Jake's Adventures: The Secret of the Shark Tooth Crab Claw. Melissa Perry MorajaЧитать онлайн книгу.
Jake's Adventures
The Secret of the Shark Tooth Crab Claw
The third in the Wunderkind Family series
Written and Illustrated by
Melissa Perry Moraja
Copyright 2012 - 2013
Melissa Productions, Inc.
Dedicated to Jake, my oldest son, who loves the ocean! Love Mom
The third in the Wunderkind Family Series
Written and Illustrated by Melissa Perry Moraja
Melissa Productions, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher.
Melissa Perry Moraja
ISBN 978-0-9834751-9-4
Written and Illustrated by Melissa Perry Moraja
118 page children's chapter book
Text copyright © 2012 - 2013
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
9. Eeewww! What Smells So Bad?
Just Five More Minutes
Today was one of the greatest days of my life!
It was school vacation!
Although, when my mom woke me up, I had completely forgotten that it was.
Like every morning, my mom entered my bedroom and yelled, “Jake, it's time to get up!”
“Ugh,” I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head. “Mom, please just five more minutes.”
I waited for my mom to say, “Jake, you have one minute to get out of bed and brush your teeth for school.”
But this morning, she never said those words.
Instead, she said, “I thought you would have been the first one up, today.”
First one up? I thought.
I sat up quickly.
I couldn't believe I had forgotten.
It was school vacation! And we were heading to Myrtle Beach, which was my favorite place to vacation.
You could find the coolest stuff there.
Last year, I found a lobster claw.
My mom wouldn't let me take it home because the lobster claw was broken and cracked. She said it was unsafe to play with, or even to keep as a souvenir.
My mom thought everything was unsafe.
Once we were in Kentucky at my grandfather's farm and I found a cow bone.
My grandfather said I could keep it.
I was so excited!
When I showed it to my mom and told her Daddy J (that's what we call my grandfather) said I could keep it, her eyes got really big and I could hear this grinding sound coming from inside her mouth.
I could tell she wasn't happy.
Within seconds, she began searching the Internet.
My mom searched for things like “does a cow bone have diseases” and “can someone die from keeping a cow bone” and “what are the dangers of a kid touching a cow bone.”
Before I could take it home, I had to promise up and down that I would not play with it.
I promised.
All I wanted to do was show it to my friends. They'd think it was cool and that I had cool stuff.
When we got home, my mom said, “Jake, before I let you have this bone, it needs to be sanitized.”
“Uh—okay,” I responded, unsure what she was going to do next.
Well…first she boiled the cow bone in water for over three hours. Then she sprayed it with stuff she sprays our wounds with. And finally she boiled it again. But this time she boiled it in rubbing alcohol. When she was done, the bone smelled awful and was yellow and brown.
I was so bummed!
I showed it to a couple of my friends.
But the smell was so bad we had to block our nose if we got within ten feet of it. So my friends and I just stood and stared at it.
After about five minutes, I blurted out, “This bone isn't a cow bone. It's a thingamajig that alien's use to spray a poisonous gas right into your eyes and then transform you into one of them—a green, warty alien creature.”
My friends screamed and ran as fast as they could behind some bushes.
I ran, too.
We watched it for about ten minutes, waiting for something to happen.
But the cow bone never moved.
And no alien creature appeared to take it away.
It just lay there on the ground, smelling something fierce.
Then one of my friends decided that we needed to destroy it, so it didn't destroy the world. He came up with the idea that the sewer was the portal to defeat all aliens and alien weapons.
We ended up throwing it in the sewer drain and that's where it still is.
That was fun!
And now I was ready for more fun!
“I'm on school vacation!” I shouted, leaping out of my bed and dashing into the bathroom.
My mom chuckled and said, “Don't forget to brush your teeth.”
Then she headed out of my bedroom.
It took me less than a second to brush my teeth.