Paddles Up!. Arlene ChanЧитать онлайн книгу.
program is six sets of eight reps, the target should be within three reps of the given amount of reps on your last two sets. For example, on your 5th and 6th set, the expectation is that you squeeze out a minimum of five reps and a maximum of eight reps using the above example. This is an important rule because the program is designed for neural activation so that the nervous system fires more motor units that recruit more muscle fibres. These, in turn, make you, as a dragon boat paddler, stronger and assist in the ultimate goal of turning your Type IIa fibres into fatigue-resistant powerhouses. The program is periodized with the assumption that the season ends in September and begins in October, and that the big regatta is in August. The goal is identified at the top of each program. A proper warm-up and cool-down of an easy jog or bike ride is needed to get the blood through the muscles for quicker recovery.
Training: Phase 1
LSD = Running a Long Slow Distance at a moderate pace.
Training: Phase 1: Workout #1
DB = Dumbbell
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 1: Workout #2
Training: Phase 1: Workout #3
Training: Phase 1: Workout #4
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 1: Sample Week
LSD = Running a Long Slow Distance at a moderate pace.
(left) Shoulder Press: Position dumbbells on each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists.
(right) Shoulder Press: Exhale and press dumbbells until arms are extended over head. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells.
Training: Phase 2
LSD = Running a Long Slow Distance at a moderate pace.
Training: Phase 2: Workout #1
DB = Dumbbell
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 2: Workout #2
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 2: Workout #3
DB = Dumbbell
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 2: Workout #4
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 2: Sample Week
(left) Squats: With feet shoulder-width apart, hold the bar with an overhand grip as it rests on the shoulders.
(right) Squats: Inhale, contract abs, and bend knees until the thighs are horizontal to the floor. Return to start position and exhale at the end of the movement.
Training: Phase 3
HxS = Hypertrophy Strength Adaptation
Training: Phase 3: Workout #1
DB = Dumbbell
Tempo – 1st number in seconds for up; 2nd number is pause; 3rd number in seconds for concentric
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 3: Workout #2
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 3: Workout #3
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 3: Workout #4
X = Full Speed
Training: Phase 3: Sample Week
LSD = Running a Long Slow Distance at a moderate pace.
One-Arm Row: With your back level to the floor and one hand on the bench for support, start with the weight down by your side.
One-Arm Row: Exhale, lift dumbbell, and concentrate on using your back and shoulder muscles, rather than biceps.
Training: Phase 4
LSD = Running a Long Slow Distance at a moderate pace.
Training: Phase 4: Workout #1
Training: Phase 4: Workout #2
DB = Dumbbell
Training: Phase 4: Workout #3
Training: Phase 4: Workout #4