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Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week. Jill WeisenbergerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week - Jill Weisenberger

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else. In fact, the sodium and carbohydrate levels are slightly higher in the fat-free bar. What’s more, neither product offers much in the way of nutrition. You might think the bar is nutritious simply because it contains figs. Yes, figs are nutritious, but there must not be much fig in these bars since the fiber content is so low. Fig bars are cookies, and fat-free fig bars are fat-free cookies. Now that’s not to say that you shouldn’t eat them. If you really like them, work them into your meal plan. Just recognize that they’re not a health food and be certain to account for the carbohydrates and calories in whichever variety you choose, just like you do with any other food.


      Congratulations! You’re approaching one month since you started eating more healthfully and exercising with purpose. You deserve a reward. Whether we’re celebrating a promotion, an unexpected windfall, a child’s acceptance to college, or a few lost pounds, it’s tempting to reward ourselves with dessert, dinner out, or an extra glass of wine. Food rewards not only feed us with extra calories, they also perpetuate the notion that indulgent food is nurturing. It’s time to come up with a list of nonfood rewards. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

      • Listen to music.

      • Buy a new song for your mp3 player.

      • Spend a few minutes outside reading or simply watching the birds.

      • Hire someone to clean your house, mow your lawn, or do any other chore you’d be thrilled not to do.

      • Treat yourself to a spa day—either at home or at a real spa.

      • Schedule an extra date night or night out with friends.


      Continue your current goals or rewrite them if necessary. Additionally, select from the following goals or steps, modify them, or create your own. Choose goals from the previous weeks if applicable. This week I will:

      square.jpg Continue the following goals: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

      square.jpg Record and reflect on my food intake daily.

      square.jpg Double my vegetables at each dinner.

      square.jpg Start at least one meal daily with a broth-based soup or low-calorie salad.

      square.jpg Learn new healthy ways to cook vegetables.

      square.jpg Eat at least two pieces of fruit and have three servings of vegetables daily.

      square.jpg Continue to read food labels for serving size, calories, and more.

      square.jpg Reward myself without food. Instead I will ________________________________________________.

      square.jpg Add 1,000 steps to my daily step goal.

      square.jpg Review my Motivation Kit and add to it.

      square.jpg Other:____________________________________________________________


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