image"/> When you store planned-overs, divide the food among small containers so that it will cool quickly. Label your storage containers with the food’s name and the date it was prepared so that you’ll know which items to use first.


Defrost planned-over batches of frozen foods thoroughly before cooking them. It is best not to go directly from freezer to oven, because bacteria may thrive in the center of a frozen food as the edges begin to cook. It is not safe to defrost food on the kitchen counter at room temperature. Try to plan ahead to thaw your frozen dishes safely in the refrigerator.


Use your microwave to defrost before cooking only if you will be cooking your dish immediately afterward. Microwave defrosting often cooks parts of the food, and storing partly cooked food can lead to bacteria buildup.


      One Week’s Sample Menus for $7 a Day—or Less!

       DAY 1 (4.19)


      1 cup sliced strawberries ($0.84)

      1 6-oz container no sugar added, fat-free yogurt ($0.40)

      2 Golden Applesauce Muffins ($0.24)*

      1 cup hot tea ($0.04)


      2 cups Favorite Vegetable Soup ($0.90)*

      6 saltine crackers ($0.06)

      1 medium banana ($0.04) 1 cup fat-free milk ($0.16)


      1 Grilled Asian Pork Kabob ($0.98)*

      1 cup Crunchy Oriental Coleslaw ($0.22)*

      1 serving Rich Chocolate Fudge Cake ($0.17)*

      12 oz iced tea ($0.04)


      3/4 oz pretzels (about 7-8 large pretzel twists) ($0.06)

      8 oz sugar-free lemonade ($0.04)

       DAY 2 ($3.61)


      1 serving Hearty Oatmeal for One ($0.64)*

      1 cup fat-free milk ($0.16)


      2/3 cup cooked spaghetti noodles ($0.04)

      1/2 cup Spunky Spaghetti Sauce ($0.44)*

      1 serving Quick Garlic Buns ($0.06)*

      2 cups chopped lettuce & tomato ($0.48) 1 Tbsp olive oil and vinegar ($0.06)

      1 Chocolate Peanut Butter Drop ($0.06)*

      12 oz iced tea ($0.04)


      3 oz Golden Roasted Turkey Breast ($0.37)*

      1 cup Carrots, Onions, and Potatoes ($0.30)*

      1/2 cup Southern-Style Green Beans ($0.25)*

      1 roll ($0.11)

      1 tsp light margarine ($0.01)

      1 Pumpkin Bar ($0.13)*

      1 cup fat-free milk ($0.16)


      1 medium apple ($0.30)

       DAY 3 ($5.48)


      1 scrambled egg ($0.06)

      2 slices whole-wheat toast ($0.10) 2 tsp light margarine ($0.02)

      2 tsp 100% fruit spread ($0.09)

      1 cup Berry and Banana Blend ($0.61)*

       Lunch (Fast Food)

      1 small chili with 4 crackers ($0.99)

      1 side salad with 1 packet light dressing ($0.99)

      1 small diet soda ($1.09)


      1 cup Sunday Afternoon Split Pea Soup ($0.29)*

      1 serving Gran’s Country-Style Corn Bread ($0.08)*

      1 Personal Fruit Parfait ($0.77)*

      1 cup fat-free milk ($0.16)


      3 cups air-popped popcorn ($0.04) with

      2 tsp light margarine, melted ($0.02)

      12 oz diet soda ($0.17)

       DAY 4 ($4.46)


      3/4 cup bran flake cereal ($0.06) with

      1/2 cup fat-free milk ($0.08)

      1 English muffin ($0.17) with

      2 tsp reduced-calorie margarine ($0.02) and

      2 tsp 100% fruit spread ($0.09)

      1 cup coffee ($0.04)


      1 turkey sandwich: 2 oz leftover Golden Roasted Turkey Breast*

      on 2 slices whole-wheat bread with 1 tsp mustard ($0.35)

      1/2 cup Sassy Sweet Potato Chips ($0.16)*

      1 cup carrot and celery sticks ($0.10) with

      2 Tbsp fat-free ranch-style dressing ($0.12)

      1 medium apple ($0.30)

      12 oz diet soda ($0.17)


      1 serving Beef and Broccoli Stroganoff ($1.69)*

      Sliced tomato and cucumber (1/2 small tomato,

      1/4 medium cucumber) ($0.24) with

      1 Tbsp Versatile Vinaigrette ($0.12)*

      1 slice French bread ($0.06) with

      1 tsp reduced-calorie margarine ($0.01)

      1 Rainbow Parfait ($0.40)*

      12 oz iced tea ($0.04)


      1/2 cup fat-free, sugar-free chocolate pudding ($0.24)

       DAY 5 ($3.64)


      1 slice Cinnamon French Toast ($0.07)*

      1 tsp light margarine ($0.01)

      1 Tbsp maple syrup ($0.05)

      2 slices turkey bacon ($0.16)

      1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice ($0.06)


      1 Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich ($0.72)*

      1 oz baked tortilla chips ($0.28)

      1/2 cup mandarin oranges canned in juice ($0.16)

      12 oz diet soda ($0.17)


      1 serving Marilyn’s Spicy “Fried” Chicken ($0.50)*

      1 serving Green Bean Stir-Fry ($0.48)*

      1 medium ear corn on the cob ($0.22) with

      1 tsp light margarine ($0.01)

      1 serving

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