The SimplyRaw Living Foods Detox Manual. Natasha KyssaЧитать онлайн книгу.
a problem is this? How widespread? How toxic are we? The report Polluted Children, Toxic Nation ( contains the results of “the first Canadian study to test for harmful chemicals in children’s bodies, and the results show that Canadians, young and old, are polluted regardless of where they live, work, play, or go to school.”
Toxins can be found in:
• processed foods (additives, dyes, preservatives)
• animal products (hormones, steroids, antibiotics in meat and dairy products, and mercury in fish)
• mold-contaminated foods (peanuts and cashews may be contaminated with aflatoxin)
• rancid vegetable oils
• tap water
• coffee and tea
• tobacco
• antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals
• pesticides, herbicides
• city air
• heavy metals in soil
• plastic products
• petroleum-based chemical cleaning products
• carpets
• plywood and particle board products containing formaldehyde
• dyes
• commercial shampoos, cosmetics, body care products, nail polish, hair dyes
• perfumes, colognes, and other scented products
• deodorants containing aluminum chlorohydrate, methylparaben, propylene glycol
• bedding (foam and cotton mattresses and pillows contain fire retardants and pesticides)
• candles with lead-core wicks
• soft vinyl floors
• photocopiers and correction fluid (trichloroethylene/TCE)
See Making your home toxin free for more information on making your home toxin-free.
How toxic are you?
The following may be symptoms of toxicity:
• exhaustion, fatigue
• muscle and joint pain
• compromised digestion
• intestinal bloating or gas
• chronic constipation, diarrhea
• recurring headaches
• arthritis
• cardiovascular disease
• excess weight
• sinus problems
• asthma
• psoriasis, adult acne, rashes
• abnormal body odor and breath
• coated tongue
• metallic taste in mouth
• food allergies
• brittle nails and hair
• depression
• mood swings and anxiety
• chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
• poor memory or concentration
• frequent colds and flu
• insomnia or over-sleeping
• powerful food cravings
• environmental sensitivities, especially to odors
Tip: A strong body and immune system can resist toxic overload and disease.
Why detox?
In our toxic environment, detoxification is crucial, a matter of survival. We are assaulted with pollutants daily, from environmental pollutants to the toxins produced by our own bodies as byproducts of normal metabolism, and most of these toxins are stored in our bodies as acid, mucus, or fat. Toxins slow down the body’s metabolism and lower immunity, leaving you feeling sluggish, heavy, tired—and ultimately causing illness and disease. Toxins can lodge in the organs, cells, and fat tissues, making it difficult to lose weight.
Our bodies are naturally equipped to eliminate harmful substances through the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon, skin, and lymphatic system. However, as toxins accumulate throughout the body, it can no longer keep up with elimination, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, aches and pains, coughs, congestion, and gastrointestinal problems. Long-term exposure can weaken our systems, increase our susceptibility to infection, and eventually lead to chronic illness.
To thrive in this increasingly polluted environment and to reverse illnesses, our bodies need extra support through detoxification. Many diseases are a form of toxicity in the body, and in order to reverse illness, we must first remove the toxicity. This can be achieved by eating a living foods diet.
Detoxifying is a vital part of any program designed to restore your body to optimum health and vitality, and can be one of the finest tools we have for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The elimination of processed and acid-forming foods leads to reduced stress on the digestive system, allowing the body to focus its resources on healing.
As you rid your body of old toxic matter and provide it with an abundance of nutrients, the body goes into balance and does what it was designed to do—heal and stay healthy.
When the body is cleansed, it becomes more efficient at digestion, assimilation, and elimination. Detoxifying strengthens the immune system and gives your body greater energy. It also reduces inflammation and results in a slimmer body. Skin becomes softer and more youthful in appearance; your eyes sparkle and become brighter, you will shed excess weight, and you will feel much more vibrant, happy, and alive!
Detoxification also gives your body a much needed rest from poor dietary and lifestyle habits that have wreaked havoc on your health. When we eat an unnatural diet high in fats, meats, dairy, processed foods, and chemicals, detoxification becomes necessary, particularly to those who eat excessively. We need to cleanse more frequently and work harder to rebalance our bodies, depending on how far away from nature our diets and lifestyles have become.
The benefits of detoxing include:
• reduced toxic buildup
• increased energy and vitality
• stronger immune function
• improved digestion, absorption, and elimination
• slimmer figure
• blood purification
• reduced allergy symptoms
• clearer sinuses
• healthier, softer skin
• improved sleep patterns
• reduced cravings
• heightened mental clarity, focus, concentration, and memory
• better mental and emotional well-being
• a feeling of rejuvenation on all levels
• freedom from addictions to sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, junk foods, caffeine, nicotine
Why organic?
“Until we have a more complete understanding of pesticide toxicity, the benefit of the doubt should be awarded to protecting the environment, the worker, and the consumer—this precautionary approach is necessary because the data on risk to human health from exposure to pesticides are incomplete.”
—The British Medical Association Guide to Pesticides, Chemicals and Health. Report of the Board of Science and Education, 1992