The Gun Digest Book of Rimfire Rifles Assembly/Disassembly. J.B. WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.
11. Remove the extractor plunger and spring.
12. Use a small tool to nudge the bolt detent plunger forward, into the extractor spring tunnel, and take the plunger out toward the front.
13. Drift out the cross pin that retains the cocking knob. When the drift is withdrawn, control the knob, as it is under tension of the rebound spring.
14. Remove the cocking knob and rebound spring toward the rear. The spring is easily removed from inside the knob shaft.
15. Drift out the striker retaining pin upward. Avoid canting the pin after it clears one wall of the bolt. Caution: Control the striker spring as the drift is withdrawn.
16. Remove the striker and spring toward the rear. The spring is easily removed from inside the striker.
Reassembly Tips:
1. When installing the striker retaining pin, insert a tool at the rear to slightly compress the striker spring, keeping it forward of the pin.
2. When installing the bolt detent plunger, note that its smaller tip goes toward the rear.
3. If the sear has been removed from the trigger, be sure it is reinstalled as shown, with its step toward the front.
Colt Colteer
Similar/Identical Pattern Guns
The same basic assembly/disassembly steps for the Colt Colteer also apply to the following guns:
Colt Stagecoach
Colt Courier
Data: | Colt Colteer | |
Origin: | United States | |
Manufacturer: | Colt Firearms, Hartford, Connecticut | |
Cartridge: | 22 Long Rifle | |
Magazine capacity: | 15 rounds | |
Overall length: | 37 inches | |
Barrel length: | 193/8 inches | |
Weight: | 5 pounds |
The Colteer was made from 1965 to around 1975. In the same time period, there was also a deluxe shorter version called the Stagecoach, with a 16½-inch barrel and a 13-round magazine. Between 1970 and around 1975 there was a third version, the Courier; essentially the Colteer with a semi-pistol grip stock. All three are the same mechanically, and the instructions will apply. Note there was also a very different gun with the Colteer name, a single-shot bolt-action.
1. Cycle the action to cock the internal hammer, and set the safety in on-safe position. Remove the inner magazine tube. The tube can be taken apart (see note at end of Tool Section), but in this gun it would require pulling a non-through retaining pin. In normal takedown, it is best left intact. Remove the cross-screw in the barrel band at the front of the forend, and move the band off toward the front. If it is tight, nudge it with a non-marring drift.
2. Remove the large screw in the underside of the forend.
3. Remove the forend downward.
4. Drift out the small cross pin at the lower front of the receiver.
5. Move the bolt handle slightly toward the rear, and tip the trigger group downward at the front. The bolt will disconnect from the cocking handle assembly.
6. Move the trigger group slightly forward, and remove it downward from the receiver.
7. Move the cocking handle assembly forward to clear its track in the receiver, and push it inward, to be taken out the bottom of the receiver. Do not attempt to take it out through the ejection port.
8. Move the bolt rearward until it clears the ejector, and lift it off the trigger group.
9. The cocking handle and bolt spring assembly is riveted at the rear, and in normal takedown it should be left intact.
10. The firing pin has no return spring. For removal, drift out the cross pin toward the left side.