The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Part V - Shotguns. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.
The bolt head must be pushed to its rear position in the carrier before the cocking handle can be reinserted.
When replacing the two rings in the front of the forend, the plain ring goes in first, and the spring ring at the front.
When moving the barrel and receiver assembly toward the rear, be sure the rear tip of the recoil spring strut on the bolt carrier engages the cup of the spring follower.
Benelli Nova
Similar/Identical Pattern Guns The same basic assembly/disassembly steps for the Benelli Nova also apply to the following guns:
Nova Slug Gun,
Rifled Slug Gun.
Data: | Benelli Nova |
Origin: | ltaly |
Manufacturer: | Benelli Armi,Urbino, ltaly |
Gauge: | 12 only |
Magazine capacity: | 4 rounds (2 3/4-inch shells), 3 rounds (3 1/2 inch shells) |
Overall length: | 49-1/2 inches |
Barrel length: | 28 inches (others offered) |
Weight: | 8 pounds. |
An excellent exercise in modern design and polymer construction, the Benelli Nova was introduced in 1999. One of its notable features is a magazine cutoff button that is located at center underside on the forend, allowing a load change with the other rounds kept in reserve. Overall, the Nova is a beautifully-engineered design.
1. Cycle the action to cock the internal hammer, and set the manual safety in on-safe position. Unscrew the magazine end cap. Operate the slide latch, and move bolt slightly toward the rear. Remove the barrel toward the front.
2. Use a drift punch, or the provided nose on the maga-zine end cap, to start the trigger group cross pins out toward the left.
3. You can drift the pins all the way out, or use the flange on the inside of the magazine end cap to pull them out. Note, for reassembly, that the cross pins are not of equal length.
4. Tilt the trigger group downward at the rear, and take it out rearward and downward.
5. Push on the top of the action bars to tilt them away from their engagement with the bolt, and take out the action slide assembly toward the front.
6. The action bars are retained in the forearm by two short pins that are not routinely removable.
7. The magazine cutoff button can be taken out, inward, by inserting a tool inside to depress its detent plunger. Caution: control the plunger and its coil spring.
8. With the bolt at the rear of the receiver, compress the bolt head into the bolt body, and lift the assembly out.
9. By repeatedly drawing back the ejector and releasing it to strike its roll-pin retainer, it is possible to push out the pin, and remove the ejector and its long coil spring. If this is done, keep a finger near the retainer pin, to arrest it and prevent loss.
10. The magazine spring and follower can be removed in the usual way, by prying out the retainer at the outer end of the tube. Caution: Control the retainer and spring.
11. Restrain the firing pin, and pull out the firing pin retainer. Note that the retainer has a rubber 0-ring at its head, and be sure this isn't dislodged.
12. Remove the firing pin and its spring.
13. It is possible, if necessary for repair, to drift out the large cross pin that retains the bolt head in the bolt. The pin, however, is heavily factory-staked in place. In normal takedown, it should be left in place. If it must be taken out, it is drifted toward the left, in the direction of its staked head.
14. The extractor is pivoted and retained by a roll-pin, which is drifted out downward. Restrain the extractor during removal, and take out the extractor and its coil springs
15. Restrain the hammer, pull the trigger, and ease the hammer down to fired position. Insert a sharp tool beneath the rounded part of the spring clips on the left end of the trigger group cross-pin sleeves, and tip off both spring clips. Restrain them, and take care that these small parts are not lost.
16. Moving it evenly at front and rear, remove the left sideplate. The front portion of the sideplate is the secondary shell stop.
17. Using a rod or drift of appropriate size, push the front cross-pin sleeve just far enough toward the right to free the hammer.
18. Remove the hammer upward.