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Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week. Jill WeisenbergerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week - Jill Weisenberger

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      Director, Book Publishing, Abe Ogden; Managing Editor, Greg Guthrie; Acquisitions Editor, Victor Van Beuren; Editor, Courtney Rutledge; Production Manager, Melissa Sprott; Composition, ADA; Cover Design, Drop Cap Design; Illustrations, KTB Studios, LLC.

      ©2012 by the American Diabetes Association, Inc.® All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including duplication, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the American Diabetes Association.

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      The suggestions and information contained in this publication are generally consistent with the Clinical Practice Recommendations and other policies of the American Diabetes Association, but they do not represent the policy or position of the Association or any of its boards or committees. Reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the American Diabetes Association cannot ensure the safety or efficacy of any product or service described in this publication. Individuals are advised to consult a physician or other appropriate health care professional before undertaking any diet or exercise program or taking any medication referred to in this publication. Professionals must use and apply their own professional judgment, experience, and training and should not rely solely on the information contained in this publication before prescribing any diet, exercise, or medication. The American Diabetes Association—its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and members—assumes no responsibility or liability for personal or other injury, loss, or damage that may result from the suggestions or information in this publication.

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      American Diabetes Association

      1701 North Beauregard Street

      Alexandria, Virginia 22311

      DOI: 10.2337/9781580404549

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; Weisenberger, Jill. Diabetes weight loss-- week by week : a safe, effective method for losing weight and improving your health / Jill Weisenberger. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-58040-454-9 (pbk.) 1. Diabetes--Diet therapy. 2. Diabetes--Exercise therapy. 3. Weight loss. 4. Self-care, Health. I. Title. RC662.W37 2012 616.4’620654--dc23 2012003694 eISBN: 978-1-58040-451-8


      Introduction: Getting Started Prepare to Be Successful Weigh In Set SMART Goals

       Part 1: The Basics in 16 Weeks

      Week 1: Calories Rule Be Aware. Be Very Aware High Carb or Low Carb? Start Moving Medication Check

      Week 2: Pick a Weight-Loss Goal What Is Healthful Eating? Plate Method Decipher a Food Label: Portion vs. Serving Size Monitor Blood Glucose Often

      Week 3: Eat Breakfast Use a Small Dish Keep Moving Reflect on Your Food Record

      Week 4: Eat Water-Rich Foods 400-Calorie Lunches Fat-Free Isn’t Free Reward Yourself

      Week 5: Food Swaps To Change or Not to Change Build Muscle Pantry Raid

      Week 6: Make Excuses to Exercise Halt Negative Self-Talk Cook It!

      Week 7: Tame Nighttime Nibbles Reset Your Routine Revisit Your Food Record

      Week 8: Know Your Hunger Fill Up on Fiber Fiber in Your Food Eat Out What to Eat When Eating Out For More Information

      Week 9: Size Matters Pack a Sack Checking In with Exercise

      Week 10: Bulk Up Your Meals Stay the Course on the Weekends To Drink or Not to Drink?

      Week 11: It’s Party Time! Your Progress Report Sugar-Free Foods Hit the Hay

      Week 12: Put Snacks to Work Beat Hunger without the Carbs Conquer Cravings Distract Yourself

      Week 13: Have Meal Replacements Handy Practice Eating Mindfully Reevaluate Your Exercise Routine How to Pick a Personal Trainer How to Pick a Gym

      Week 14: Make Water Your Go-To Drink Jazz Up Your Meals Identify Binge Eating

       Week 15: Make Plan B

      Week 16: What’s on Your Plate? Ask for Help

       Part 2: Focusing on the Long Term

      Month 5: For the Long Haul: Stay Out of a Food Rut Address Stress

      Month 6: For the Long Haul: Limit Saturated and Trans Fats Seek Out the Good-for-You Fats Busting through Plateaus

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