The Gun Digest Book of Tactical Weapons Assembly/Disassembly. J B WoodЧитать онлайн книгу.
grind or file one to fit.
16. Using the same screwdriver, remove the upper grip screw escutcheon on the right side.
17. With a tool or fingertip, unhook the lower arm of the magazine safety spring from its notch in the frame.
18. Lift the spring out of its slot in the frame, and move it inward to clear its upper loop from the opening in the trigger bar.
19. Turn the spring, and remove it toward the right.
20. Flex the upper arm of the trigger bar spring downward and outward, disengaging it from its slot in the underside of the trigger bar. Pull the trigger to give clearance, and lift the spring out of its recess.
21. Remove the trigger bar toward the right.
22. The cross-shaft of the slide latch is also the trigger pivot. Lift the slide latch at the rear to clear the frame, and move it slightly toward the left. Insert a small screwdriver to disengage the upper arm of the slide latch spring from its shelf in the frame.
23. Remove the slide latch toward the left, and take off its spring.
24. Remove the trigger spring upward.
25. Tip the top of the trigger down into the rear of the guard, and remove it toward either side.
26. Remove the takedown-latch lock button toward the right.
27. Insert a tool to push the longer left block in the rear of the magazine catch toward the right, while pushing the catch toward the left, into the magazine well.
28. When the right end of the catch clears the frame, swing it inward toward the rear, and remove the catch from the frame. For lefthanded shooters, the catch can be installed in reverse.
29. The retaining blocks and magazine catch spring can be removed, if necessary, by tipping the blocks outward. Control the spring during removal.
30. With the hammer in fired position, drift out the large roll cross-pin at the lower rear of the grip frame.
31. The hammer spring base should be forced out when the pin is removed. If it is tight, cocking the hammer will exert pressure to force it out. Remove the base plug from the bottom of the grip frame.
32. Remove the hammer spring and hammer strut from the bottom of the grip frame.
33. Push out the hammer pivot toward the left. Remove the hammer, upward and toward the rear.
34. Restrain the hammer block to avoid loss of the plunger, and drift out the small roll pin at the top of the frame, just behind the magazine well.
35. Keeping the hammer block under control, remove the safety sear trip (hammer-drop lever) toward the front and upward.
36. Keep a fingertip over the rear to arrest the plunger, and move the hammer block toward the left. Ease out the plunger and spring, and remove them upward.
37. Insert a tool to tip the sear forward, and hold it there. Move the hammer block toward the left, then remove it toward the rear.
38. Drifting out the small roll pin below the sear pivot will release the lower tail of the sear spring, relieving its tension. Drifting out the sear pivot pin will release the sear and its spring for removal forward, into the magazine well.
39. Drifting out the other small roll pin at the top of the frame will free the ejector for removal upward.
Reassembly Tips:
1. The trigger, trigger spring, trigger bar, slide-latch, and takedown-latch release button are shown in the position they occupy in the frame. When installing the trigger bar, be sure the rear arm of the trigger spring is lifted to bear on the internal pivot of the bar. Also, be sure the forward tip of the spring enters its hole in the takedown-latch release button.
When replacing the hammer block in the frame, take particular care that the plunger and spring do not get away.
Colt 1911 Series
Similar/Identical Pattern Guns
The same basic assembly/disassembly steps for the Colt 1911 also apply to the following guns:
AMT Combat Government Model | AMT Hardballer | AMT Long Slide |