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The Gun Digest Book of Rimfire Rifles Assembly/Disassembly. J.B. WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Gun Digest Book of Rimfire Rifles Assembly/Disassembly - J.B. Wood

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      25. Move the spring guide and follower to the rear, and rotate these parts until their lugs are aligned to clear the detent depressions at the rear of the tube. Remove the guide and follower toward the rear.

       Reassembly Tips:


      1. When replacing the firing pin in the bolt, be sure the firing pin is oriented so its retaining recess is toward the top of the bolt, to accept the nose of the retainer.

      When replacing the trigger and disconnector assembly, push the small rear spring pin halfway across, and hook the rear loop of the expansion spring onto it. Then, drive the pin into place. Lift the sear and insert the front of the disconnector arm into the vertical slot in the sear. Allow the sear to hold the trigger and disconnector in place while the trigger is positioned for insertion of its cross pin.

      When replacing the cocking handle and bolt assembly, the cocking handle must be inserted first, and moved up into its track before insertion of the bolt. Note that the ejection port cover must be open as the bolt is inserted.


      Similar/Identical Pattern Guns

      The same basic assembly/disassembly steps for the Armscor Model 20P also apply to the following guns:

       Armscor Model 20C

       Armscor Model 50S

       Armscor Model 2000

       Armscor Model 2000SC

Data: Armscor Model 20P
Origin: Philippines
Manufacturer: Arms Corp. of the Philippines
Cartridge: 22 Long Rifle
Magazine capacity: 15 rounds
Overall length: 39¾ inches
Barrel length: 21 inches
Weight: 6¾ pounds

      The Model 20P is a later and slightly redesigned version of earlier 22 semi-autos that were made in the Philippines by the Squires Bingham company. These are well-made guns, but there are several points in complete takedown that may be problems for the non-professional. These are noted in the instructions. The Models 20C, 2000SC, 2000, and 50S differ only in stock details and accessories.



      1. Pull the trigger to drop the striker to fired position, and remove the magazine. Loosen the stock mounting bolt and pull it out until it stops.


      2. Move the action straight up out of the stock.


      3. The trigger guard unit and the buttplate are each retained on the stock by two wood screws. The stock mounting bolt can be removed by continuing to turn it counterclockwise.


      4. Remove the small Phillips-type retaining screw and take off the case deflector.


      5. Back out or remove the small Phillips-type screw on the underside of the receiver at the rear.


      6. Unscrew and remove the receiver end cap. Caution:Springs are under tension, so control the cap.


      7. Easing the spring tension, remove the end cap, striker spring, recoil spring and their attendant sleeves and guides, toward the rear. If these elements are not being taken out for repair or replacement, it would be well to keep them in original order for reinstallation.


      8. Point the barrel upward and retract the bolt handle fully to the rear. While exerting slight outward pressure on the bolt handle, push the striker (firing pin) forward until its exit cut aligns with the bolt handle. The bolt handle can then be removed toward the right.


      9. Pull the trigger to free the bolt and remove the bolt assembly toward the rear.


      10. The striker (firing pin) is easily removed from the top of the bolt.


      11. Insert a small tool between the extractor and its plunger, and depress the plunger toward the rear. Lift out the extractor. Caution: Control the plunger and the compressed spring, and ease them out.


      12. The bolt handle has a knurled sleeve that is pushed in to lock the bolt open. This can be removed by pushing it toward the inner tip of the handle shaft. Caution: The tension ball bearing and spring will be released, so control them. The ball is on the same side of the shaft as the striker recess.


      13. Remove the small Phillips-type screw that retains the safety catch on the right side of the trigger group.


      14. Hold a fingertip over the rectangular opening in the safety, and move the safety toward the rear until the detent

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